Redesigning Schools to Be Antiracist
Foreword by Cheryl Holcomb-McCoy
Make schools the gateway to knowledge, equality, and freedom for all
The statistics are real: Black students are more likely to be suspended, more likely to attempt suicide, and less likely to attend college than their white peers. What can we do to change these realities? Do you want to just talk about race, or do you want to make real change in the lives of children and what they experience every day?
Antiracism is the design and implementation of practices to address, mitigate, and dismantle racism. In Redesigning Schools to Be Antiracist, author and professional school counselor Stephen Sharp shares a new framework for implementing effective and sustainable systems change to counter racism and redesign education. You'll discover
- Why so many systems remain unchanged despite intensive self-discovery and learning
- What the Oppression Cycle is and how to disrupt it
- Lessons learned from history and how to design a better future by remembering and not repeating the past
Redesigning Schools to Be Antiracist provides school counselors, leaders, and education professionals a way to conceptualize racism and race as systemic in nature, understand systems dynamics and the related tools, and apply these tools to make education better for every student you serve.
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781071875834
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2025
- Page Count: 224
- Publication date: January 06, 2025
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