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A Districtwide Approach to Staff and Student Learning
By: Nancy Fichtman Dana, Carol Thomas, Sylvia Boynton

Foreword by Jim Knight

This book helps districts define, develop, and implement a systematic approach to districtwide professional development. Its award-winning inquiry model challenges participants to take control of their own learning.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412992473
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2011
  • Page Count: 200
  • Publication date: October 22, 2011
Price: $39.95
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Connect inquiry to improved teaching and learning across your district!

Now that federal and state initiatives require school districts to provide job-embedded professional development, the next step is making it happen. This book helps districts define, develop, and implement a systematic inquiry-based process with a laser-like focus on both adult and student learning. This book's inquiry model challenges educators and students to:

  • Define questions they are passionate about exploring
  • Collect and analyze data to inform their questions
  • Share what they have learned through the process with others
  • Collaborate to build on their results and improve student achievement

The authors' award-winning school improvement program, featured in the text, offers a fresh look at how to improve the quality of teaching and learning across a district. Administrators, teachers, and students will find an invaluable road map for tackling real-world challenges and taking control of their own learning.


Nancy Fichtman Dana photo

Nancy Fichtman Dana

Nancy Fichtman Dana is professor of education and distinguished teaching scholar at the University of Florida, Gainesville. She began her career in education as an elementary school teacher in Hannibal Central Schools, New York. Since earning her PhD from Florida State University in 1991, she has been a passionate advocate for teacher inquiry and has worked extensively in supporting schools, districts, and universities in implementing powerful programs of job-embedded professional development through inquiry across the United States and in several countries, including Belgium, the Netherlands, China, South Korea, Estonia, Slovenia, Spain, and Portugal. She has published 12 books and more than 100 articles in professional journals and edited books focused on her research exploring teacher and principal professional development and practitioner inquiry. Dana has received many honors for her teaching, research, and writing. Among them are the Association of Teacher Educators Mentoring and Distinguished Research in Teacher Education awards, the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate’s David G. Imig Distinguished Service Award, the National Staff Development Council (now Learning Forward) Book of the Year Award, and was one of three finalist in Baylor University’s prestigious Robert Foster Cherry Award for Great Teaching 2020 competition. Before joining the faculty at University of Florida in 2003, she worked at The Pennsylvania State University for 11 years, creating and launching their award-winning inquiry-based Professional Development School program with the State College Area School District. At the University of Florida, she worked to embed inquiry as a signature pedagogy into the undergraduate teacher education program, as well as developed and taught three popular classes on inquiry at the master’s and doctoral levels. In partnership with the Lastinger Center for Learning, Dana led the development and implementation of inquiry-based professional development for teachers across the state that included several of the nation’s largest school districts. Further, she was instrumental in the development of UF’s Teacher Leadership for School Improvement Program and Professional Practice Doctorate in Teachers, Schools, and Society, both national award winning programs that highlight inquiry as a signature program feature and have been recognized by U.S. News & World Report as the #1 Online Graduate Education Programs in the nation.
Carol Thomas photo

Carol Thomas

Carol Thomas is currently an Area Superintendent for Pinellas County Schools. To address the needs of the nation’s 22nd largest school, the district utilizes area superintendents to lead, support and develop the work of schools. Of the 37 diverse elementary schools that Thomas oversees, 27 made the NCLB’s “adequate yearly progress” standard in 2009. For the past three years the work of her region has been focused on a systematic approach to developing powerful instructional leaders. Using professional learning communities, principals and assistant principals studied and practiced the art of practitioner inquiry. As a result, school leaders have a clear understanding of the elements and power of an inquiry rich environment. Her vision and leadership supports an unwavering commitment to the practice of inquiry as the cornerstone for authentic, passionate teacher/educator professional development. Thomas began her career in education as a special education teacher in the Arlington, Virginia. Dr. Thomas has a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction. Since that time she has dedicated 29 years to the Pinellas school community as teacher, Principal, Director of Professional Development, and Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction.
Sylvia Boynton photo

Sylvia Boynton

Sylvia Boynton is a “professor in residence” in the University of Florida’s College of Education. In this role through the UF Lastinger Center for Learning, she works with teachers and administrators in a district-based, school improvement initiative in Pinellas County (St. Petersburg and Clearwater), Florida. She works intensively in 19 Title 1 elementary schools with a total of 75 educators who are earning graduate degrees in the Teacher Leadership for School Improvement (TLSI) program at UF. In addition, she collaborates with two associate superintendents to provide inquiry-focused professional development to elementary principals. Most recently she has begun working with a district/university team in an effort to infuse educator inquiry throughout all professional development. Dr. Boynton has a Ph.D. in anthropological linguistics and an M.A. in Latin American Studies. She has worked in Texas and Florida as an ESL teacher.

Table of Contents

List of Figures



About the Authors



Part I. For the Administrator

1. The Principal Professional Learning Community

2. The Principal Professional Learning Community in Practice

Part II. For the Teacher

3. The Inquiry-Oriented PLC

4. The Inquiry-Oriented Learning Community in Practice

Part III. For the Student

5. Introducing Inquiry Into the Classroom

6. Student Inquiry in Practice

Part IV. For the Professional Developer

7. The Importance of Coaching

8. Developing a District-Wide Cadre of Coaches



Price: $39.95
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