What Every Teacher Should Know About Special Learners
The concise guide to differentiating instruction for special learners
Teaching and learning strategies have a profound effect on students with disabilities as well as on gifted and talented students. This resource for the classroom teacher covers:
- Special education categories
- Special education regulations, laws, programs, and processes: IDEA, 504, referral, assessment, placement, IEP, and more
- Identifying and working with special learners
- Special learners in the regular classroom
- Helping students use a variety of modalities to process, store, and retrieve information
- Effective teaching and learning strategies for at-risk students: grouping strategies, peer tutoring, computer-assisted instruction, and more
- Differentiating content, process, and product for gifted students
- Vocabulary pre-test, post-test, and summary
- Bibliography and index
Product Details
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9780761931249
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2003
- Page Count: 128
- Publication date: October 30, 2003
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