
Effective Trainings Every Time
Second Edition
By: Rich Allen

Train smarter, not harder!

Well-known author, consultant, and trainer Rich Allen offers a comprehensive guide to planning and implementing engaging and successful staff development. The text provides a framework that emphasizes application and demonstrates each element of the process with case studies and practical tips for facilitators. Ideal for staff developers, organizational trainers, and administrators, this thoroughly updated edition presents new brain-friendly strategies that are easy to implement and also offers:

  • 25 key concepts for training smarter
  • Sample schedules and planning templates
  • A collection of parables to illustrate concepts
  • Tips for using technology

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412955782
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2007
  • Page Count: 160
  • Publication date: April 10, 2013
Price: $39.95
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"Dr. Rich Allen has done it again—created another clear, practical and powerful resource for all educators. These principles and strategies ought to be mandatory for everyone who presents for a living."
—Eric Jensen, President and Founder
Jensen Learning Corporation

"Train Smart is the best, clearest, most to-the-point, and valuable resource available for trainers. With this second edition, Rich Allen has gone from "great" to "even greater." It is a required guide for our trainers, and it is the new text in our Trainer of Trainers program."
—Spence Rogers, President
Peak Learning Systems

Train smarter, not harder!

What are the key components that will make your trainings relevant, engaging, and understandable? How can you deliver instruction that results in high retention and improved productivity for participants?

In TrainSmart, Second Edition, well-known author, consultant, and trainer Rich Allen offers a comprehensive guide to planning and implementing successful staff development sessions. The author provides facilitators with a solid framework and a unique approach that emphasizes application, and demonstrates each element of the process through case studies, examples, and practical tips.

Thoroughly updated, this edition includes new brain-friendly strategies that can be easily implemented to help you create dynamic learning experiences. Ideal for staff developers, organizational trainers, and administrators, this resource includes:

  • 25 key concepts for training smarter
  • Sample schedules and planning templates
  • A collection of parables to illustrate concepts
  • Tips for using technology

Discover a new world of possibilities that can enhance your enthusiasm for learning and teaching, lead to more effective presentations, and make training more enjoyable for you and your adult learners!

Key features

  • Includes sample training schedules and planning templates
  • Features25 key concepts for training smarter
  • Presentsacollection of parables to be used during trainings
  • Packed with practical tips and suggestions
  • Offers guidelines for using technology


Rich Allen photo

Rich Allen

Learn more about Rich Allen's PD offerings

Richard Allen is an international consultant with more than 25 years experience coaching trainers and educators. Cofounder and president of Education Illustrated, he has taken the TrainSmart strategies beyond the United States and Canada to such diverse countries as the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Brunei, Russia, Jordan, and Brazil. Allen is also a popular keynote speaker at international conferences, and he facilitates moti­vational and teambuilding workshops.

Allen started his educational career as a high school math and drama teacher. In 1985, he became a lead facilitator for SuperCamp—an accelerated learning program for teens—and has since worked with more than 25,000 students worldwide. He completed his doctorate in educational psychology at Arizona State University, where he studied how the human brain receives, processes, and recalls information—knowledge that informs all aspects of his training strategies.

Table of Contents



About the Author

Part I. Prepare for Effective Trainings Every Time


The Five Pillars of the TrainSmart Model

The Bricks and Mortar of the TrainSmart Model

Sample TrainSmart Schedule

TrainSmart Lesson Plan Template

Part II. 25 Key Concepts for Training Smarter

Key Concept Matrix

1. Acknowledgment

2. Bridges and Zones

3. Comfort Levels

4. Task Completion

5. Contrast

6. Precise Directions

7. Resource Distribution

8. Teach It Standing

9. Participant Inquiry

10. Adequate Response Time

11. Specify Response Mode

12. Question/Clarify/Question

13. Managing Disruptions

14. Creative Note Taking

15. Positive Language

16. Involve, Don’t Tell

17. Ownership

18. Pause for Visuals

19. Press and Release

20. Purposeful Body Language

21. Visual-Field Variations

22. Vocal Italics

23. Music Matters

24. Guiding Attention

25. Verbal Specificity

Part III. Tools for Training

Six Powerful Parables

A TrainSmart Checklist

TrainSmart Lesson Plan Template




Price: $39.95
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