The Educator's Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorder
For Educators, By Educators
This easy-to-use, accessible guide summarizes more than 75 interventions and rates each based on the most recent evidence of effectiveness and safety.
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781071838778
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2023
- Page Count: 424
- Publication date: July 20, 2023
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Identify the best interventions to fit the unique needs of each learner with autism
Whatever your role—general or special education teacher, school counselor, therapist, behavior analyst, administrator—you undoubtedly interact with learners with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and are committed to helping them succeed and thrive.
This easy-to-use accessible guide summarizes more than 75 interventions and rates each based on the most recent evidence of effectiveness and safety.
Features include:
- A summary of interventions and treatments from a comprehensive variety of domains organized into 11 categories, including behavioral interventions, visual supports, social and emotional skills training, and physiological interventions, as well as interventions that have the potential for causing harm
- An evidence-based five-point scale that clearly rates each intervention’s effectiveness for specific learners
- Guidance for working with colleagues and families to choose and implement the most promising treatments
Written by educators with decades of experience and expertise in a variety of settings, many of whom are also Board Certified Behavior Analysts, this comprehensive guide is an indispensable resource for all those who serve students with ASD.

Kaye L. Otten

Sonja R. de Boer
Sonja R. de Boer is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst-Doctoral (BCBA-D) and obtained her Ph.D. in special education and psychology and research in education at the University of Kansas, with an emphasis on early intervention for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Richard Simpson was her advisor through her doctorate program. She has approximately 30 years of experience working in early childhood special education, early intervention services, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), with students with disabilities, and specifically children with ASD. For children with ASD, she has designed and supervised in-home intervention programs (ages 0-10), preschool programs (ages 3-6; both intensive ABA and inclusive preschools), as well as elementary school educational and behavioral programs (ages 5-12).
For more than half of her career, she has focused on serving students with ASD and their families and educators in rural communities. She is currently a faculty member for Tufts University Medical Center in Child Psychiatry and provides training and consultation around the nation regarding interventions for children with ASD. Besides the United States, she has worked with professionals, universities, non-profit organizations and families with children with ASD and other disabilities in Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Russia, Nigeria, China, Chile, Abu Dhabi and Dubai. She is the author of the book Successful Inclusion Practices for Children with Autism: Creating a Complete, Effective, ASD Inclusion Program (currently being revised and updated for publication); Discrete Trial Training, 2nd edition (part of the How To Series on Autism Spectrum Disorders); and is one of the original co-authors of the first edition of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Interventions and Treatments for Children and Youth written with Richard Simpson in 2005.
Leslie Ann Bross
Table of Contents
Behavioral Interventions
Antecedent Based Interventions
Discrete Trial Teaching
Errorless Learning
Task Analysis
Time Delay
Behavioral Momentum
Response Interruption and Redirection
Differential Reinforcement
Functional Behavioral Assessment
Functional Communication Training
UCLA Young Autism Project (Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention)
Early Start Denver Model(Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention)
Learning Experiences: An Alternative Program for Preschoolers and Parents (LEAP) (Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention)
Ziggurat/Comprehensive Autism Planning System
Visual Supports
Independent Work Systems
Power Cards
Language Training
Verbal Behavior Intervention
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Aided Language Modeling
Assisted Technology
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS))
Social, Emotional and/or Behavioral Skills Training
Behavioral Skills Training
Teaching Interaction Procedure
Cool Versus Not Cool
Video Modeling
Theory of mind training
Social Decision-Making Strategies
Social Narratives/ Story-based Intervention
The Program for Education and Enrichment of Relationship Skills (PEERS®)
The Coping Cat Program
Social Thinking
Zones of Regulation
The Incredible Five Point Scale
Natural Developmental Behavioral Interventions
Incidental Teaching
Imitation Based Interventions
Mileau Teaching
Joint Attention Interventions
Pivotal Response Interventions
Developmental Relationship-Based Interventions
Responsive Teaching
DIRFloor Time®
Relationship Development Intervention (RDI)
Relational Frame Theory Based Interventions
Stimulus Equivalence Instruction (SEI)
Matrix Training
Promoting Emergence of Advanced Knowledge (PEAK)
Acceptance and Commitment Training
Miscellaneous Interventions
Peer-Mediated Instruction and Intervention
Parent Implemented Interventions
Music Mediated Intervention
Music Intensity
Animal Assisted Intervention
Art Therapy
Outdoor Adventure
Toilet Training
SENSE Theatre Intervention
Exercise and Movement
Gentle Teaching
Systematic Transition in Education Programme for Autism Spectrum Disorder (STEP-ASD)
Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction (SDLMI)
Person-Centered Planning
Physiological Interventions
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Specialized Diets
Microbiome Therapies
Metavitamin Therapy
Sensory Integration
Potential of Causing Significant Harm
Rapid Prompting Method
Holding Therapy
Contingent Electric Skin Shock (CESS)
"The field of autism and education has had a difficult time closing the research to practice gap. That is why this book has been so refreshing to read. As practitioners, researchers, and parents of a child with autism, we found it to be a valuable resource for determining which interventions are effective for which individuals and which ones are little more than fads and false promises. What we found especially important is that this book was written by researchers and practitioners with-real world classroom experience using many of the interventions and we loved the practitioner testimonials that provide a glimpse of how they are implemented in their classrooms. This is an easy to read and use guide for teachers who want to discover what interventions are likely to be most effective in providing the best educational opportunities for students with autism."
Matt McNiff, PhD and Brenda McNiff, EdD"The field of autism and education has had a difficult time closing the research to practice gap. That is why this book has been so refreshing to read. As practitioners, researchers, and parents of a child with autism, we found it to be a valuable resource for determining which interventions are effective for which individuals and which ones are little more than fads and false promises. What we found especially important is that this book was written by researchers and practitioners with-real world classroom experience using many of the interventions and we loved the practitioner testimonials that provide a glimpse of how they are implemented in their classrooms. This is an easy to read and use guide for teachers who want to discover what interventions are likely to be most effective in providing the best educational opportunities for students with autism."
School administrators and parents of a child with ASD
"In this comprehensive compendium, an experienced collection of authors offers practical guidance for those charged with supporting individuals with ASD, their families, and teachers. The book covers an extensive range of practices and will be an asset for any educator or school leader looking to ensure their educational programs for students with ASD are rooted in research evidence. It will also serve as a valuable resource for families advocating for appropriate school-based supports. Well done, team! Dr. Simpson would be proud."
Robert C. Pennington"In this comprehensive compendium, an experienced collection of authors offers practical guidance for those charged with supporting individuals with ASD, their families, and teachers. The book covers an extensive range of practices and will be an asset for any educator or school leader looking to ensure their educational programs for students with ASD are rooted in research evidence. It will also serve as a valuable resource for families advocating for appropriate school-based supports. Well done, team! Dr. Simpson would be proud."
Lake and Edward J. Snyder, Jr., Distinguished Professor in Special Education, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
"In this thorough review of interventions for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Drs. Otten, de Boer, and Bross have updated and extended the work of their beloved mentor, Rich Simpson. The volume is written by teachers, those who have been and currently serve on the front lines of imparting instruction, the classroom. The editors’ intent is for the book to function as a resource guide so that practitioners can, under one cover, review the appropriateness of practices to improve the overall quality of life for the students they serve. They have fulfilled this goal."
Fred Spooner"In this thorough review of interventions for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Drs. Otten, de Boer, and Bross have updated and extended the work of their beloved mentor, Rich Simpson. The volume is written by teachers, those who have been and currently serve on the front lines of imparting instruction, the classroom. The editors’ intent is for the book to function as a resource guide so that practitioners can, under one cover, review the appropriateness of practices to improve the overall quality of life for the students they serve. They have fulfilled this goal."
Professor of Special Education, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
"In the age of social-media and 'new initiatives' being promoted year after year, it can be overwhelming for teachers to know where to begin when choosing interventions, especially for social, emotional, and behavioral skills. The Educator’s Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorder provides a systematic breakdown of evidence-based practices organized in a cohesive format that allows teachers to quickly and easily find information relevant to their particular student needs. Interventions and research are described in easy-to read language and each section includes recommended student characteristics or prerequisite skills, as well as a rating to help teachers discern the potential effectiveness or even possibly harmful effects for their specific students. I especially love that this book includes testimonials from teachers regarding how they are currently using some of these interventions in their classrooms. It is evident that this guide was written by educators who truly understand the challenges, limited resources, and time constraints today’s teachers face."
Danielle Wesley, MSEd, BCBA"In the age of social-media and 'new initiatives' being promoted year after year, it can be overwhelming for teachers to know where to begin when choosing interventions, especially for social, emotional, and behavioral skills. The Educator’s Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorder provides a systematic breakdown of evidence-based practices organized in a cohesive format that allows teachers to quickly and easily find information relevant to their particular student needs. Interventions and research are described in easy-to read language and each section includes recommended student characteristics or prerequisite skills, as well as a rating to help teachers discern the potential effectiveness or even possibly harmful effects for their specific students. I especially love that this book includes testimonials from teachers regarding how they are currently using some of these interventions in their classrooms. It is evident that this guide was written by educators who truly understand the challenges, limited resources, and time constraints today’s teachers face."
Review Copies
Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact