Hands-on, Practical Guidance for Educators
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Multiculturalism and TQE
Addressing Cultural Diversity in Schools
Enormous changes have taken place in American schools during the last 30 years: increased racial and ethnic diversity, recognition of gender inequality, and the changing demographics of the American family have all brought increased challenges to educators and administrators. The authors of this book confront the individual and institutional barriers of prejudice and discrimination that must be overcome to ensure an equitable, accessible, high-quality education for all students. Specific activities and approaches are included to broaden awareness, understanding and communication. This volume provides clear, practical and detailed examples that can be used to incorporate the philosophy of TQE with multicultural teaching in positive and supporting ways.
Product Details
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9780803961074
- Published By: Corwin
- Series: Total Quality Education for the World
- Year: 1994
- Page Count: 128
- Publication date: March 17, 1994
Review Copies
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