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RESULTS Coaching Next Steps

Leading for Growth and Change

Leadership coaching is creating authentic change. At the crux of coaching culture is mindset—learn how to cultivate the mindset to grow yourself first before leading others.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781506328751
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2016
  • Page Count: 240
  • Publication date: October 05, 2016
Price: $39.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.


Grow yourself in order to grow your team.

Do you spend your days managing others only to find you’re still putting out fire after fire? What if there was a better way to get things done? There is—leadership coaching is disrupting the scattered management era of education in all the right ways.

Get the tools and strategies needed to transform how you think about school supervision that builds capacity, leadership, and learning. This book will help you:

  • Learn to use neuroscience research productively
  • Expand your use of communication skills
  • Understand examples of leaders implementing coach-like behaviors into everyday practice to produce results
  • Learn specific approaches to supervise and coach for growth
  • Approach difficult conversations that impact thinking and change with confidence

At the crux of coaching culture is mindset—this book will teach you how to cultivate a growth mindset and strong emotional intelligence as you coach and grow capacity in others.

"RESULTS Coaching Next Steps invites leaders to function as coaches and clearly teaches them how to coach. It is truly transformational for those unfamiliar with coach leadership and for veteran coaches alike. This book transformed me as a school principal and continues to serve as a fundamental resource in training school leaders. It is without a doubt my top recommendation to anyone who asks how to learn coach-leader skills."
—Dr. Hank Staggs, ACC, Director
Governors Academy for School Leadership, Tennessee

"Finally! Another must-have for my professional library! RESULTS Coaching Next Steps speaks to education leaders who continue to focus on being a coach leader, no matter what their title or position. The book drives novice and experienced coaches to reconnect to the essentials and renews your commitment to never interact the same way again."
—Kim Richardson ACC
Teacher Development Coordinator, Hampton City Schools


Kathryn M. Kee photo

Kathryn M. Kee

Kathryn (Harwell) Kee is a committed and passionate champion for the power of COACHING and the impact the mindset and the skills of coaching offer to educational organizations, in particular, and to all places of work, in general. Having served in all levels of education since 1970, Kathy’s 47 years have confirmed her strongly held belief system of how critically important leadership is. She believes a leader must be committed to the research and knowledge we have today; to influence, motivate, inspire and grow people to use their best thinking to produce their best work. Our schools seem so hardwired to traditional processes and behaviors that to realize real lasting change will require the patience of Gandhi, the determination of Martin Luther King, and an army of committed Coach Leaders who want a different future and clear results for all children.

Kathy’s credentials range from teacher to assistant superintendent in districts from Louisiana, Missouri, and Oklahoma and since, 1978, in Texas. She also served as adjunct mentor for University of North Texas for new administrators coaching their new career beginnings. Kathy’s experiences with leadership grew from being a student leader in student council and government; from teacher leadership to administrative leadership in gifted education, parent education, remedial reading, and campus and district leadership positions. A pattern a look back reveals is the power and magic of a leader’s belief in one’s potential and possibility. These RESULTS COACHING books voice her purpose and passion and the legacy of leadership she desires to leave.

Kathy is a founding partner of Results Coaching Global (RCG), and serves as a seminar instructor, mentor, and coach and directs the Accredited Coach Training Program. She has authored numerous articles and was a co-author of Results Coaching: The New Essential for School Leaders. Other experiences and honors include: Past President and founder of the Texas Learning Forward; Past Present of Learning Forward; Recipient of Learning Forward’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

Karen Anderson photo

Karen Anderson

Karen Anderson believes coaching is her most significant work as an educator. She is passionate about working with leaders who are open to advancing their performance to a higher level. Leaders who “work on their work” in ways that challenge the norm, create a space for possibility, and include commitment to action motivate and inspire her as a coach.

Her dream is for every educator to have a coach; AND for every educator to “be” a Coach Leader. She wants her grandchildren to have a leader who looks for the best in all, values individual differences, and holds the highest standards and expectations for achieving one’s potential. She believes coaching has the power to transform the place we call school.

Karen has been a public school educator for over 45 years. In addition to coaching, her expertise has been facilitating groups focused on working collaboratively to discover solutions and improve processes and delivery systems. She is a national trainer and has served as an adjunct faculty member at Texas A & M University-Commerce. From 1996-2004, she served as the Executive Director of the Texas Staff Development Council and was recognized as the recipient of their Lifetime Achievement Award.

As a founding partner of Results Coaching Global (RCG), Karen serves as a seminar instructor, mentor, and coach. She has authored numerous articles including “Coaching for High Performance” and “Leadership Coaching for Principals.” As one of the co-authors of Results Coaching: The New Essential for School Leaders she was recognized as the recipient of Learning Forward’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

Vicky Dearing photo

Vicky Dearing

Vicky Dearing has been involved with coaching for over twenty years. She believes that coaching has been one of the most important and influential components of her professional career and personal life and she wants to support others in experiencing the power of coaching. Vicky’s expertise and experiences include thirty years of work within public education, serving as an elementary teacher, a central office administrator leading and supporting Gifted programs, Title I programs, and At-Risk programs and as a principal who received state and national recognition for leading school to recognized and exemplary results. After retiring from public education, Vicky spent over eight years working in the business and higher education sector, traveling across the United States on behalf of supporting education initiatives and leadership development before joining her partners in the Results Coaching initiative. Her leadership roles in the business field include Consultant, Director, Vice President and Senior Vice President.

Vicky understands the demands and the rewards of leadership, regardless of the level or the title, and the possibilities for reaching increased results and personal satisfaction when people work within respected and trusting environments, toward a shared purpose and vision, with clearly identified and articulated expectations, standards, and goals and have honest and open conversations, using intentional communication skills designed to increase clarity, expand thinking and motivate people to move toward positive change. In addition to serving as a Business Partner and Lead Faculty Instructor with the Results Coaching Global Coaching School, Vicky coaches school leaders, business leaders and pastors from across the nation. She believes in the importance of ongoing development and the intentional practice of her own coaching skills and considers herself to be a life-long student of coaching.

Frances Shuster photo

Frances Shuster

Frances Shuster was an early adopter of the professional coaching model and is part of the first wave of students and active members of the International Coach Federation (ICF), the global leader in professional coaching. She has served in various roles and capacities in support of and contribution to professional coaching, both as a volunteer and as a leader, faculty instructor, mentor, coach and partner in Results Coaching Global. Frances has also been active in the University of Texas at Dallas coach training program since 2008, serving as an instructor, supervising mentor and assessor. She continues to be in conversation with the “movers and shakers” of the global coaching community, who are working toward maintaining the integrity and vitality of professional coaching now and into the future.

Frances is surrounded by a family of educators in the generations before and following her. Her public school career included teaching in elementary schools, coordinating and supervising gifted and talented and reading programs, and directing professional development and learning. She served in high needs schools throughout the country as a literacy consultant, teaching literacy strategies, observing and coaching teachers.

As a curious observer of human nature, Frances notices the patterns of behavior frequently associated in coaching interactions. The person who is being coached is frequently transformed in her beliefs, mindset, and actions because of the trust and belief of her coach. Just as often, the coach is transformed in her mindset and actions because of the trust and vulnerability that grows in the coaching relationship. Her life purpose—“To seek and share love, peace, wisdom and joy” is actualized in her work as a teacher and coach and in her circle of Very Important Family and Friends. (VIFF)

Table of Contents



Publisher’s Acknowledgments

About the Authors


CHAPTER 1: Leadership for Today: The Essentials of Coach Leadership

What Got Us Here Won’t Get Us There!

Why Change Is So Hard

Coach Leaders First Lead Themselves

Positivity Broadens Thinking

Keep Calm and Carry On! A Story of Positivity and Resilience

Know Thyself

A Story of Making a Difference That Impacted Everything

CHAPTER 2: Leading With the Brain in Mind

The Call From Leaders

Important Facts About the Brain

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Reactions

Response Regrets

New Pathways

The Power of Empathy

When We Think We Can

Practical Uses

NeuroLeadership Institute Influences

Practical Uses

Positive Psychology

CHAPTER 3: The Leader as Coach: Mindset and Skills

The Seduction of Advising or Telling

Essential Skills—Lessons Learned

Essential Skill #1: The Power of Listening

Essential Skill #2: Committed Listening and Paraphrasing

Essential Skill #3: Presuming Positive Intent and Positive Presuppositions

Essential Skill #4: Reflective Feedback

CHAPTER 4: Supervision vs. Coaching: It’s Time for Change

Supervision Is Coaching

From Traditional Supervision to 21st Century Supervision

Performance Research

Matching Supervisory Style With Teacher Level of Development

CHAPTER 5: The Power of the Conversation

The Conversation Frame

Difficult Conversation Frame

CHAPTER 6: Creating a Coaching Culture

Why Is a Coaching Culture of Critical Importance?

What Are the Characteristics of a Coaching Culture?

How Does One Create a Coaching Culture?

How Individuals Are Creating Coaching Cultures

Patterns and Themes for Transforming Culture


Coaching Mindset and Skills—Skill Self-Assessment

Coaching Standards: Core Competencies

Supervision and Coaching: Glickman’s Model of Developmental Supervision

Supervision Practice Scenarios

RCG Coaching Conversation Frame

RCG Difficult Conversation Frame

RCG Guided Pathways for Success—GPS



Price: $39.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.