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The One-Minute Temper Tantrum Solution

Strategies for Responding to Children's Challenging Behaviors

Learn what ignites tantrums and how you can prevent them or lessen their impact!

Ronald Mah examines developmental, situational, physical, and temperamental factors that can trigger acting-out behaviors and explores four types of tantrums: manipulative, upset, helpless, and cathartic. With a wealth of examples, vignettes, and practical strategies to help educators avoid long-term negative consequences for children, this accessible book:

  • Offers interventions for managing each type of tantrum
  • Explains how tactics based on distracting, ignoring, or shaming can lead to escalation
  • Addresses tantrums that may be related to disabilities
  • Includes a chapter on misdiagnosed tantrums and how to respond appropriately

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412957212
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2008
  • Page Count: 160
  • Publication date: June 24, 2008
Price: $33.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.


"Mah's new book is fantastic! It simplifies the different types of temper tantrums into a manageable approach for educators and child care professionals."
—Kelly Van Raden, Career Advocate for Early Care and Education
Child Care Links

Learn what ignites tantrums and how you can prevent them or lessen their impact!

In clear and understandable language, this invaluable resource explains what's happening when a child throws a tantrum or exhibits other disruptive behaviors. The book offers specific guidance and directions to help teachers meet the challenge of a temper tantrum when it occurs while also increasing their awareness of their own expectations, beliefs, and reactions to children's aggressive behaviors.

In The One-Minute Temper Tantrum Solution, Ronald Mah examines developmental, situational, physical, and temperamental factors that can trigger acting-out behaviors and explores four types of tantrums—manipulative, upset, helpless, and cathartic—that can appear as verbal and/or physical outbursts. With a wealth of examples, vignettes, and easy-to-implement strategies that help educators avoid long-term negative consequences for children, this accessible book:

  • Offers interventions for managing each type of tantrum
  • Explains how tactics based on distracting, ignoring, or shaming can lead to escalation
  • Addresses tantrums that may be related to disabilities
  • Includes a chapter dealing with misdiagnosed tantrums and how to respond appropriately

Based on sensitive, caring principles that nurture and support all children, this practical book can also be used alongside Mah's Difficult Behavior in Early Childhood, which covers issues underlying harmful behaviors.

Key features

  • Chapter-opening vignettes
  • Chapter-ending summaries
  • Good companion to Ronald Mah's"Difficult Behavior in Early Childhood" which addresses issues underlying harmful behaviors


Ronald Mah photo

Ronald Mah

Ronald Mah,an educator and licensed marriage and family therapist, has worked in early childhood education for 16 years. A credentialed elementary and secondary teacher, he is the author of Difficult Behavior in Early Childhood and The One-Minute Temper Tantrum Solution (2006 and 2008, Corwin Press). He wrote the Asian Pacific Islander Parent Education Support curriculum (DHS-San Francisco, 1996). Mah has DVDs on child development and behavior (Fixed Earth Films), and has been involved in community and high school mental health clinics, severe emotional disturbance, at-risk youth, welfare-to-work, and Head Start programs. A graduate college instructor and Board of Directors member of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists and of the California Kindergarten Association, Mah combines concepts, principles, and philosophy with practical techniques and guidelines for effective and productive results. Mah has a psychotherapy practice in San Leandro, California where he works with children, teens, adults, couples, and families.

Table of Contents


About the Author


1. Orderly Assessment to Successful Intervention: Where Do You Start? Where Do You End Up?

2. Developmental Factors: Developmental Energy Will Reassert

3. Situational, Physical, and Disruption Factors: 2 + 1 = Trouble!

4. Temperamental Factors: They Were Born That Way!

5. Systemic Factors: The Savior

6. Specific or Specialized Factors and Moral Factors: Try Harder

7. Four Types of Temper Tantrums! Not Always About Power and Control

8. Manipulative Tantrums: Power and Control

9. Upset Temper Tantrums: Distress

10. Helpless Temper Tantrums: Not Distress but Despair

11. Stress and the Cathartic Tantrum: Releasing the Cathartic Tantrums

12. Getting It Wrong and Getting It Right





Price: $33.95
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.