The Principal as Technology Leader
The larger picture in educational technology is not hardware or software, but curriculum, achievement, and technology's overall role in education. In an engaging style, the author--founder of the Idaho Administrative Technology Leadership Center--explores the complexities of change and implementation of technology in schools. The Principal as Technology Leader looks at current research while providing guidelines to development and planning, and includes sample technology plans that are easy to follow and use.
In addition, the book highlights:
- Instructional leadership and curriculum
- The digital divide between needs and availability
- Needs assessment
- Strategic planning
- Staff technophobia
- TSSA standards
- Constructivism and Engaged Learning
- Community support
Product Details
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9780761945420
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2002
- Page Count: 136
- Publication date: January 14, 2003
Review Copies
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