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The Ten Commandments of Professionalism for Teachers

Wisdom From a Veteran Teacher
Avoid many of the professional pitfalls that plague beginning teachers!

Vickie Gill, the best-selling author of The Eleven Commandments of Good Teaching, explains how to behave with students, other teachers, administrators, support staff, and parents by revealing the unspoken rules of conduct that help experienced educators thrive in the classroom. Using humor, stories, and personal experiences, the author includes insider information on:

  • Finding a suitable mentor
  • The use and abuse of power
  • After-hours job duties and administrative details
  • Specific ways to use documentation to protect yourself
  • Continued professional growth

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412904193
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2004
  • Page Count: 80
  • Publication date: December 03, 2004
Price: $24.95
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"Finally, educators won't have to trudge forty years through the academic desert to find the answers to their teaching problems. The Ten Commandments of Professionalism for Teachers is a perfect 10."
Steve Young, Author

Avoid many of the professional pitfalls that plague beginning teachers!

All new teachers make mistakes. But if they exhibit a high level of professionalism, they will be welcomed back. If not, they may be searching for another job or even a new career.

The Ten Commandments of Professionalism for Teachers reveals the unspoken rules of conduct that help experienced teachers and educators thrive in the classroom, the district, and the community. Vickie Gill, the best-selling author of The Eleven Commandments of Good Teaching, explains how to behave in a professional manner with students, other teachers, administrators, support staff, and parents. Using humor, stories, and personal experiences, she examines the importance of professional and personal balance, maximizing teamwork, avoiding gossip, and being a positive role model.

Offering advice in a friendly and accessible manner, this practical guide includes insider information on:

  • Finding a suitable mentor
  • The use and abuse of power
  • After hours job duties and administrative details
  • Specific ways to use documentation to protect yourself
  • Continued professional growth
Designed primarily for new teachers determined to demonstrate their professionalism and experienced teachers interested in mentoring, this book is also an indispensable resource for staff developers, teacher trainers, and administrators.

Key features

  • By the author of the best-selling book, The 11 Commandments of Good Teaching
  • A great training tool for staff developers and mentors to use with new teachers
  • Only Corwin book to focus on the unspoken rules of professionalism in teaching
  • Gill uses humor, stories, and personal experiences to convey the importance of professionalsim in such areas as dealing with students and parents, being a role model, avoiding gossip, working with other teachers and school staff, after hours job duties, and paperwork


Vickie Gill photo

Vickie Gill

Vickie Gill has taught high school English, reading, and journalism for 30 years in both California and Tennessee. Gill has won several teaching and community service honors and was a finalist for Tennessee State Teacher of the Year 2000. She is currently teach­ing part-time and works as a consultant for a school district in central California. She has a BA in English from San Jose State University and an MEd from Vanderbilt University.

Table of Contents



About the Author

1. Thou Shalt Define Your Terms

What are the characteristics of a professional teacher? Successful teachers develop a clear image of themselves at their professional best.

2. Thou Shalt Locate Your Mentor

An appropriate mentor is invaluable. New teachers need to locate someone whose style they respect and who will guide them through the pitfalls of the first few years.

3. Thou Shalt Keep Up Appearances

What is appropriate dress for a teacher? Successful educators understand that their appearance will create the first impression that students, colleagues, administrators, and parents will make of them.

4. Thou Shalt Respect Your Power

Because of the nature of the job, teachers are handed a great deal of power over their students. Professional teachers respect that power, they do not abuse it by becoming a "buddy" or a "dictator" in the classroom.

5. Thou Shalt Take Care of the Parents

Professional teachers work hard to open up the lines of communication between the home and school. They understand the importance of creating positive relationships with their students' parents in the first few weeks of the school year.

6. Thou Shalt Pull Your Weight

All teachers are part of a team and must learn ways to work cooperatively with even the most difficult coworkers.

7. Thou Shalt Pay Attention to the Details

Before school begins, teachers need to establish a classroom management plan which includes a system for documenting discipline problems.

8. Thou Shalt Pick and Choose Your Battles

A professional knows the difference between a petty annoyance and a roadblock. Successful teachers learn to diffuse a negative situation before it gets out of control.

9. Thou Shalt Grow in Your Profession

As with any profession, teachers must stay aware of new advances in education and resist the temptation to teach the same curriculum in the same style year after year.

10. Thou Shalt Be Thyself

Master teachers work as productive members of their teams, but they are careful to protect those special qualities that they bring to the profession as unique individuals.



Price: $24.95
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