Multiple Assessments for Multiple Intelligences

Formerly a SkyLight publication

In this updated edition, the authors show how to devise specific performance standards for each intelligence and easily apply them directly in the classroom.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781575170763
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 1997
  • Page Count: 264
  • Publication date: June 01, 1997
Price: $46.95
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Formerly a SkyLight publication

Three of the most respected minds in education today have come together to assist teachers in modifying assessment practices by laying out a road map that guides readers through multiple intelligences and assessment practices. In this updated edition of Multiple Assessments for Multiple Intelligences, authors James Bellanca, Carolyn Chapman, and Elizabeth Swartz show how to devise specific performance standards for each intelligence and easily apply them directly in the classroom. They also demonstrate why each intelligence is important to a curriculum and offer ways to strengthen each intelligence.

This resource includes:

  • Definitions of the intelligences
  • Examples of the best teaching methods for developing each intelligence
  • Useful standards for creating a rubric for each intelligence
  • An example of an appropriate measurement tool and discussions on various alternatives
  • Sample lessons that target the intelligence


James Bellanca photo

James Bellanca

James Bellanca is a life-long advocate for the principles and practices created by Reuven Feuerstein. As a Senior Fellow for the Partnership for 21st Century Learning, he created and edits the innovative P21Blogazine. He is the editor of a series of 21st Century Deeper Learning collections, has authored more than a dozen how-to books aimed to infuse critical and creative thinking across the curriculum and is President of the Illinois Consortium for 21st Century Schools.

Carolyn Chapman photo

Carolyn Chapman

Carolyn Chapman is an international educational consultant, author, and teacher who has taught in kindergarten to college classrooms. Her interactive, hands-on professional development training sessions challenge educators to use strategies that ensure success for learners of all ages. Chapman has written many books about differentiated instruction, multiple intelligences, multiple assessments, and the brain-compatible classroom. She is coauthor with Gayle Gregory of the landmark Corwin Press book Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size Doesn't Fit All.

Table of Contents


1. The Assessment Challenge: Assessing Classroom Standards

2. Multiple Strategies for Multiple Assessments

3. Multiple Tools for Multiple Assessments

4. Assessing Performances in Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence

5. Assessing Performances in Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence

6. Assessing Performances in Logical/Mathematical Intelligence

7. Assessing Performances in Visual/Spatial Intelligence

8. Assessing Performances in Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence

9. Assessing Performances in Intrapersonal Intelligence

10. Assessing Performances in Interpersonal Intelligence

11. Assessing Performances in Naturalist Intelligence

12. Creating a Multiple Intelligences Portfolio

13. Communicating Multiple Intelligences Assessment with Parents





Price: $46.95
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