Making Sense of Social Networks in Schools

By: Terrence E. Deal, Ted Purinton, Daria Cook Waetjen

Foreword by Guilbert C. Hentschke

Discover how to navigate your school's social networks to maximize communication and collaboration!

Social networks reflect the invisible relationships that control the flow of information and power. This resource for school leaders examines the types of social networks typically found in schools and provides samples of social network maps, steps for developing your own maps, and practical advice for managing social networks effectively. Promote school goals by leveraging the power of:

  • Task networks determined by work roles and organizational structure
  • Friendship networks based on relationships between staff members
  • Power networks that can influence opinions and resources
  • Culture networks that can help unite staff

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412954440
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2008
  • Page Count: 176
  • Publication date: December 03, 2008
Price: $32.95
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"It is refreshing to see a volume dedicated first and foremost to understanding and building human relationships in schools. By developing strong networks, schools can foster open systems committed to distributive leadership and exemplary academic outcomes."
—Sharon Conley, Professor
University of California, Santa Barbara

Discover how to navigate your school's social networks to maximize communication and collaboration!

Social networks reflect the usually invisible relationships that control the flow of information and power within a school. This compelling guide provides school leaders with an understanding of the real relationships within their schools and how to use their social savvy to promote school goals.

This resource examines the types of social networks typically found in schools and provides samples of social network maps, steps for developing your own maps, and practical advice for managing social networks effectively. Learn how to leverage the power of:

  • Task networks determined by work roles and organizational structure
  • Friendship networks based on relationships between staff members
  • Power networks that can influence opinions and resources
  • Culture networks that can help unite staff

By understanding the many relationships that contribute to a school's culture, leaders can cultivate innovative ideas, enhance teacher capacity, manage conflict, and get things done.

Key features

  • A running story throughout the book anchors the concepts of social network analysis in the everyday experiences of school leaders' professional lives, is built from the authors' research using social network analysis in schools and other organizations, and shows how to use these networksto benefit students and the entire learning community
  • Numerous social network maps graphically illustrate various types of networks and showthe relationships among the various players in each network
  • The book helps leaders develop their own school's social network mapsusing multiple strategies including interviews, surveys, and data analysis
  • Readers will findnumerous strategies and practical advice for managing the social networks in their schools to foster collegial learning communities and promote school improvement


Terrence E. Deal photo

Terrence E. Deal

Terrence E. Deal is the Irving R. Melbo Professor at University of Southern California’s Rossier School. He is an internationally known lecturer and author who has written numerous books on leadership and organizations. In addition to those written with Lee Bolman, he is the coauthor of Corporate Cultures (with Alan Kennedy, 1982) and Shaping School Culture (with Kent Peterson, 1999).
Ted Purinton photo

Ted Purinton

Ted Purinton is assistant professor in the Department of Educational Leadership at National-Louis University in Chicago. His research interests are in organizational theory, educational policy, and innovation diffusion. He has worked with various organizations in their explorations of their own internal social networks.
Daria Cook Waetjen photo

Daria Cook Waetjen

Daria Cook Waetjen is a veteran teacher, special educator, and administrator. Currently at the Orange County Department of Education in Southern California, her focus is on organizational innovations and school reform.

Table of Contents


About the Authors

Foreword by Guilbert Hentschke

Preface: What's in a Song?

Lyrics to Green Door

Introduction: The New Principal Encounters a Locked Door: Through a Smoky Cloud

Outside Looking In

Overview of the Book

1. A Glimmer of Networks: Saw an Eyeball Peepin'

Business Research

Predominance of Networks

Impact on Schools

Misreading Clues

The Context of Leadership

Managing Networks

Finding Direction

2. Network Basics: Green Door, What’s That Secret You’re Keepin’

Nuts and Bolts

Network Players

Whole Networks

The Key to the Green Door

3. Limitations of Task Networks: Door Slammed, Hospitality's Thin There

Searching for the Boss

Turned Down by the Boss

No Access

Finding Access



Stephanie Relaxes the Rule Book

4. Friendship Networks: The Happy Crowd

Finding Friends

Someone Who Understands Me

Someone Convenient

The Impact of Comfortable Connections

Emotional Contagion

Informal Induction

Jasmine’s Cost-Benefit Decision

Friendship and Productivity

Antipathy and Its Problems

The Blessings and Curses of Friendship Networks

5. Power Networks: Wish They’d Let Me In

Politics as Usual

Power Stars

Power as Perception

Power Players

Baskets and Eggs

Working the Power Networks

Principals as Politicians

6. Culture Networks: They Laugh a Lot Behind the Green Door

Stories and Traditions

Ties That Bind

The Way Things Are Done Around Here

Tribal Leaders, Mavericks, Mavens, Gossips, and Spies

The Door Ajar

Cultural Players

Trust Thy Neighbor

The Spirit Moves Her: A Principal Assumes the Dais

The Ghost of Garvey

A Bonding Moment

Reflecting on Garvey’s Green Door

7. Scoping and Working the Networks: Midnight, One More Night Without Sleepin’

Promises and Caveats of Network Study

Beyond Individual Players

Learning Communities, Culture, and Communication

Making Sense of School Networks

Opening a Can of Worms: Big Brother or the Future of Leadership

Inside the Green Door

Appendix: Research on Networks in Sociology, Business, and Education

Network Literature

Network and Related Literature in Education

Our Endeavors in Social Network Analysis




Price: $32.95
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