Collective Equity
Foreword by John Almarode
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781071844748
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2021
- Page Count: 216
- Publication date: October 29, 2021
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It’s time for a new beginning
As we transition through very uncertain and challenging times, we have a chance to start again—and do better as a Collective. With newfound acknowledgment of the damage done by structural inequities, systemic racism, and implicit bias, we are ready to create communities that value and support everyone.
In education, that meanschallenging and dismantling systems that have harmed historically marginalized children and families for generations. Here you’ll find a powerful model for using relational trust, cultural humility, and appreciation of diverse perspectives to build learning communities that collectively upliftallstudents and all members of the learning community.Features include
- An original Collective Equity Framework for creating transformative equitable learning environments
- Protocols for enacting cultural humility, vulnerability, and mutuality dispositions leveraged to create culturally sustaining learning communities
- Strategies and tools for organizational analyses to guide conversations that support the implementation of culturally fortifying practices at organizational, curricular, programmatic, and instructional levels
- A behavioral-outcome measurement tool for charting the progress of the members of the Collective towards developing culturally conscious actions and equity focused outcomes.
- Vignettes and case studies from district and school leaders reflecting examples of how the collective members of their organizations work towards creating transformative equitable learning environments
Positive outcomes always take work. When we build relational trust, value and validate the dimensions of identities for all members in the learning community as a Collective, we are able to create Equity Pathways and Equity Pavers to chart anew course where we can ALL Breathe and achieve our shared objective: educational equity for all.

Sonja Hollins-Alexander
Through her professional journey, she has had experiences in strategic planning, policy development, stakeholder communication and engagement, instructional and curriculum design, facilitation of adult learning strategy, executive leadership coaching, and conference fFacilitation and design, and has served on numerous quality assurance teams with Cognia school accreditation and certification organization. She is a Corwin author of Online Professional Development Through Virtual Learning Communities and coauthor of Collective Equity.
Sonja holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology, a master’s degree in social work, a teaching certificate in middle grades language arts, a specialist’s degree in educational administration and leadership, and a doctorate degree in curriculum and instruction. She is committed to partner engagement and implementation of evidence-informed sustained professional learning services that positively impact teaching and learning—not by chance but by design.

Nicole Law
Comprehension: The Skill, Will, and Thrill of Reading. She is also the coauthor of The Reflective Leader: Implementing a Multidimensional
Leadership Performance System.
Table of Contents
Publisher’s Acknowledgments
About the Authors
Chapter 1: Coming Together
Coming Together Through Our Shared Truth
Working Together
Coming Together to Work Together
Connecting Dimensions of Identity
Community Agreements and Equity Fatigue
Coming Together Using a Collective Equity Framework
Equity Pathways and Equity Pavers
Understanding the Three Levels of Culture
From Culturally Conscious to Culturally Humble (An Equity Pathway)
Chapter 2: Cultivating an Environment of Collective Equity
From Deficit Thinking to Asset-Based Actions
Shared Truths and Purpose
Vision and Mission Development
Essential Components of Collective Equitable Cultures
Collective Engagement by Design Process
Chapter 3: Enacting Motivation and Relational Trust for the Collective Equity Movement
Relational Trust
The Circle of Trust Approach
The Art of the Heart
The Stimuli of Building Relational Trust
Motivation to Nurture the Collective
Can We Breathe?
Chapter 4: Culturally Fortifying Practices
From Equity Moves to Culturally Fortifying Transformational Practices
Culturally Fortifying Classroom Strategies
Chapter 5: Equity Dispositions for The Collective
Cultural Sustainability
From Systems to Classrooms
Collective Efficacy
Collective Equity Dispositions
Chapter 6: Realizing the Promise of Collective Equity
Leading for Collective Equity
Collective Equity Leadership Attributes
Disrupting Systems of Oppression and Inequity
Engaging the Collective
Equity Pathways
Equity Pavers
Final Words From the Authors
"Sonja Hollins-Alexander and Nicole Law use a highly interactive and practical approach to conveying the theories and best practices of realizing the imperative of collective equity."James McKay
School Superintendent, Community High School District 117
"Collective Equity is timely at any stage of professional development. It will help to set the stage for prospective educators and challenge them to think deeply about the importance of collectively and authentically providing instruction. It will help to strengthen their capacity to engage and commit to consistent proven practices that best meet the varied needs of students. This book charges us to be lifelong learners."Dr. Theresa W. Yeldell, Ed.D
High School Principal, Milwaukee Public Schools
"Successful implementation of educational equity requires joining forces with all school stakeholders to build brave spaces where all voices and perspectives are acknowledged, affirmed, and validated. This is the key to unlock creativity, innovation, and sustained commitment. Collective Equity provides a blueprint of the essential dispositions, components, structures, and reflection tools for engagement in this never-ending equity journey. Collective equity brings the plane down to earth so that we can close the knowing and doing gap."Waldo V. Alvarado, M.S.Ed.
Director of Equity and Diversity, Reading School District
"Sonja Hollins-Alexander and Nicole Law eloquently illustrate the synergy that can happen in a collective learning community to address inequities and make a real impact in schools. Send a copy of this book to every school administrator, classroom teacher, and policymaker you can find and urge them to read it."Ron Wahlen
Director of Digital Teaching and Learning, Durham Public Schools
Other Titles in: Cultural Competence | Professional Learning Communities | Administration & Leadership
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- Line Your Equity Pathway with Equity Pavers - opens in a new tab [Book Excerpt]
- What is Collective Equity? - opens in a new tab [Book Excerpt]