The Power of Teacher Teams
Foreword by Richard F. Elmore
Includes a companion DVD with video case studies and CD-ROM with reproducibles and supplemental cases
This book's companion DVD features richly detailed video case studies that outline concrete steps for developing effective teams that transform schools into learning communities.
- Grade Level: K-12
- ISBN: 9781412991339
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2011
- Page Count: 248
- Publication date: October 11, 2011
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How to successfully improve teaching and learning with teacher teams
While most educators believe working in teams is valuable, not all team efforts lead to instructional improvement. Through richly detailed case studies, The Power of Teacher Teams demonstrates how schools can transform their teams into more effective learning communities that foster teacher leadership. The benefits of successful teacher teams include:
- Improved performance for both teachers and students
- Meaningful professional development
- Group adoption of a new curriculum
- Shared insights into student work
- Better classroom management
- Support for new teachers
- New roles for teacher leaders
- Opportunities for mentor support
School leaders will find guidelines, methods, and concrete steps for building and sustaining effective teacher teams.Also included are one DVD with video case studies and one CD with reproducibles. The most important reason for building teacher teams is to enhance student learning through improved instruction—and that story is at the heart of this book.
Key features
· A complete sourcebook on building and sustaining effective teacher teams.
· Includes a collection of richly-detailed teaching cases for collaborative analysis.
· Video case studies give teams opportunities to observe other teams in action and enable the teams to analyze the challenges and successes of team meetings.

Vivian Troen
Considered authorities on the subjects of teacher education, teacher leadership, and professional development schools, Troen and Boles deliver workshops on Teacher Teams and Teacher Leadership, speak at conferences and seminars, and regularly consult to schools and school districts in the United States and internationally. As classroom teachers, they founded one of the nation’s first professional development schools to link colleges and public schools in partnerships for the preservice education of teachers as well as the ongoing professional development of veteran teachers.
They are the authors of Who’s Teaching Your Children: Why The Teacher Crisis is Worse Than You Think and What Can Be Done About It (Yale University Press, 2003) as well as numerous articles and book chapters on teachers and teaching. Most recently they have joined national leaders of professional organizations of educators, state education agencies and universities in the Teacher Leadership Exploratory Consortium, convened by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to develop model national standards for teacher leadership.
Troen co-directs the Induction Partnership Initiative at Brandeis University, guiding schools in developing the capacity to support new teachers. She also leads school administrators in regularly scheduled online, networked seminars investigating a wide range of issues surrounding induction practices and professional development for new and experienced teachers.

Katherine C. Boles
Considered authorities on the subjects of teacher education, teacher leadership, and professional development schools, Troen and Boles deliver workshops on Teacher Teams and Teacher Leadership, speak at conferences and seminars, and regularly consult to schools and school districts in the United States and internationally. As classroom teachers, they founded one of the nation’s first professional development schools to link colleges and public schools in partnerships for the preservice education of teachers as well as the ongoing professional development of veteran teachers.
They are the authors of Who’s Teaching Your Children: Why The Teacher Crisis is Worse Than You Think and What Can Be Done About It (Yale University Press, 2003) as well as numerous articles and book chapters on teachers and teaching. Most recently they have joined national leaders of professional organizations of educators, state education agencies and universities in the Teacher Leadership Exploratory Consortium, convened by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to develop model national standards for teacher leadership.
Boles is a Senior Lecturer on Education and Faculty Director of the Learning and Teaching Masters Degree Program at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She received her doctorate from Harvard, and her courses examine the latest research on school reform, teacher education, teacher teams, and new forms of teacher leadership.
Table of Contents
Photo Credits
List of Figures
About the Authors
1. Read This First
2. Get Ready for Better Teams
3. What Makes a Good Team, What Makes a Team Good?
4. Instructional Leadership: Principals and Teacher Leaders
5. Team Development and Strategies for Success
6. Teaching Cases
"This is an important book, providing both inspiration and practical guidance for educators impressed by the power of teacher teams. By offering a series of case studies, and protocols for analyzing the cases, Troen and Boles guide readers through a process educators can use immediately in their own efforts."Charlotte Danielson, Author and Educational Consultant
Princeton, NJ
"The Power of Teacher Teams is an incredible gold mine of ideas, strategies, practices, and advice, rooted in a conceptual frame that is both accessible and engaging! It is must reading for teachers, principals and policy makers who care passionately about transforming our schools for teachers and their students."Ann Lieberman, Senior Scholar
Stanford University, CA
“Troen and Boles provide a guide for teams to navigate through the obstacles and opportunities created by collaborative teams. This book offers teams a chance to reflect and learn from their own and others’ experiences.”
David Goldfarb, Principal“Troen and Boles provide a guide for teams to navigate through the obstacles and opportunities created by collaborative teams. This book offers teams a chance to reflect and learn from their own and others’ experiences.”
Fairfax High School, Fairfax, VA
“This book is a must-read for any superintendent or school leader, and a guide for educators—whether they are teachers, paraprofessionals, principals, or district staff—on how to work together.”
Greg Baker, Superintendent“This book is a must-read for any superintendent or school leader, and a guide for educators—whether they are teachers, paraprofessionals, principals, or district staff—on how to work together.”
Bellingham Public Schools, WA
“By describing and illustrating both the theory and practice of effective teams, the authors have made a major contribution to our efforts to close achievement gaps and boost student learning.”Paul Reville, Secretary of Education
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
"Tools ready-to-use! A required resource for principals, teacher leaders, instructional coaches and professional development facilitators. Troen and Boles make teaming practice public so that we can begin to do the same across our schools."Barbara Crock, Founding Principal
"Change through collaboration occurs when school leaders and teachers meet consistently to talk about student learning and teaching design and hold each other accountable. As a principal practitioner dedicated to adult learning and professional growth, I treasure the gems scattered throughout this salient book."Gerardo J. Martinez, Principal
Edward Devotion School, Brookline, MA
"This is a powerful book that offers practical advice grounded in research. The case studies in this book can assist superintendents, curriculum/staff developers, teacher leaders, and principals in implementing effective, school-based instructional teams."Christine M. Johns, Superintendent
Utica Community Schools, Michigan
"At a time when teacher effectiveness is under attack nationwide, Boles and Troen add a fresh perspective to the conversation. Through thoughtful analysis and case studies, the authors advocate for the use of strategies that improve teacher effectiveness as well as parallel strategies that improve schools’ team effectiveness."Irvin Scott, Chief Academic Officer
Boston Public Schools, MA
"Finally, a book written in user-friendly language that explains the value of educators working in teams to improve student achievement! Educators who read this book will be able to use its cases and guides to case analysis to solve the challenges they face in their own schools."Marguerite Izzo, Language Arts Teacher, New York State Teacher of the Year - 2007
Howard T. Herber Middle School, Malverne , NY
"Troen and Boles give us a concrete image of how collective educational practice can be focused on the instructional core of schooling. Their portrait of teacher teams is an important contribution to our understanding of how teaching is learned and will be useful for both practice and analysis."Magdalene Lampert, George Herbert Mead Collegiate Professor of Education
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
"The authors identify the real-life challenges of teaming and collaboration that teachers and principals face each and every day. They provide cases that describe the everyday experiences of working in teams, and then present tools that professionals will find extremely useful in aligning their efforts around improving student learning."Jeff Ronnenberg, Superintendent
Spring Lake Park Schools District, MN
"As a director of professional development, I feel this book is crucial to building the capacity of teachers, teacher leaders, team facilitators, and principals."Fernando Nuñez, Director of Professional Development
Isaac School District #5, Phoenix, AZ
"In light of recent research indicating that very few teacher teams are actually effective, this book seeks to reverse the trend. By developing a framework for effective teacher teams that includes five criteria—leadership, task focus, collaborative climate, structure and process, and personal accountability—Troen and Boles provide school leaders with the tools needed to navigate this relatively new terrain and to make effective teacher teams a reality."ED Magazine, Summer 2012
Harvard Graduate School of Education
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Related Resources
- Access to companion resources is available with the purchase of this book.