Reclaim Your Challenging Classroom

Relationship-Based Behavior Management
First Edition
By: Alene H. Harris, Justin D. Garwood

Reclaim Your Challenging Classroom guides teachers in developing effective classroom management techniques, with a particular focus on students with emotional or behavioral disorders.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781071830789
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2021
  • Page Count: 232
  • Publication date: March 29, 2021
Price: $40.95
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Effective classroom management is the key to truly inclusive education

Teachers who excel at classroom management have students who are more engaged, less disruptive, and more likely to achieve academically. What can you do to confront behavior challenges, both in-person and virtually, and set your classroom on a positive course?

Reclaim Your Challenging Classroom guides new and veteran teachers alike in developing effective classroom management techniques, with a particular focus on students with emotional or behavioral disorders. Addressing six interrelated topics—student perceptions of you as teacher, room arrangement, classroom expectations, consequences to encourage appropriate behavior, student lesson engagement, and classroom community—this step-by-step guide empowers teachers to create a positive and effective learning environment that is grounded in the student-teacher relationship. Each chapter includes:

Vignettes inspired by real classrooms and students
Ideas and techniques for successfully addressing common problems
A “What Research Tells Us” feature that relates current research findings to the effective management of inclusive classrooms
Self-assessment inventories linked to each topic, plus more than 50 activities to guide teachers in applying key concepts and strategies in their own classroom

Now is the time to alter the course of your classroom! Effective, relationship-based behavior management keeps students on track and makes your classroom a better place to teach and to learn.


Alene H. Harris photo

Alene H. Harris

Alene Harris, PhD, is a retired professor from Peabody College of Vanderbilt University who for 50 years was a certified teacher in both elementary and secondary (English Language Arts and Life Sciences) levels. Her background includes 16 years of classroom teaching and 23 years of university teaching, including over 2,000 mostly middle school students, with a smattering of elementary and high school, in urban, suburban, and independent schools; and over 1,000 college students, mostly graduate students returning for a master’s plus teaching licensure, at Peabody College.

Her expertise includes classroom management, lesson design, and staff development. She has more than 25 years of educational research in classroom management and lesson design and effective teaching, including federally funded research in classroom management and inclusion students (elementary); student self-monitoring and its effect on special education placement (elementary); and lesson design, student engagement, and academic achievement (secondary and postsecondary).

As an educational consultant, Alene has developed and led teacher-level workshops in classroom management with more than 5,000 K-12 teachers and administrators, training-of-trainers workshops in classroom management to more than 800 school systems staff developers, and workshops in lesson design with more than 1,000 university professors and doctoral students. This staff development includes experiences in 30 states, one American territory, and the country of Costa Rica.

Justin D. Garwood photo

Justin D. Garwood

Justin D. Garwood, PhD, is a current university faculty member in the College of Education and Social Services at the University of Vermont and is active with the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) across multiple divisions, including the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders (CCBD), Division of Learning Disabilities, Division for Research, and Teacher Education Division. Within CCBD, he serves as secretary (a nationally elected position) on the executive board. Justin routinely presents at the CEC national conference as well as at the annual conference for Teacher Educators for Children with Behavior Disorders. In his role as university professor, he teaches courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels focused on behavior management, academic intervention, and inclusion.

An author of more than 40 peer-reviewed journal articles, Garwood’s research has received national accolades. In 2018, he was awarded the CEC Early Career Publication Award for his research focused on behavior management of youth with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBDs). In 2019, he received the Research Article of the Year Award from the American Council on Rural Special Education for his study of burnout among educators serving youth with disabilities. Justin has served as an expert witness before a US Commission on Civil Rights hearing regarding appropriate approaches to disciplinary practices in schools. Currently, and with support from the US Department of Education, he is studying burnout among special education teachers serving students with EBDs.

Table of Contents

Why This Book

Questions You Might Have Before You Begin


Area One: Students’ Perceptions of You as Their Teacher

Area Two: Physical Arrangement of the Classroom and Materials

Area Three: Expectations and Procedures by Which Your Classroom Runs

Area Four: Consequences You Choose to Use to Encourage Appropriate Behavior

Area Five: Students’ Engagement in Academic Lessons

Area Six: Classroom Climate and Communication

Appendices: Charts, Resources, Reproducibles, and Keys of Possible Answers



Price: $40.95
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