About The Author
Chapter 1: Opportunity Gaps: Our Ultimate Challenge
School Counseling and Education Disparities
Identity Labels
Where We Have Been, Where We Are, and Where We Are Headed
The Power of School Counselors
Opportunity Gaps versus Achievement Gaps
A Closer Look at the Gaps
What Do We Know About Closing Opportunity Gaps?
Chapter 2: School Counseling Within the Context of Social Justice and Antiracism
Redefining School Counseling to Serve Diverse Groups
Focusing on Antiracism and Social Justice
Key Functions of School Counseling Based on Social Justice and an Antiracist Approach
Chapter 3: Counseling and Intervention Planning
Critical Factors That Affect School Counseling and the Counseling Relationship
Antiracist and Culturally Appropriate Counseling Interventions
Assessing School Counselors’ Cultural Competence
The Influence of Culture and Race on Intervention Planning
Chapter 4: Consultation
Defining Consultation?
Social Justice Considerations and the Consultation Process
Consultation Strategies
Questioning Domains
Assessing School Culture
Chapter 5: Connecting Schools and Communities
Avoiding the Blame Game and Racist Narratives
Equity Framework for Reciprocal Partnerships
Five Principles of Effective SFC Partnerships
Barriers to School–Family Collaborations
Chapter 6: Collecting and Using Data
What Is Accountability?
Using Data to Uncover Inequities
School Counseling Program Evaluation
Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP)
Developing Program Assessment Tools
Chapter 7: Challenging Racism and Bias
How to Be an Antiracist School Counselor
Guidelines for Challenging Racism and Bias
Social Justice Education in Schools
Chapter 8: Coordinating Student Success and Support
Collaborating With Community Organizations and Social Service Agencies
Implementing Scheduling Practices That Promote Racial Equity
Antiracist Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Support Systems
Coordinating College Readiness and Preparation Interventions
Coordinating Tutoring Services
Advocating on Schoolwide Committees
Chapter 9: Doing the Right Thing: Developing An Antiracist, Social Justice–Focused School Counseling Program
Assessing Your Beliefs
Assessing Your Skills
Assessing Your Students’ Needs
Vision for My School Counseling Program
Concluding Remarks
Resource A: Assessing School Equity
Resource B: School Counselor Multicultural Competence Checklist
Resource C: School Culture Assessment
Resource D: Assessing Beliefs About School–Family–Community Partnership Involvement
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