The Lead Learner

Improving Clarity, Coherence, and Capacity for All
First Edition
By: Michael McDowell

Foreword by Douglas Fisher
Epilogue by Peter M. DeWitt

Practical examples, activities, and reflective questions take you step-by-step through the work of the learning leader, ensuring growth in core academic content and 21st-century skills.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781544324982
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2018
  • Page Count: 240
  • Publication date: May 31, 2018
Price: $40.95
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To make a lasting impact, start with your own learning.

What’s better: a rigorous system that emphasizes traditional academics, or an innovative one that prepares students for tomorrow’s world? With McDowell’s new model of educational leadership, you don’t have to choose. You can create an impactful system that ensures growth for all students in both core academic content and 21st-century skills.

The Lead Learner shows you how starting with your own professional learning helps you plan for and meet the unique learning needs of staff and students—while getting the biggest impact from your limited time. You’ll also find ways to:

  • Ensure clarity in strategic planning
  • Establish coherence throughout the system
  • Enact system-wide capacity-building processes
  • Craft your personal leadership skills

With practical examples, stories from the field, and numerous activities and reflective questions, this insightful book takes you step-by-step through the work of the learning leader—so you can ensure engaged learning for all.

The enduring contribution of this book is in the guidance it provides leaders to recognize that they are part, an important part, but just a part, of a networked system. As such, their decisions and actions send messages throughout the system about what is valued and what is not. Take heed to McDowell’s advice and you’ll have a healthy, growth-producing system that will be the envy of those around you. The work is possible, the information is available, and the results are clear.
Douglas Fisher
San Diego State University


Michael McDowell photo

Michael McDowell

Michael McDowell, EdD was a public school educator for eighteen years serving in the roles of classroom teacher, academic and athletic coach, school principal, assistant superintendent of personnel and instruction, and superintendent. During his tenure as a superintendent, his school district received state and national accolades including the National Blue Ribbon Award which recognized their work for student performance and mental health and well-being in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic by the U.S. Department of Education.

Dr. McDowell serves on numerous boards, served as a college professor, and worked for non-profit organizations to enhance student learning around the world. Over the course of his career, Dr. McDowell has authored bestselling books, created professional learning programs and workbooks, provided keynotes and workshops, and provided practical tools and resources for thousands of teachers and leaders on almost every continent around the world. A prolific author and consultant, Dr. McDowell is recognized as one of the leading authorities on integrating innovative and impactful practices into schools.
Offering keynotes and executive coaching to heads of school around the world, he partners with educational leaders to implement high leverage strategies that will enhance teaching and learning in classrooms, schools, and systems through his work with Hinge Education.

Table of Contents


Preface: Lead the Learning

A Perspective From a Lead Learner

Author's Acknowledgments

About the Author

Chapter 1. Setting the Stage

Are We as Leaders Ready to Prepare All Learners for the 21st Century?

The Driving Question: Are Our Decisions Leading the Learning?

A New Leadership Focus

Ensuring Clarity, Coherence, and Capacity: Crafting Improved Leadership Skills


Reflection Questions


Next Steps

Chapter 2. Clarity: Strategic Planning

Three Questions That Ensure Clarity in Strategic Planning


Reflection Questions


Next Steps


Chapter 3. Coherence (Part I): Learning System Infrastructure

Setting the Stage for Coherence

Establish Progress and Proficiency Expectations

Establish Standardized and Customizable Features

Coherence: Bringing It All Together


Reflection Questions


Next Steps

Chapter 4. Coherence (Part II): Ensuring Inspired and Passionate Teachers in Schools

Linking Learner-Centered Beliefs and Behaviors

Unmasking Beliefs and Behaviors

Hiring and Developing Educators for Impact


Reflection Questions


Next Steps

Chapter 5. Capacity: Community Learning

Building Capacity Through Continuous Improvement

Standardized Success Criteria

Customizable Organizational Routines for Learning


Reflection Questions


Next Steps

Chapter 6. Crafting: The Lead Learner

Facing Competing Beliefs in Learning

Lead Learner Practices That Move Learning Forward

Establishing Common Agreements for Learning

Leverage Protocols for Dialogue

Model Current Initiatives in Daily Practice


Reflection Questions


Next Steps

Chapter 7. Conclusion

Moving Beyond Stark Differences

Influencing Educators

Recognizing the Rate of Change




Sample Strategic Plans


Sample Evaluation Tools

Sample Unit Plan

Demonstration Scenario



Price: $40.95
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.