The One-Minute Temper Tantrum Solution
Strategies for Responding to Children's Challenging Behaviors
Learn what ignites tantrums and how you can prevent them or lessen their impact!
Ronald Mah examines developmental, situational, physical, and temperamental factors that can trigger acting-out behaviors and explores four types of tantrums: manipulative, upset, helpless, and cathartic. With a wealth of examples, vignettes, and practical strategies to help educators avoid long-term negative consequences for children, this accessible book:
- Offers interventions for managing each type of tantrum
- Explains how tactics based on distracting, ignoring, or shaming can lead to escalation
- Addresses tantrums that may be related to disabilities
- Includes a chapter on misdiagnosed tantrums and how to respond appropriately
Product Details
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781412957212
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2008
- Page Count: 160
- Publication date: June 24, 2008
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