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Equity by Design

Delivering on the Power and Promise of UDL

When it comes to the hard work of reconstructing our schools into places where every student has the opportunity to succeed, Mirko Chardin and Katie Novak are absolutely convinced that teachers should serve as our primary architects. And by “teachers” they mean legions of teachers working in close collaboration. After all, it’s teachers who design students’ learning experiences, who build student relationships . . . who ultimately have the power to change the trajectory of our students’ lives.

Equity by Design is intended to serve as a blueprint for teachers to alter the all-too-predictable outcomes for our historically under-served students. A first of its kind resource, the book makes the critical link between social justice and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) so that we can equip students (and teachers, too) with the will, skill, and collective capacity to enact positive change.

Inside you’ll find:

  • Concrete strategies for designing and delivering a culturally responsive, sustainable, and equitable framework for all students
  • Rich examples, case studies, and implementation spotlights of educators, students (including Parkland survivors), and programs that have embraced a social justice imperative
  • Evidence-based application of best practices for UDL to create more inclusive and equitable classrooms
  • A flexible format to facilitate use with individual teachers, teacher teams, and as the basis for whole-school implementation

“Every student,” Mirko and Katie insist, “deserves the opportunity to be successful regardless of their zip code, the color of their skin, the language they speak, their sexual and/or gender identity, and whether or not they have a disability.” Consider Equity by Design a critical first step forward in providing that all-important opportunity.

“Our calling is to drop our egos, commit to removing barri­ers, and treat our learners with the unequivocal respect and dignity they deserve.”

~Mirko Chardin and Katie Novak

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781544380247
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2020
  • Page Count: 208
  • Publication date: August 06, 2020
Price: $36.95
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.


“Our calling is to drop our egos, commit to removing barri­ers, and treat our learners with the unequivocal respect and dignity they deserve.”

--Mirko Chardin and Katie Novak

When it comes to the hard work of reconstructing our schools into places where every student has the opportunity to succeed, Mirko Chardin and Katie Novak are absolutely convinced that teachers should serve as our primary architects. And by “teachers” they mean legions of teachers working in close collaboration. After all, it’s teachers who design students’ learning experiences, who build student relationships . . . who ultimately have the power to change the trajectory of our students’ lives.

Equity by Design is intended to serve as a blueprint for teachers to alter the all-too-predictable outcomes for our historically under-served students. A first of its kind resource, the book makes the critical link between social justice and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) so that we can equip students (and teachers, too) with the will, skill, and collective capacity to enact positive change.

Inside you’ll find:

  • Concrete strategies for designing and delivering a culturally responsive, sustainable, and equitable framework for all students
  • Rich examples, case studies, and implementation spotlights of educators, students (including Parkland survivors), and programs that have embraced a social justice imperative
  • Evidence-based application of best practices for UDL to create more inclusive and equitable classrooms
  • A flexible format to facilitate use with individual teachers, teacher teams, and as the basis for whole-school implementation

“Every student,” Mirko and Katie insist, “deserves the opportunity to be successful regardless of their zip code, the color of their skin, the language they speak, their sexual and/or gender identity, and whether or not they have a disability.” Consider Equity by Design a critical first step forward in providing that all-important opportunity.

Also From Corwin:

  • Hammond/Culturally Responsive Teaching & the Brain: 9781483308012
  • Moore/The Guide for White Women Who Teach Black Boys: 9781506351681
  • France/Reclaiming Professional Learning: 9781544360669


Mirko Chardin photo

Mirko Chardin

Mirko Chardin is the Founding Head of School of the Putnam Avenue Upper School in Cambridge, MA. Mirko's work has involved all areas of school management and student support. His greatest experience and passion revolves around culturally connected teaching and learning, recruiting and retaining educators of color, restorative practice, and school culture. He delivers keynotes across the nation on equity, social justice and personal narrative. He is also a race, diversity and cultural proficiency facilitator & leadership coach for the Aspire Institute at Boston University’s New Wheelock College of Human Development. He is a principal mentor for the Perone-Sizer Creative Leadership Institute, a Trustee at Wheaton College and is an active hip-hop artist.

Katie Novak photo

Katie Novak

Katie Novak, Ed.D. is an internationally renowned education consultant as well as a practicing leader in education in Massachusetts. With 17 years of experience in teaching and administration, an earned doctorate in curriculum and teaching, and seven published books, Katie designs and presents workshops both nationally and internationally focusing on implementation of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and universally designed leadership.

Table of Contents



About the Authors

CHAPTER 1 • Universal Design as an Instrument of Change

The Power and Promise of Universal Design for Learning

Connecting UDL and Social Justice

Concrete Examples and Strategies

Implementation Spotlight by Dr. Linda Nathan and Ms. Carmen Torres

Implementation Spotlight by Ian Wilkins

CHAPTER 2 • Laying the Groundwork for Social Justice in Our Classrooms and Learning Communities

Concept Stabilization: Defining Social Justice in Your Context

Concept Calibration: Now That We’ve Defined It, What Does It Look Like?

Implementation Spotlight by Alice Cohen

Identity Development: Who Are We, and What Do We Believe?

Implementation Spotlight by Brian Wright

Implementation Spotlight by Robert Porter

Equity Audit

Take Action and Next Steps

Implementation Spotlight by Michael S. Martin

CHAPTER 3 • Social Justice Through Collaboration and Community

Intentional Learning Communities

Implementation Spotlight by Kari Thierer

Evidence-Based Intentional Learning

Going Beyond Access

Cogen Dialogues

Implementation Spotlight by Pamela Chu-Sheriff

Optimizing Student Voice

CHAPTER 4 • Personalized Learning for Equity

The Design Process

Implementation Spotlight by Angeline UyHam and Khari Milner

Universal Design as Design Thinking

The Power of Student Voice

Implementation Spotlight by Andratesha Fritzgerald

Supporting Executive Function Through UDL

Implementation Spotlight by Amanda Hughes

CHAPTER 5 • Identity, Mirrors, and Funds of Knowledge

Implementation Spotlight by Arthur Lipkin, EdD

Embracing Funds of Knowledge

Funds of Knowledge Activities

Implementation Spotlight by Joni Degner

Facilitating Conversations That Peek Into Mirrors and Windows

Implementation Spotlight by Tammie Reynolds

Exploring Identity and Diversity Through Writing

Implementation Spotlight by Christina Farese

CHAPTER 6 • Cultural Responsiveness and Equity

UDL as a Framework for Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning

Sustaining Culture Through Relationships

Implementation Spotlight by Juan Gallardo

Sustaining Culture Through Community

Implementation Spotlight by Kristie Jackson

Implementation Spotlight by Angel Tucker

Implementation Spotlight by Samantha Feinberg

Culturally Responsive Curriculum Design

Implementation Spotlight by Lissette Castillo Agyeman

How to Navigate Holidays in an Equitable Way

Implementation Spotlight by Mona M. Abo-Zena and Christina Brown

CHAPTER 7 • Restorative Justice and Restorative Practices

Restorative Practice to Uphold High Expectations

Restorative Practice Continuum

Implementation Spotlight by Talisa Sullivan

Restorative Practice in Action

Implementation Spotlight by Adina Davidson and Annie Leavitt

Implementation Spotlight by Dr. Sarah Couplet

CHAPTER 8 • A Student’s Journey

The Early Years

Encounters With Authority

Appendix A

Appendix B: UDL Progression Rubric



Price: $36.95
Volume Discounts applied in Shopping Cart

Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.