Creating a Self-Directed Learning Environment

Standards-Based and Social-Emotional Learning
This flexible framework, grounded in research, helps schools build on the strengths of existing programs to successfully implement standards-based learning, social-emotional learning, and cognitive development.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781544384245
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2019
  • Page Count: 184
  • Publication date: December 10, 2019
Price: $39.95
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Educate the whole child—improve the whole school.

Implementing evidence-based and innovative teaching practices can feel like juggling: If you have standards-based learning in one hand and social-emotional learning in the other, what do you do with cognitive development? This book shows you how to balance all 3, combining these concepts into manageable, realistic plans for success.

In clear, easy-to-follow language, master teacher and educational expert Greg Mullen introduces a flexible, three-tiered, visual framework designed for schoolwide collaboration. He also offers:

• An integrated philosophy focused on self-directed learning and the whole child
• Research sourced from CASEL and state programs and initiatives
• Attention to academic inclusion, behavior intervention, and classroom management
• Numerous illustrations, tables, and graphics
• Tools and supplemental resources for implementation

Make innovation work for your school. With this guide, you and your colleagues will build on your strengths, discover the potential of your existing programs, and implement smart changes that make a real difference for students.


Greg Mullen photo

Greg Mullen

Greg Mullen is a credentialed educator that has spent the past few years developing an approach toward standards-based education through a lens of social-emotional learning. Inspired by his years as a classroom teacher in California public, private, and charter schools, his focus now is helping schools, teachers, and families troubleshoot obstacles in personalizing education. He enjoys spending his spare time researching across academic disciplines and occasionally performing as a rock musician. Having released his first book, Creating a Self Directed Learning Environment, he continues to write and speak on topics of personalizing education across the country. Learn more about his work at www.ExploringTheCore.com

Table of Contents


About the Author


Exploring the Core

When Everything Was Perfect

Perfect Circles Have No Beginning


Chapter 1: Standards-Based Grading

Teacher Mastery of Standards

Standards and Grading

Defining Proficiency

Adapting Assessments

Reporting Proficiency

Curricula and Resources

Chapter 2: Social-Emotional Learning

Self-Awareness and Management

Social-Awareness and Relationships

Societal Responsibility

Chapter 3: Cognitive and Psychosocial Human Development

Cognitive Human Development

Psychosocial Human Development

Developmental Mindset

Special Education


Chapter 4: Self-Directed Learning

Identifying Growth Versus Proficiency

Make a Plan (SMART Goals)




Chapter 5 (Part 1): Behavioral Coaching

Changing Role of the Classroom Teacher

General Behavior Expectations

Behavioral Coaching [In-Class Approach]

Chapter 5 (Part 2): Behavioral Inclusion and Intervention

Behavioral Inclusion

Behavioral Intervention [School-Wide Approach]

Chapter 6: Academic Inclusion and Intervention

Academic Inclusion

Differentiation for an Inclusive Model

Standards-Based Differentiation

Tiers of Academic Inclusion

Tiers of Developmental Inclusion

Academic Intervention


Adopt and Adapt

Quotes to Consider

Sources of Motivation (Resources and Citations)



Price: $39.95
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.

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