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Thinking Strategies for Student Achievement

Improving Learning Across the Curriculum, K-12
Second Edition
By: Denise D. Nessel, Joyce M. Graham

Use these strategies to develop your students' thinking skills and increase their learning in all subject areas.

Emphasizing the importance of actively engaging all students in higher-level thinking, this revised edition presents sample lesson plans and 30 specific strategies, including K-W-L, Read and Think Math, and Reciprocal Teaching, for integrating into daily lesson plans. This step-by-step guide shows teachers how to:

  • Help students develop, refine, and extend their thinking capacities
  • Challenge students to creatively approach complex and unfamiliar material
  • Encourage students to bring their own perspective to class assignments
  • Provide students at all learning levels with appropriate support

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412938815
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2006
  • Page Count: 248
  • Publication date: July 10, 2012
Price: $40.95
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"This resource provides a repertoire of high-effect comprehension strategies. It is important for classroom teachers and school leaders to be able to justify why they are using specific strategies and what the benefits are of a specific strategy. Nessel and Graham provide this justification."
-W. Dorsey Hammond, Professor of Education
Salisbury University

Use these strategies to develop your students' thinking skills and increase their learning in all subject areas.

How can teachers improve students' higher level and creative thinking? The revised edition of this handbook provides strategies and sample lesson plans to help students learn to think more effectively and to raise their achievement levels.

Drawing upon past and recent research, the authors discuss the importance of actively engaging all students-including those with a history of low achievement-in higher levels of thinking. Thirty specific strategies, including K-W-L, Read and Think Math, and Reciprocal Teaching, can be readily integrated into daily lesson plans.

This step-by-step guide shows teachers how to:

  • Help students develop, refine, and extend their thinking capacities
  • Challenge students to creatively approach complex and unfamiliar material
  • Encourage students to bring their own perspective to class assignments
  • Provide students at all learning levels with appropriate support

With its user-friendly, practical approach, this important resource should be in the hands of every educator!

Key features


Presents thirty research-based, classroom-tested strategies

Provides step-by-step directions in an easy-to-use, teacher-friendly format

Includes numerous examples for different curriculum areas and grade levels

Offers sample lessons that showing how to combine the strategies for increased effectiveness


Shows teachers how to improve learning for all by engaging students in higher-level thinking
Builds teacher understanding of the rationale for and benefits of using each strategy
Fosters increased levels of student interaction, active engagement, and meaning-making


Denise D. Nessel photo

Denise D. Nessel

Denise Nessel is an associate of the National Urban Alliance for Effective Education (NUA), where she focuses on teaching reading and writing as thinking processes in grades K-12. She has worked as a secondary English teacher, elementary reading specialist, reading clinician, university professor, district-level curriculum supervisor, co-director of a statewide staff development project, curriculum manager at educational software companies, and consultant to schools around the country and abroad. Nessel has conducted numerous workshops and demonstration lessons for teachers and administrators and has served as a consultant and writer for educational publishers and multimedia firms. She has written several books and classroom resources for teachers and a number of articles for professional journals.
Joyce M. Graham photo

Joyce M. Graham

Joyce M. Graham, Ph.D. is the Director of Professional Development for Scholastic RED, the professional development division of Scholastic, Inc. In this capacity, Joyce is responsible for recruiting and training consultants as well as developing and managing institutes and workshops. Before joining Scholastic, Joyce had her own educational consultant firm and worked with school districts across the country. She was a classroom teacher for over 15 years and brings her classroom experience to her work with teachers. Joyce has co-authored several books for classroom teachers. She has also served as editor for several books focusing on professional development.

Table of Contents



About the Authors

Introduction: Thinking--Levels, Purposes, and Contexts

1. Analogies

2. Anticipation Guide

3. Carousel Brainstorming

4. Cloze Procedure

5. Cubing

6. Directed Reading-Thinking Activity (DRTA)

7. Facts and Inferences

8. Frayer Model for Concept Development

9. Freewriting

10. Games for Thinking

11. Graphic Organizers

12. I-Search Reporting

13. Imitation Writing

14. Jigsaw

15. Journals and Learning Logs

16. Key Word Notes

17. Key Word Prediction

18. KWL

19. List Group Label

20. Notetaking

21. Paraphrasing

22. Possible Sentences

23. Read and Think Math (RAT Math)

24. Read Talk Write

25. Readers' Theater

26. Reciprocal Teaching

27. Saturation Reporting

28. Scrambled Words and Sentences

29. Think-Pair-Share

30. Writing Frames

Resource: Combining Strategies--Sample Lessons




Price: $40.95
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