The Teacher's Guide to Restorative Classroom Discipline
Designed for use with The School Leader’s Guide to Restorative Discipline, this guide helps teachers create positive classroom environments based on clear expectations for student behavior.
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781412998611
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2012
- Page Count: 216
- Publication date: October 13, 2012
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Build a positive, accountable classroom environment with restorative discipline!
With restorative discipline, schools move beyond punitive approaches to shared expectations for learning and behavior. Used together with The School Leader'' Guide to Restorative Discipline, this teacher's guide shows how to create a welcoming and responsible community within your classroom, contributing to a consistent, schoolwide approach to discipline.
Authors Luanna Meyer and Ian Evans offer field-tested strategies that transform classroom dynamics. Topics include:
- A step-by-step approach to introducing restorative discipline in your classroom
- Developing peer support and group problem-solving among students, including preventing and stopping bullying
- Collaborating with administrators and colleagues on schoolwide behavior expectations
- Partnering with families and neighborhood organizations to support positive student conduct
- Managing effective individual interventions with students, including four key principles for success
This comprehensive guide helps teachers introduce and sustain a proven approach to discipline, preparing students for achievement in school and life.

Luanna H. Meyer
Luanna H. Meyer is professor of education (research) and director of the Jessie Hetherington Center for Educational Research at Victoria University in New Zealand. She is also emeritus professor at Syracuse University in the U.S. and adjunct professor at Griffith University in Australia. Since receiving her PhD from Indiana University, she held faculty positions at the University of Hawai’i, the University of Minnesota, Syracuse University, and Massey University prior to her current position. While at Syracuse University, she co-founded the Inclusive Elementary and Special Education Teacher Education Program and coordinated the doctoral program in special education. She also led numerous federally funded research and development projects, including a five-year research institute on the social relationships of children and youth with diverse abilities and the ten-year New York Partnership for State-wide Systems Change.
Throughout her career as a teacher educator and educational researcher, Luanna has been committed to developing practical, evidence-based approaches that can be implemented in real life, typical situations and settings. She works closely with school leaders, teachers, and behavior specialists towards achieving inclusive schools where all children and youth belong and feel valued. Her contributions to the development of positive approaches to behavior problems are acknowledged by her appointment to the Technical Review Committee on Behavior for the National Center for Students with Disabilities who Require Intensive Interventions led by the American Institutes for Research. She was among the first to demonstrate that even the most severe behaviour can be managed with positive approaches, supported by her published research conducted in typical settings with children with severe behaviour disorders, autism, and other disabilities. In New Zealand, her current federally funded projects include research on culturally responsive behavioral intervention in schools; culturally responsive pedagogies for teachers; effective school-based behavioral intervention practices; and the impact of assessment design on student motivation and achievement in secondary schools across the curriculum. A major focus of this work is on effective policy and practice to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse regular education school community.
Luanna has been invited to speak in eight countries and 30 US states about her work, and she has published more than 120 journal articles and book chapters. Her 12 books include Making Friends: The Influences of Culture and Development, Critical Issues in the Lives of People with Severe Disabilities; Behavioral Intervention: Principles, models, and Practices; The Syracuse Community-Referenced Curriculum Guide; Non-Aversive Intervention for Behavior Problems: A Manual for Home and Community; and An Educative Approach to Behavior Problems: A Practical Decision Model.

Ian M. Evans
Ian M. Evans is Professor of Psychology at Massey University in New Zealand. After his PhD at the University of London’s Institute of Psychiatry, he taught behavior assessment and therapy for many years at the University of Hawai’i while also serving as consultant psychologist to specialized programs for children and adults with very complex developmental needs. He founded the Hawai’i Association for Autistic Children and was appointed Commissioner on the Governor’s State Planning and Advisory Council for Developmental Disabilities. At this time, he and Luanna Meyer began their collaborative work in the public schools across the state, funded by a federal research grant on children’s challenging behavior. They have published together on learning and behavior, including major meta-analyses on effective interventions and the earliest practical books on behavior problems for use by teachers and practitioners entitled Non-Aversive Intervention for Behavior Problems and an Educative Approach to Behavior Problems.
After becoming Director of Clinical Psychology Training at SUNY-Binghamton, Ian continued his focus on disabilities as well as leading the Binghamton Liberty Partnership Project. This intervention research was funded by state and federal grants to work with elementary schools in preventing school dropout using a home-visitor model to enhance teacher-parent communication. His book Staying in School: Partnerships for Educational Change reports this work and that of colleagues across New York State evaluating initiatives in regular education to support children, families, and the schools. Since moving to New Zealand in 1995, he has been professor, clinical program director, and department head at the University of Waikato and then Massey University. He also served as President of the New Zealand Psychological Society. His most recent work is teacher-focused to enhance the emotional atmosphere in elementary school classrooms, which has led to publication of a manual and a series of research reports. His life-long commitment to children with autism and their families has been recognized by honors including Life Member of the advocacy group Parent-to-Parent and chairing the government’s Living Guidelines Group of the New Zealand Guidelines for Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
Ian has published 6 books, 54 book chapters, and over 100 refereed journal articles, and he serves on the editorial boards of 5 international journals. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand. His other interests include photography, antiques of the Arts and Crafts period, taking long non-strenuous walks, wine tasting, and watching his grandchildren develop.
Table of Contents
Introduction to the Guide
Section I. Setting the Context
1. Restorative Classroom Discipline
2. Behavior Expectations for Schools and Classrooms
3. Home-School and Community Relationships
Section II. Putting the Model in Place
4. Classroom Climate and Cultural Responsiveness
5. School and Classroom Support Structures
6. Interventions for Individual Students—Child-Focused Planning
7. Interventions for Individual Students—Principles in Practice
8. Reflecting Schoolwide Policy in Teacher Practice
Section III: Evaluating Effectiveness and Updating Practice
9. User-Friendly Evaluation Tools and Approaches
10. Professional Development Needs Assessment
"Professors Meyer and Evans have done it again! This terrific book continues, enriches, and expands on their vital contributions to the practice of positive schooling for students with behavioral difficulties and, indeed, for all students. I have admired and benefited from the writings of Meyer and Evans for decades, and this book deepens my appreciation. The guidance they provide is insightful, clear, evidence-based, and eminently practical. The perspectives and strategies found herein will be of tremendous value to schools and teachers and, ultimately, to the students who depend on high-quality education and discipline. I give this book my highest recommendation."Glen Dunlap, Research Professor
University of South Florida
"Meyer and Evans provide a framework for understanding and implementing restorative practices that create a positive school climate. They illustrate how it is possible and necessary to establish meaningful behavior change without the use of punitive consequences. Educators will identify with the relevant chapter examples of students who challenge our school communities and the development of proactive and culturally responsive instructional strategies. This reflective process will guide educators in defining relationships with students that are based on mutual trust, respect, and restore dignity during difficult times. This strength-based approach will cause educators to reexamine their interactions to ensure all students are valued, understood, and encouraged to engage in goal oriented life outcomes."
Deb Hedeen, Dean, College of Education"Meyer and Evans provide a framework for understanding and implementing restorative practices that create a positive school climate. They illustrate how it is possible and necessary to establish meaningful behavior change without the use of punitive consequences. Educators will identify with the relevant chapter examples of students who challenge our school communities and the development of proactive and culturally responsive instructional strategies. This reflective process will guide educators in defining relationships with students that are based on mutual trust, respect, and restore dignity during difficult times. This strength-based approach will cause educators to reexamine their interactions to ensure all students are valued, understood, and encouraged to engage in goal oriented life outcomes."
Idaho State University
"Restorative practices enable students with conduct disorders to become active participants in problem solving for today and their future. This guide offers all school staff the knowledge to create schoolwide change that supports students, staff, and families."Stacey Minondo, Director of Placement
New York City Department of Education, District 75
The Teacher's Guide to Restorative Classroom Discipline represents the next generation of work in positive behavioral supports and school discipline that is sufficiently complex, appropriately comprehensive, and incredibly authentic. Finally, teachers, administrators, and school support staff have a framework that "rings true," pulling together previously isolated and oftentimes singularly considered practices of behavioral sciences, culturally responsive and effective teaching, and school-wide systems change. Meyer and Evans' groundbreaking work on restorative discipline recognizes that sound behavioral principles and effective teaching practices are used and useful only within settings that acknowledge personal histories, relationships, and the cultural values of students and families. It is no surprise that the authors have spent the majority of their careers in island ecosystems with large indigenous populations, where maintaining the delicate and intricate balance of elements are absolutely crucial, necessary, and lifesaving. The Guide's user-friendly style and well-organized content that includes anecdotes, classroom examples, planning guides, and scripts make this a valuable resource and necessary reading for every teacher and administrator.Gloria Kishi
Hawaii Department of Education