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Artful AI in Writing Instruction

A Human-Centered Approach to Using Artificial Intelligence in Grades 6–12
By: Brett Vogelsinger

Corwin Literacy

This book explores technology with humility, critiquing its drawbacks and harnessing its strengths, in an effort to guide teachers on how to use AI to help students grow their thinking and their skills rather than bypassing that development.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: 6-12
  • ISBN: 9781071978597
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2025
  • Page Count: 232
  • Publication date: June 03, 2025
Price: $37.95
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Discover strategies to use AI thoughtfully in every stage of the writing process—without compromising creativity or critical thinking

Feeling conflicted about integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into your writing instruction? You’re not alone. In a world where AI-generated text can seem like a writing teacher’s enemy, incorporating it into writing instruction may feel like an act of betrayal. The advent of generative AI might feel like “one more thing” eroding students’ capacity for deep thinking.

Artful AI in Writing Instruction offers strategies and lessons for middle and high school teachers to harness AI in a positive way, integrating it into the writing process and evaluating the ethics of its usage. Written by a full-time high school teacher, Brett Vogelsinger, the book focuses on evergreen principles and ideas rather than specific AI tools, providing concrete steps and lessons that teachers can implement without being technology experts. Acknowledging the varying perspectives of teachers on AI in writing instruction, from skepticism to enthusiasm, Brett offers a human-centered, considered, and ethical approach to using generative AI in the classroom.

Demonstrating how AI can be used artfully in the classroom to enhance students' writing skills and foster reflection on the writing process, this book

  • Provides standards-aligned lessons that detail how AI can support instruction and assist students at each step of the writing process from prewriting through publishing
  • Emphasizes how to use AI tools to mine authentic human ideas and enhance creativity in the classroom
  • Aims to help teachers build a healthy relationship with AI technology and use it thoughtfully in their writing instruction
  • Includes chapter features such as quotes from esteemed writers, real teacher and student voices, cautionary notes, and "Bot Thoughts" entries of example AI output

Artful AI in Writing Instruction is a book that explores technology with humility, critiquing its drawbacks and harnessing its strengths, in an effort to guide teachers on how to use AI to help students grow their thinking and their skills rather than bypassing that development.


Brett Vogelsinger photo

Brett Vogelsinger

Brett Vogelsinger has been teaching English for over twenty years and currently teaches a full schedule of students at Central Bucks High School South in Bucks County, PA. He is the author of Poetry Pauses: Teaching with Poems to Elevate Student Writing in All Genres. He is also a regular contributor at Moving Writers (www.movingwriters.org) and has been featured on Edutopia, NCTE Verse, NPR's MindShift podcast, and The New York Times Learning Network. When not teaching, grading, or writing about such things, you will likely find him spending time with his family, his garden, or the Jenga tower of books he plans to read. You can find him on most social media @theVogelman or at his website, www.brettvogelsinger.com.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Preparing for Artful Choices

Chapter 2: Prewriting with AI as a Partner

Chapter 3: Drafting and Crafting With AI

Chapter 4: Improving Syntax and Diction With AI

Chapter 5: Offering Feedback Techniques with AI

Chapter 6: Creating Student Guides and Opportunities for Practice

Chapter 7: Six Principles to Move Forward in Writing Instruction With AI

Appendix: Lesson Handouts




Other Titles in: Literacy | Technology | Literacy, K-12

Price: $37.95
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