The Whole-Faculty Study Groups Fieldbook

Lessons Learned and Best Practices From Classrooms, Districts, and Schools
By: Dale W. Lick, Carlene U. Murphy

Foreword by Harold M. Brewer

Master one of today's most successful school reform and school improvement strategies!

The Whole-Faculty Study Group (WFSG) System is a student-centered process for facilitating schoolwide change. This practical guide provides strategies for implementing and sustaining this process in any environment. Each contributor explores a different aspect of WFSGs and supplies examples of successful school reform. Written to complement existing resources or serve as a stand-alone guide, this book will:

  • Demonstrate how to apply concepts to a variety of improvement efforts
  • Present relevant strategies and activities
  • Illustrate how to use suggestions in real-world situations
  • Provide helpful tips and lessons learned

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412913256
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2006
  • Page Count: 328
  • Publication date: July 26, 2006
Price: $45.95
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Master one of today's most successful school reform and school improvement strategies!

The Whole-Faculty Study Group (WFSG) System is a student-centered, teacher-driven process for facilitating major staff development and schoolwide change. When applied properly, it has produced extraordinary results for thousands of educators and students in schools and school districts across the country.

The Whole-Faculty Study Groups Fieldbook is a comprehensive guide to applying the WFSG process. Edited by Dale Lick and Carlene Murphy, this practical manual provides concrete strategies for implementing and sustaining a school improvement process in any environment. Offering extensive experience, each contributor explores a different aspect of Whole-Faculty Study Groups and supplies lessons learned and many first-hand examples of successful school reform and student performance enhancement. Written to complement existing resources or serve as a stand-alone guide, this book will

  • Demonstrate how concepts can be applied in a variety of school improvement efforts
  • Present relevant strategies and activities
  • Illustrate how to use suggestions in real-world situations
  • Highlight critical concepts through extensive case examples
  • Provide helpful tips and lessons learned
  • Explain how findings can be applied to professional learning communities

Offering numerous illustrations of the WFSG System in action and a comprehensive collection of tools for initiating and sustaining successful improvement programs, this fieldbook is an essential resource for K-12 administrators, staff developers, and teachers involved with any type of school transformation effort.

Key features

  • First-hand experiences of educators implementing Whole-Faculty Study Groups in their classrooms, schools, and districts
  • Show what's really going on in schools
  • Details the hard work of implementing Whole-Faculty Study Groups
  • Best practices and lessons learned in the book can be applied to any school improvement effort, not just Whole-Faculty Study Groups


Dale W. Lick photo

Dale W. Lick

Dale W. Lick is President and Professor Emeritus at Florida State University, a former President of Georgia Southern University, University of Maine, and Florida State University, and, most recently, a University Professor at Florida State University, where he did research in the Learning Systems Institute and taught and directed doctoral students in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, and worked on educational and organizational projects involving transformational leadership, change creation, learning organizations, distance learning, school improvement, enhanced student performance, educational technology, new learning systems, strategic planning, and visioning.

Included in over 50 national and international biographical listings, Dr. Lick is the author or co-author of eight books and more than 100 professional articles, chapters and proceedings, and 285 original newspaper columns. His recent books are: Whole-Faculty Study Groups: A Powerful Way to Change Schools and Enhance Learning, 1998; Whole-Faculty Study Groups: Creating Student-Based Professional Development, 2001; Whole-Faculty Study Groups: Creating Professional Learning Communities That Target Student Learning, 2005; and The Whole-Faculty Study Groups Fieldbook: Lessens Learned and Best Practices From Classrooms, Districts, and Schools, 2007, all with Carlene U. Murphy, Corwin Press; Schoolwide Action Research for Professional Learning Communities: Improving Student Learning Through The Whole-Faculty Study Groups Approach, 2008, and Schools Can Change: A Step-By-Step Change Creation System for Building Innovative Schools and Increasing Student Learning, 2012, with Karl H. Clauset and Carlene U. Murphy, Corwin Press; and New Directions in Mentoring: Creating a Culture of Synergy, 1999, with Carol A. Mullen, Falmer Press (London), 1999.

Dr. Lick received B.S and M.S. degrees from Michigan State University, and a Ph.D. degree from the University of California, Riverside, all in Mathematics, and has three levels of certification in Leading and Managing Change from Conner Partners, Atlanta, GA. His alma maters have honored him with the Michigan State University 2006 Distinguished Alumni Award, and, on its 40th Anniversary in 1994, the University of California, Riverside, with the designation as One of 40 Alumni Who Make a Difference.
Carlene U. Murphy photo

Carlene U. Murphy

Carlene U. Murphy is founder and executive director of the National WFSG Center and the principal developer of the Whole-Faculty Study Groups® system of professional development. In August 2007, she began her 50th year of work in public schools. She started her teaching career in 1957 as a fourth grade teacher in her hometown of Augusta, GA. The next year she moved to Memphis, TN where she taught for 13 years, returning to Augusta in 1972 and retiring from the district in 1993 as its director of staff development. During her 15 years as the district’s chief staff developer, the district received many accolades, including the Award for Outstanding Achievement in Professional Development from the American Association of School Administrators and Georgia’s Outstanding Staff Development Program Award for two consecutive years. She was awarded the National Staff Development Council’s Contributions to Staff Development Award and served as the National Staff Development Council’s chair of the annual national conference in Atlanta in 1986, president in 1988, and board member from 1984 to 1990. The friendships she formed and cemented during the over thirty years of her close relationship with NSDC were life-changing.

After retiring from the Augusta, Georgia schools, she has worked with schools throughout the United States implementing Whole-Faculty Study Groups. She has written extensively about her work in Educational Leadership and Journal of Staff Development and has written with Dale Lick two other books about the WFSG system: Whole-Faculty Study Groups: Creating Professional Learning Communities That Target Student Learning, Corwin Press, 2005; and The Whole-Faculty Study Groups Fieldbook: Lessons Learned and Best Practices from Classrooms, Districts, and Schools (co-editor), 2007. Another book with Karl Clauset and Dale Lick, Schoolwide Action Research for Professional Learning Communities: Improving Student Learning Through the Whole-Faculty Study Groups Approach (Corwin Press, 2008), focuses on the work of study groups and gives descriptive data from schools implementing WFSG.

She now lives on a small horse farm just outside of Augusta in a four generational home, which includes her husband, Joe, daughter, three grandchildren and a great-granddaughter. Even with all the activities in such a home, she still finds time to write about her work, correspond with colleagues and read about the latest developments in education.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Harold M. Brewer



About the Contributors

About the Editors

Part I: Getting Started

1. Introducing Whole-Faculty Study Groups

2. Applying the Whole-Faculty Study Groups Framework in Schools

3. Aligning Whole-Faculty Study Groups With Staff Development Standards

Part II: Leadership and Sponsorship

4. Enhancing the Principal's Instructional Leadership Role

5. Strengthening School Improvement Plans Through District Sponsorship

6. Partnering With Teacher Unions for School Improvement

Part III: Study Groups and Learning Communities

7. Answering the Question: Do Professional Learning Communities Really Work?

8. Establishing Student Study Groups

9. Implementing Study Groups for Principals

Part IV: Key Success Elements

10.The Whole-Faculty Study Groups Rubric: Defining Context, Process, and Content

11. Building Commitment

12. Using Study Groups for Cultural Change in Schools

13. Changing School Culture

14. Using Data to Improve Achievement in Mathematics

15. Making Data-Based Decisions for School Success

Part V: Instructional Strategies

16. Improving the Quality of Student Performance

17. Implementing Instructional Strategies

18. Implementing Reading and Mathematics Programs

19. Enhancing Performance in the English Language Arts

20. Raising Student Achievement in Reading and Mathematics

21. Improving Reading in Primary Grades

Part VI: Perspectives for Teachers and Teaching

22. Increasing Teacher Learning to Improve Student Learning

23. Changing Teachers' Beliefs About Students and Learning

24. Creating School Successes: A Teacher's Point-of-View

25. Planning and Implementing Strategies for School Improvement

26. Activating a Professional Teacher Evaluation Model

Part VII: State and National Initiatives

27. Going Statewide With Whole-Faculty Study Groups in Louisiana

28. Developing and Supporting Leaders: A New Day, A New Way With New Results

29. Improving Schools Through Statewide Collaboration

30. Establishing a Support Network: The National Whole-Faculty Study Groups Center

Part VIII: An Overview of School Reform

31. Improving Schools: Seeing the Big Picture


Action Research--Related Sources



Price: $45.95
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