
You Have to Go to School - You're the Principal!

101 Tips to Make It Better for Your Students, Your Staff, and Yourself
By: Paul G. Young

Foreword by Vincent Ferrandino

Sharpen your leadership skills and lead your school skillfully!

Elementary and middle school principals need revitalization for their school and their careers. Now you can meet each challenge as an opportunity and each day with renewed hope and energy! Full of simple rules and meaningful insights, this indispensable compilation offers suggestions and recommendations for:

  • Building partnerships with parents and community for students' success
  • Maintaining character
  • Reducing paperwork
  • Remembering names and fostering relationships
  • Determining your fundamental beliefs

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412904728
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2004
  • Page Count: 208
  • Publication date: April 08, 2004
Price: $39.95
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"Whether you have just picked up the keys to your first school or you've been a principal for decades, the suggestions from Paul Young should be required--and fast--reading for every school leader. This little book is packed with good ideas. The best part, these solid tips remain constant over time and will be just as meaningful each time you pick up the book."
From the Foreword by Vincent Ferrandino
Executive Director, National Association of Elementary School Principals

Sharpen your leadership skills and lead your school skillfully!

What if you already had thirty-years' experience on your first day as a principal? What if, after 20 years as a principal, you felt as fresh and energized as you did on your first day? Principals need encouragement and revitalization for their school and their careers. Full of simple rules and meaningful insights, this indispensable compilation of suggestions and recommendations speaks to all principals.

You Have to Go to School--You're the Principal! offers tips aligned to NAESP standards for principals and beyond, from health advice to people-skills. Paul Young has interacted with scores of principals during his career and his tenure as president of the NAESP. Now, let his experience work for you as he addresses:

  • Building partnerships with parents and community for students' success
  • Maintaining character in the face of adversity
  • Reducing paperwork while getting organized
  • Remembering names and fostering relationships with staff and students
  • Determining your fundamental beliefs about education

Everything you do is to become a focused, effective, instructional leader. Now you can meet each challenge and interruption as an opportunity each day with renewed hope and energy!

Key features

*Respected author

*Probable co-pub with NAESP

*Author, as president of NAESP, speaks with authority about the most important aspects of the principalship, but also ahs an eye on the thousand details imporant to success

*Jam packed with ideas for bettering the academic and emotional health of schools

*Author would be a good addition to speakers bureau


Paul G. Young

Paul Young, PhD, a retired elementary principal, is currently the Executive Director of the West After School Center in Lancaster, Ohio. He began his career as a high school band director and then retrained to become a fourth grade teacher before advancing to an elementary principalship in 1986.

He served as President of the Ohio Association of Elementary School Administrators (OAESA) in 1997 and was elected to the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) Board of Directors in 1998 (the only person elected by write-in ballot). He became president-elect in 2001-2002 and served as the national president during the 2002-2003 school year. He retired in December 2004. Since retirement, he has served as an advocate for the advancement of equitable and affordable afterschool programming for all children.

Dr. Young completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in music education in 1972 and a Master of Music degree in trombone performance in 1973, both from Ohio University-Athens. He earned a PhD in educational administration from OU in 1992. Young has taught undergraduate music classes at Ohio University-Lancaster for more than 25 years. He continues to teach private trombone lessons. He is a strong advocate for the arts. He is the past president of the Ohio University School of Music Society of Alumni and Friends.

Dr. Young is the author of Mastering the Art of Mentoring Principals, You Have to Go to School, You’re the Principal: 101 Tips to Make it Better for Your Students, Your Staff, and Yourself and Mentoring Principals: Frameworks, Agendas, Tips, and Case Studies for Mentors and Mentees. He has also written numerous articles about music, the arts, student management, and the principalship for professional journals.

Table of Contents





Part I Leadership

Part II Vision

Part III Student Learning

Part IV Adult Learning

Part V Data and Decision Making

Part VI Parents and Community Engagement

Part VII Organizational Caretaking

Part VIII Personal Caretaking

Part IX Professional Growth

Principals' Creed

About the Author

Suggested Readings


Price: $39.95
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