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The Educator's Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorder

Interventions and Treatments
By: Kaye L. Otten, Sonja R. de Boer, Leslie Ann Bross

For Educators, By Educators

This easy-to-use, accessible guide summarizes more than 75 interventions and rates each based on the most recent evidence of effectiveness and safety.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781071838778
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2023
  • Page Count: 424
  • Publication date: July 20, 2023
Price: $44.95
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Identify the best interventions to fit the unique needs of each learner with autism

Whatever your role—general or special education teacher, school counselor, therapist, behavior analyst, administrator—you undoubtedly interact with learners with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and are committed to helping them succeed and thrive.

This easy-to-use accessible guide summarizes more than 75 interventions and rates each based on the most recent evidence of effectiveness and safety.

Features include:

  • A summary of interventions and treatments from a comprehensive variety of domains organized into 11 categories, including behavioral interventions, visual supports, social and emotional skills training, and physiological interventions, as well as interventions that have the potential for causing harm
  • An evidence-based five-point scale that clearly rates each intervention’s effectiveness for specific learners
  • Guidance for working with colleagues and families to choose and implement the most promising treatments

Written by educators with decades of experience and expertise in a variety of settings, many of whom are also Board Certified Behavior Analysts, this comprehensive guide is an indispensable resource for all those who serve students with ASD.


Kaye L. Otten photo

Kaye L. Otten

Kaye Otten has a doctorate from The University of Kansas in special education with an emphasis in emotional, behavioral, and autism spectrum disorders and is a board certified behavior analyst with Summit Behavioral Services specializing in school based services. She provides collaborative coaching to school districts in developing evidence based multi-tiered systems of behavioral support and serves as adjunct faculty with The Mandt System, an international leader in crisis prevention and intervention. Kaye has over thirty years of experience in public and private schools as a general and special educator and behavioral consultant and has experience working with all ages, ability levels, and disability categories. She is the co-author of the book How to Reach and Teach Children with Challenging Behavior: Practical Ready-To-Use Strategies that Work and the online professional development courses Managing Challenging Behavior: Part 1-Antecedent Strategies and Part 2-Consequence Strategies provided by Exceptional Child of Vector Solutions.
Sonja R. de Boer photo

Sonja R. de Boer

Sonja R. de Boer is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst-Doctoral (BCBA-D) and obtained her Ph.D. in special education and psychology and research in education at the University of Kansas, with an emphasis on early intervention for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Richard Simpson was her advisor through her doctorate program. She has approximately 30 years of experience working in early childhood special education, early intervention services, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), with students with disabilities, and specifically children with ASD. For children with ASD, she has designed and supervised in-home intervention programs (ages 0-10), preschool programs (ages 3-6; both intensive ABA and inclusive preschools), as well as elementary school educational and behavioral programs (ages 5-12).

For more than half of her career, she has focused on serving students with ASD and their families and educators in rural communities. She is currently a faculty member for Tufts University Medical Center in Child Psychiatry and provides training and consultation around the nation regarding interventions for children with ASD. Besides the United States, she has worked with professionals, universities, non-profit organizations and families with children with ASD and other disabilities in Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Russia, Nigeria, China, Chile, Abu Dhabi and Dubai. She is the author of the book Successful Inclusion Practices for Children with Autism: Creating a Complete, Effective, ASD Inclusion Program (currently being revised and updated for publication); Discrete Trial Training, 2nd edition (part of the How To Series on Autism Spectrum Disorders); and is one of the original co-authors of the first edition of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Interventions and Treatments for Children and Youth written with Richard Simpson in 2005.
Leslie Ann Bross photo

Leslie Ann Bross

Leslie Bross is an Assistant Professor of Special Education in the Department of Special Education and Child Development at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Charlotte. She serves as the director of the Graduate Certificate in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) program at UNC Charlotte. Leslie earned her doctoral degree from the University of Kansas in 2019 with an emphasis in evidence-based practices and ASD. Her primary research interest is examining ways to support individuals with ASD during their transition to adulthood in the areas of postsecondary education, competitive employment, and community integration. Prior to her experiences in higher education, Leslie was a special education teacher for six years in Lee’s Summit, Missouri. She taught social skills for secondary students with ASD and established a community-based employment program. She also taught English as a second language in Nagasaki, Japan and Barcelona, Spain.

Table of Contents

Behavioral Interventions

Antecedent Based Interventions

Discrete Trial Teaching

Errorless Learning

Task Analysis


Time Delay

Behavioral Momentum

Response Interruption and Redirection


Differential Reinforcement


Functional Behavioral Assessment

Functional Communication Training



UCLA Young Autism Project (Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention)

Early Start Denver Model(Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention)

Learning Experiences: An Alternative Program for Preschoolers and Parents (LEAP) (Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention)

Ziggurat/Comprehensive Autism Planning System

Visual Supports


Independent Work Systems


Power Cards

Language Training

Verbal Behavior Intervention

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

Aided Language Modeling

Assisted Technology

Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS))

Social, Emotional and/or Behavioral Skills Training

Behavioral Skills Training

Teaching Interaction Procedure

Cool Versus Not Cool

Video Modeling

Theory of mind training


Social Decision-Making Strategies

Social Narratives/ Story-based Intervention

The Program for Education and Enrichment of Relationship Skills (PEERS®)



The Coping Cat Program

Social Thinking

Zones of Regulation

The Incredible Five Point Scale



Natural Developmental Behavioral Interventions

Incidental Teaching

Imitation Based Interventions

Mileau Teaching

Joint Attention Interventions

Pivotal Response Interventions

Developmental Relationship-Based Interventions

Responsive Teaching

DIRFloor Time®

Relationship Development Intervention (RDI)

Relational Frame Theory Based Interventions

Stimulus Equivalence Instruction (SEI)

Matrix Training

Promoting Emergence of Advanced Knowledge (PEAK)

Acceptance and Commitment Training

Miscellaneous Interventions

Peer-Mediated Instruction and Intervention

Parent Implemented Interventions

Music Mediated Intervention

Music Intensity

Animal Assisted Intervention

Art Therapy

Outdoor Adventure

Toilet Training

SENSE Theatre Intervention

Exercise and Movement

Gentle Teaching


Systematic Transition in Education Programme for Autism Spectrum Disorder (STEP-ASD)

Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction (SDLMI)

Person-Centered Planning

Physiological Interventions


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Specialized Diets

Microbiome Therapies

Metavitamin Therapy

Sensory Integration

Potential of Causing Significant Harm

Rapid Prompting Method

Holding Therapy

Contingent Electric Skin Shock (CESS)



Price: $44.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.