Updated Edition of Bestseller
25 Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make and How to Avoid Them
Second Edition
Avoid common teaching mistakes and acquire positive strategies and approaches!
Written by best-selling author Carolyn Orange, this second edition offers reflective scenarios to help teachers recognize mistakes, learn from examples of undesirable teaching techniques, and find better ways to address challenging situations to become more sensitive, effective educators. Each prescription for a better solution is aligned with sound educational theory and based on the author's many years of teaching experience. The book, with updated student and teacher vignettes, is organized into six sections:
- Discipline
- Teacher-student relations
- Classroom policy and practices
- Classroom management and instruction
- Personality and professionalism
- Teaching style and behavior
Product Details
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781412937887
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2008
- Page Count: 288
- Publication date: November 27, 2012
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