Developing Performance-Based Assessments, Grades K-5

Use PBAs to design learning experiences that increase student engagement and achievement!

In easy-to-understand terms, this book describes how to construct performance-based assessments (PBAs) that measure learner performance and allow educators to align curriculum and instruction with students' needs. Using PBAs, teachers can engage students in the learning process, connect the learning to students' individual lives, and monitor learning outcomes. The author assists teachers with:

  • Detailed and clear examples of performance-based assessments
  • Guidelines for creating and using rubrics and assessment templates
  • Checklists, frequently asked questions, graphic organizers, and activities to reinforce the content in each chapter

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-5
  • ISBN: 9781412966092
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2008
  • Page Count: 232
  • Publication date: December 23, 2008
Price: $41.95
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Access the Book Appendices here.

"In an era where buzzwords like 'assessment' and 'accountability' are used every day in our school systems, a book like this is long overdue. The author clearly explains important terminology while providing easy-to-understand ways to engage in quality assessment in any elementary classroom."
—Jennifer Sinsel, Elementary Gifted Teacher
Bostic Traditional Magnet School, Andover, KS

Use PBAs to design learning experiences that increase student engagement and achievement!

There is nothing more rewarding than the moment when a student "gets it." Helping educators reach that goal, Nancy P. Gallavan demonstrates how performance-based assessments (PBAs) can help create stimulating teaching and learning environments in elementary classrooms.

This easy-to-understand guide explains how to construct assessments that effectively measure learner performance and allow educators to align curriculum and instruction with students' needs. With PBAs, teachers can engage students in the learning process, connect the learning to students' individual lives, and monitor learning outcomes. The author provides:

  • Detailed and clear examples of performance-based assessments
  • Guidelines for creating and using rubrics and assessment templates
  • Checklists, frequently asked questions, graphic organizers, and activities to reinforce the content in each chapter
  • Numerous appendices, including standards for educational assessment, the four domains of learning, and a host of helpful Web sites, readings, and references

Developing Performance-Based Assessments, Grades K–5 is a valuable asset for facilitating learning experiences with rewarding outcomes.

Key features

  • Includes tools for assessment and instructions on how to build and use rubrics
  • Each chapter includes checklists, frequently asked questions, graphic organizers, and activities to reinforce the content
  • Includes five appendices: Standards For Teacher Competence in Educational Assessment of Students; the four domains of learning; a poem about PBA; a list of readings; and a list of helpful web sites.


Nancy P. Gallavan photo

Nancy P. Gallavan

Nancy P. Gallavan, Ph.D., is Professor of Teacher Education at the University of Central Arkansas where she specializes in classroom assessments and cultural competence in the Department of Teaching and Learning MAT Program, which she helped to start in 2006. The UCA MAT Program was recognized as the Distinguished Program in Teacher Education by the Association of Teacher Educators in 2010. Dr. Gallavan also serves as the UCA Academic Liaison to Institutional Diversity.

Receiving university and college awards for her teaching, scholarship, and service, Dr. Gallavan has expertise in K-12 education, classroom assessments, curriculum development, cultural competence, social studies education, and teacher self-efficacy. With more than 120 peer-reviewed publications in journals, as chapters in books, and as books, Dr. Gallavan authored two versions of Developing Performance-Based Assessments, one for Grades K-5 and one for Grades 6-12 with Corwin Press in 2009. She also authored two versions of Navigating Cultural Competence: A Compass for Teachers, one for Grades K-5 and one for Grades 6-12 with Corwin Press in 2011. With Ellen Kottler, she co-authored Secrets to Success for Beginning Elementary School Teachers with Corwin Press in 2007 and Secrets to Success for Social Studies Teachers with Corwin Press in 2008. Most of these books have been republished in multiple languages.

Her research agenda focuses on classroom assessments and teacher self-efficacy. Her chapter, “If you want your students to change, then you need to change: Mediating the sources and benefits of teacher self-efficacy with teacher candidates,” will be published in the Handbook of Research on Professional Development for Quality Teaching and Learning in 2016. Dr. Gallavan serves as the editor of the Arkansas Association of Teacher Educators Electronic Journal (ArATE EJ) and co-editor of the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) Annual Yearbook of Research.

An active member of American Educational Research Association (AERA), Association of Teacher Educators (ATE), Kappa Delta Pi (KDP), National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME), and National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), she is involved with the AERA Classroom Assessment Special Interest Group and serves as Chair of the ATE Commission of Online Teaching, Learning, and Schooling. Dr. Gallavan is a Past President and a Distinguished Member of the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE), a Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) Eleanor Roosevelt Legacy Chapter inaugural member, and a member of Phi Delta Phi (education honor society).

Prior to joining the University of Central Arkansas, Dr. Gallavan was an Assistant/Associate Professor with the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, specializing in social studies education and cultural competence. She began her career in education as an elementary school and middle level classroom teacher primarily in the Cherry Creek School District in Colorado. She earned her undergraduate degree in Elementary Education with an emphasis in Literacy from Southwest Missouri State University (now Missouri State University); her master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Gifted and Talented Education from the University of Colorado, Boulder; her school administrator license from the University of Colorado, Denver; and her doctoral degree in Curriculum Leadership with a cognate in Cultural Competence from the University of Denver. At the University of Denver, she received the Phi Delta Kappa Outstanding Dissertation Award.

Table of Contents


About the Author


1. Examining the Many Purposes of Assessment

Demystify Performance-Based Assessments

Understand the Six Components of Assessment

Picture the Continuous Flow of Assessment

Know the Reasons for Selecting Your Assessments...

Extend With Questions and Activities

2. Planning Assessments to Promote Understanding

Use Formal and Informal Assessments

Become a Data-Driven Teacher

Understand Assessment Principles and Practices

Watch for Common Errors in Assessing

Visualize the Overall Process...

Extend With Questions and Activities

3. Collecting Baseline Data for Preassessments

Set Three Goals to Guide Your Preassessments

Question Each of the Six Components of Assessment

Keep Anecdotal Records

Follow These Guidelines as You Preassess

Realize That Assessment Is a Continuous Process...

Extend With Questions and Activities

4. Aligning Appropriate Formative Assessments

Consider the Six Components of Assessment

Design Your Curriculum

Align Assessments With Curriculum and Instruction

Explore Cognition Via Patterns of Thought

Plan With Competence and Confidence...

Extend With Questions and Activities

5. Incorporating Learning, Assigning Instruction Followed by Feedback and Correction

Assign Your Instruction and Activities

Employ Multiple Instructional Strategies

Consider These Assessment Recommendations

Include All Kinds of Questions With Your Formative Assessments

Optimize the Feedback

Involve Your Learners in the Process

Have Fun With Formative Assessments...

Extend With Questions and Activities

6. Administering Summative Assessments

Connect to the Goals and Components of Assessment

Create Your Summative Assessments

Prepare Learners for Summative Assessments

Set Your Sights on the Five As

Continue the Assessment Cycle...

Extend With Questions and Activities

7. Identifying What to Assess: Inviting the Five Types of Inquiry and Information

Introduce the Five Types of Inquiry

Balance Three Conditions With Five Types of Inquiry

Delve Into Responses

Enhance Variety in Your Inquiries

Include All Types of Thinking, Acting, and Feeling...

Extend With Questions and Activities

8. Analyzing How to Assess: Applying the Five Forms of Appraisal and Authentication

Analyze the Five Forms of Appraisal and Authentication

Implement Assessments Purposefully

Develop Appraisals to Showcase Learning...

Extend With Questions and Activities

9. Creating Assessment Templates and Rubrics

Construct the Assessment Template

Build Rubrics

Let Your Templates and Rubrics Do the Work for You...

Extend With Questions and Activities

10. Conducting Evaluations and Accountability

Evaluate Accomplishments

Account for Progress

Concentrate on Your Effectiveness

Develop a Performance-Based Assessment Mindset...

Extend With Questions and Activities

References and Readings



Price: $41.95
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