Developing a Learning Classroom

Moving Beyond Management Through Relationships, Relevance, and Rigor

For any teacher struggling with student behavior and engagement, this book shows how the three Rs can transform an ordinary classroom into an extraordinary learning community.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781452203881
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2012
  • Page Count: 152
  • Publication date: December 19, 2012
Price: $32.95
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Discover powerful ways to connect with your students!

All too often, managing a classroom means gaining control, dictating guidelines, and implementing rules. Designed for any teacher struggling with student behavior, motivation, and engagement, Developing a Learning Classroom explores how to create a thriving, learning-centered classroom through three critical concepts?relationships, relevance, and rigor. Discover how you can:

  • Develop an interactive learning mindset
  • Create a safe environment where students question, explore, and discover
  • Uncover a student's learning profile as well as your own teaching style
  • Use student input to create classroom practices and procedures
  • Apply brain-based instructional strategies to keep students engaged
  • Use student surveys and a personal education plan to improve learning environments

Filled with classroom stories, starter worksheets, and action steps, this book reveals the secrets to transforming an ordinary classroom into an extraordinary learning community!

Key features

This book will include

  • Worksheets designed to help teachers develop procedures and approaches to create a quality-learning environment.
  • A template for teachers to create a classroom development plan of their own.
  • Flow charts, classroom diagrams, case studies will augment and clarify the content.


Nic Cooper photo

Nic Cooper

Nic Cooper, Ed.D., LPC, LMSW, has 34 years of experience in public education as a counselor, alternative education developer, assistant principal and principal. He spent most of his career at the middle school level after beginning as a high school counselor. Prior to his retirement, his middle school was named as one of Michigan’s first Schools to Watch in 2006. He has also worked as a substance abuse counselor and a probation officer. After his retirement from public education, he became a full-time faculty member in the teacher education program at Baker College in Jackson, MI and a part-time leadership coach for the Center for Excellence in Education at Central Michigan University. A certified counselor and social worker, Nic also works part-time as a therapist at Still Waters Counseling in Saline, MI. He is the state director for the Schools to Watch program, a recognition program for exemplary middle schools presented through the National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform. He is the co-author with Rick McCoy of a book for parents of adolescents entitled How to Keep Being a Parent When Your Child Stops Being a Child. He is a board member for the Michigan Association of Middle School Educators and the Michigan Association of Teacher Educators and is a member of the National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform. He presents at state and national conferences on classroom development, healing teaching staffs in conflict, and addressing the needs of at-risk students, among other topics.

Table of Contents


About the Authors

1. What Is a Learning Classroom? How to Develop Relationships, Relevance, and Rigor

2. Who Am I Who Teaches? How Knowing Oneself Impacts Practice

3. Who Are the Students We Teach? How Knowing Our Students Affects Teaching and Learning

4. How Do We Reach Our Students? How Procedures and Clear Expectations Develop a Learning Classroom

5. How Do We Teach Our Students? How to Engage Students in Their Own Learning With Rigor and Relevance

6. How Do We Know If Our Students Are Learning? How to Assess and Motivate Students

7. How Do We Stay in the Game? How to Cultivate Learning Communities for Continual Professional Growth

Appendix A. Introductory Student Survey

Appendix B. Advanced Student Survey

Apendix C. Sample Socratic Questions: Tools to Stimulate Critical Thinking

Appendix D. Flexible Lesson Design

Appendix E. Personal Education Plan




Price: $32.95
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.