Turning Around Failing Schools
This insightful resource integrates research, strategies, and lessons from business, government, and not-for-profit organizations that have transformed their substandard performance into a proactive approach for renewal. Ideal for district administrators, superintendents, policy makers, and individuals interested in organizational accountability and meaningful school reform, this indispensable text offers:
- A comprehensive overview of the literature on organizational deterioration
- An in-depth examination of the causes and symptoms of degeneration
- A two-part model for preventing educational collapse and crafting an effective turnaround
- A review of the efficacy of educational reform initiatives
- Grade Level: K-12
- ISBN: 9781412940979
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2007
- Page Count: 368
- Publication date: August 29, 2007
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Other Titles in: Urban Education | School Change, Reform, & Restructuring | Standards & Accountability