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Promising Practices for Elementary Teachers

Make No Excuses!

This book offers educators tools to break the cycle of failure for students who are unsuccessful in school, including alternative instructional strategies, practices for vulnerable children, and more.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-5
  • ISBN: 9781412978088
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2009
  • Page Count: 184
  • Publication date: November 23, 2012
Price: $39.95
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"Presents an abundance of effective strategies for adapting instruction such that children with disabilities, those who exhibit behavioral or motivational problems, or those who speak a language different from English will succeed in every classroom. If American schools are truly to educate all children well, then all teachers need to use these powerful ideas for differentiating instruction effectively. This text provides the tool kit every elementary teacher needs to achieve this goal."
—Richard Allington, Professor of Education
University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Proven strategies to put struggling students on the path to success!

Teachers have the power to change lives, particularly for struggling learners who have difficulty understanding how education broadens their future opportunities. This book offers educators a deeper awareness of the role they play in breaking the cycle of failure for students who are unsuccessful in school.

Written in a supportive tone, this volume helps elementary school teachers effectively reach and teach struggling students. With real-life vignettes, in-depth case studies, and reflective practice scenarios and questions, this book includes:

  • A broad spectrum of alternative instructional strategies for all learners, including fostering parental involvement, multi-tiered instruction, peer learning models, and universal design for learning
  • Effective approaches for fostering student success before a child is referred to special education
  • Practices and programs that address the needs of at-risk populations, including English language learners, children living in poverty, and learners with disabilities
  • Specific interventions and positive support for learners with behavioral challenges

Promising Practices for Elementary Teachers is an empowering resource for educators determined to bring hope and encouragement to all learners.

Key features

  • Focuses on a range of alternative instructional strategies for success with all children including fosteringparental involvement, multi-tiered instruction such as RTI, peer learning models such as instructional conversations, and universal design for learning
  • Special emphasis on "prevention as the best intervention," i.e., strategies for student success before a child is referred to special education
  • Addresses the needs of a range of"at risk" populationsincluding English Language Learners and other children of non-dominant cultures, low SES children, and learners with disabilities
  • Includes real-life vignettes and in-depth case studies to promote reader connections and foster analysis
  • Includes reflective practice scenarios that set up a problem, followed by reflective questions


Susan Benner photo

Susan Benner

Susan Benner grew up in Atlanta, Georgia during a period of significant social change and racial unrest throughout the country. She earned her BA in Social Sciences at Southern Methodist University and MS in special education from The University of Tennessee. After teaching as a special educator in Memphis, Tennessee, she received her Ed.D. in special education from Teachers College, Columbia University. Since 1980, Dr. Benner has been at The University of Tennessee, where she is Professor and Department Head for Theory and Practice in Teacher Education. Dr. Benner has published three textbooks, including Issues in Special Education Within the Context of

American Society and Assessment of Young Children with Special Needs. She is currently a coeditor of the Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, affiliated with the National Association for Early Childhood Teacher Education. Dr. Benner’s areas of interest are teacher education, including special and literacy education, and urban teaching. She is principal investigator for several grants, including one focused on teacher professional

development in literacy and system-level development of Response-to- Intervention models. She is co-principal investigator for a National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Scholarship Planning Grant to develop urban teacher residency programs in two East Tennessee school districts. Dr. Benner has two daughters, a son-in-law, and four grandchildren, from whom she learns new lessons every day.

Table of Contents



About the Author

1. Who Belongs in School?

Why Are Struggling Students in General Education Classes?

Who Are the Students that Struggle in School?

Closing Thoughts

2. Prevention as Intervention: Building a Sense of Community

Creating a Sense of Community in Diverse Classes

Classroom Practices That Foster Sense of Community

Closing Thoughts

3. Motivation as Intervention

Student Motivation

Closing Thoughts

4. Parent Involvement Is Worth the Effort

Parental Involvement Efforts Can Be Successful

What Does Effective Parental Involvement Look Like?

Family Literacy Programs

Closing Thoughts

5. Understanding Challenging Behavior in the Classroom

Classroom-Level Prevention Strategies

Classroom-Level Interventions for Challenging Behaviors

Closing Thoughts

6. Universal Design for Learning

Implementing Universal Design for Learning

Assumptions of Universal Design for Learning

Developing UDL Instructional Materials

Closing Thoughts

7. Dialogue and Instructional Conversation as an Instructional Strategy

Teaching as an Act of Assisting Students

Transforming Classroom Discourse Into Instructional Conversation

Including Children Who Are English Language Learners or Non-oral Communicators

Closing Thoughts

8. Peer-Assisted Learning Models of Instruction

Peer-Assisted Learning Models

Closing Thoughts

9. Differentiating Instruction

Understanding the Range of Achievement in the Room

Response to Intervention

Disaggregating Student Achievement Within the Classroom

Closing Thoughts







Price: $39.95
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