Change Agents

Transforming Schools From the Ground Up

Through narratives chronicling the efforts of real-life educators, this book presents their time-tested, research-based practices that empower educators to change how things are done in their schools.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781071875780
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2022
  • Page Count: 272
  • Publication date: October 17, 2022
Price: $35.95
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Educators, you are the hope you’ve been looking for.

Have you ever wondered what it would look like for you and your colleagues to really change how things are done in your school? For over twenty-five years, Partners in School Innovation has empowered educators in doing just that, across twenty-two school districts and eight states, dramatically improving underperforming schools in the process. Their secrets? Specialized adult learning tools, a results-oriented cycle of inquiry, professional development systems focused on coaching and collaboration, implementing improvement science, understanding the roles of race, class, culture, and power in schools, and more.

This book presents those time-tested, research-based practices through narratives chronicling the efforts of real-life educators. It presents thoughtful checklists and discussion questions to help educators strengthen the skill sets and mindsets needed to implement sustainable school improvement.

A lot has changed in recent years, but the solution to turning schools into lively, loving, learning communities remains the same: you. This book provides a blueprint for you to become the change agent your students need.


Justin Cohen photo

Justin Cohen

Justin Cohen (he/him/his) is a writer, organizer, activist, and dad. His work explores how education, race, privilege, and public policy intersect. He cofounded Wayfinder Foundation and Neighbors Reimagining Public Safety. He is on the board of Friends of Abolitionist Place, helping to create a heritage center in downtown Brooklyn, committed to preserving radical liberation traditions. Justin has organized with No New Jails NYC, Racial Justice BK, Brooklyn Shows Love, WE ARE Educators for Justice, and others. His writing has appeared in The New York Times, Stanford Social Innovation Review, Bklyner, Bright, Education Week, Education Next, and elsewhere. He has been an organizer in residence at Civic Hall and a writer in residence at the Carey Institute for the Global Good. He served on the education policy committee for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign and has a BA in cognitive science from Yale. This is his first book.

Table of Contents


Introduction by Derek Mitchell

Chapter 1: Are You a Change Agent?

Chapter 2: Assembling Your Crew

Chapter 3: Finding Bright Spots & Building Momentum

Chapter 4: Focus, Follow Through, See: The Art & Science of Implementation

Chapter 5: Who Said Change Was Gonna Be Easy?

Chapter 6: Culture Eats Strategy For Lunch

Chapter 7: School Transformation Requires Personal Transformation

Chapter 8: Leading With Love

Chapter 9: Hi, I’m From the Central Office. And I’m Here to Help.

Chapter 10: The Practice of Freedom

Chapter 11: Thriving Schools, Thriving Communities



Price: $35.95
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.