Implementing Positive Behavior Support Systems in Early Childhood and Elementary Settings
Learn how to teach and support appropriate behavior and build confidence in young children!
This easy-to-read resource presents the Programwide/Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Support (PW/SW-PBS) system, a preventive, research-based approach that helps educators teach classroom behavior skills the same way they teach academic skills. The authors outline the PW/SW-PBS model, describe the core practices, and provide case examples to aid implementation. Key features of this instruction-based system include:
- Differing levels of intervention to meet individual student needs
- Clearly stated behavioral expectations
- Consistent acknowledgment of students' mastery of expectations
- Systematic use of consequences for problem behavior
Product Details
- Grade Level: PreK-4
- ISBN: 9781412940566
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2007
- Page Count: 152
- Publication date: November 28, 2007
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