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Revitalizing Curriculum Leadership

Inspiring and Empowering Your School Community
Second Edition
By: Dale L. Brubaker

The time has come to rediscover your own authority!

This exciting, updated edition examines why educators must move beyond the traditional quest for higher test scores. Brubaker offers an "inner curriculum" approach in which a person uses his or her own experiences to enhance a standard course of study. In this innovative resource, the author offers a liberating vision of what it means to inspire learning and empower leaders. Revitalizing Curriculum Leadership includes:

  • Six new appendices to fashion your own inner curriculum
  • Practical methods for developing leadership in teaching communities
  • Real-life case analyses illustrating each chapter's key concepts

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9780761939948
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2004
  • Page Count: 248
  • Publication date: February 19, 2004
Price: $39.95
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"This second edition is a must read for educational leaders. Brubaker's emphasis on 'inner curriculum' is close to my heart and depicts the spirit of becoming an inspired curriculum leader. Administrators and teachers should read this book at least once a year!"
-Deborah Wortham, Director, Department of Professional Development
Baltimore City Public School System, MD

"This book touches the soul of the reader who wants to transcend testing."
-Lawrence Simon, Professor
Elon University

"Revitalizing Curriculum Leadership helped our faculty reexamine assessment and create a productive learning community."
-Kirk Gaddy, Principal
St. Katharine School, Baltimore, MD

The time has come to rediscover your own authority!

When we learn, we learn through our own experiences. So when we teach, how do we incorporate our own invaluable life lessons into a state-mandated curriculum? Dale Brubaker's Revitalizing Curriculum Leadership provides an innovative and liberating solution to this problem. In this updated resource, Brubaker tells why educators need to move beyond the traditional quest for higher test scores. He offers a framework for teachers to develop an "inner curriculum," in which a person uses his or her own values, passions, and life lessons to enhance an already-established course of study.

The author provides guidelines to help teachers take a leadership position in communities. When formula and mandate threaten to dominate educational policy, Brubaker offers an exciting vision of what it means to inspire learning and empower leaders! Revitalizing Curriculum Leadership includes:

  • Six new appendices to help you fashion your own inner curriculum
  • Two new chapters detailing practical methods for developing leadership in teaching and learning communities
  • Self-appraisal inventories designed to develop your own "sense of calling" in your vocation so that you can stay on track
  • Real-life case analyses illustrating each chapter's key concepts

Key features

  • Practical strategies that will help you improve your school's curricula in a substantial, meaningful way (as opposed to quick fixes that raise test scores temporarily, but don't result in genuine learning or sustained improvement).
  • Numerous field-tested case studies that will stimulate thinking and discussion, and illustrate how to bridge theory and practice.
  • Self-appraisal inventories that will help you recognize where you have been, where you are now, and where you would like to be in the future.


Dale L. Brubaker photo

Dale L. Brubaker

Dale L. Brubaker is Professor of Education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He has also served on the faculties of the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. He received his doctorate in foundations of education from Michigan State University. He is the author or coauthor of numerous books on education and educational leadership, including CREATIVE CURRICULUM LEADERSHIP (Corwin), STAYING ON TRACK, (Corwin), and CREATIVE SURVIVAL IN EDUCATIONAL BUREAUCRACIES.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Foreword to the 2nd Edition

Foreword to the 1st Edition


About the Author

Prologue: A Cautionary Tale

Part I. The Meaning of Curriculum

1. Introduction: Developing One's Own Curriculum

2. Defining Inner and Outer Curriculum

Part II. Education as Vocation: How a "Sense of Calling" Influences Curriculum Development

3. Learning From Your Professional Autobiography

4. Looking Forward to Work: The Power of Wanting to Be There

5. Keeping the Fire in Your Vocation

Part III. Curriculum Development Can Make a DIfference

6. Creative Curriculum Leadership in Practice

7. Civility in Leadership:The Ultimate Difference

8. Creative Learning Communities

9. Teacher Leaders



Author Index

Subject Index



Price: $39.95
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