Hands-on, Practical Guidance for Educators
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Writing as Learning
Use writing as a tool to help increase students' comprehension of content!
This second edition presents easy-to-use strategies for engaging students in writing about subject area content. With step-by-step guidance for working across grade levels and subject areas, this revised text offers updated references to research, expanded discussion of writing as a learning process, and new writing activities based on the strategies. Readers will find:
• A thorough discussion of writing as a learning tool
• 12 practical strategies for any classroom
• Step-by-step guidelines for implementing each strategy
• More than 200 examples showing how the strategies can be used
- Grade Level: K-12
- ISBN: 9781412949613
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2006
- Page Count: 256
- Publication date: June 19, 2012