The Blended Learning Blueprint for Elementary Teachers

Designed to help K-5 teachers develop and implement a personalized plan for instruction in blended environments, this resource identifies key competencies and strategies for development.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781544318639
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Series: Corwin Teaching Essentials
  • Year: 2018
  • Page Count: 176
  • Publication date: March 02, 2018
Price: $39.95
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Your blueprint for empowering students through personalized learning

In today’s technologically-integrated world, blended learning is a natural fit for the elementary classroom, where many teachers already think flexibly about the learning environment, resources, and time in order to meet diverse student needs. As blended elementary classrooms become more common, teachers and administrators must develop a shared understanding of the characteristics of effective instruction in blended environments.

This guide is designed to help K-5 teachers develop and carry out a plan for effective instruction in blended environments. Presented in a step-by-step workbook format, this resource identifies the competencies blended teachers need and strategies for development, culminating in a personalized implementation plan for successful blended instruction. Readers will

  • Take an in-depth look at the iNACOL Blended Learning Teacher Competency Framework, to foster a deeper understanding of the teacher proficiencies needed for effective blended learning environments.
  • Identify your own strengths and needs related to the blended teacher competencies.
  • Develop a personalized blueprint for designing and facilitating blended learning in your classrooms.
  • Tailor your needs and goals when it comes to maximizing instructional time, personalizing learning, empowering students, pursuing professional learning, and more.
  • Explore specific strategies and examples of blended learning in elementary classrooms, and reflect on your own plans for blended instruction.

Making the shift to blended learning requires intentional planning and support. This workbook will guide you through the process of developing an actionable plan for blended learning in your classroom.

Key features

This books aims to take the mystery out of effective blended teaching and provide a guide to support elementary teachers in designing and facilitating blended learning. By crafting a blueprint, readers will design their own personalized implementation plans for blended learning.

Throughout the book, readers will have opportunities to:

  • Learn about the iNACOL competencies for blended instructors
  • Gain practical tips on scheduling and using blended learning for increased teaching time
  • Learn useful instructional strategies
  • Reflect on their own blended journey
  • Craft a personalized blueprint for implementing blended learning in their elementary classroom


Jayme Linton photo

Jayme Linton

Dr. Jayme Linton is Assistant Professor of Education at Lenoir-Rhyne University in Hickory, North Carolina, and program coordinator for the university's graduate program in online teaching and instructional design. Previously, she held positions as Instructional Technology Facilitator, Staff Development Coordinator, Instructional Coach, and elementary teacher. She was recognized by the National School Board Association as one of the "20 to Watch" for 2012-13 and was selected for ISTE's Making IT Happen Award by NCTIES in 2013. Jayme is co-founder of #NCed, a bi-weekly Twitter chat for North Carolina educators, and #edteach, a bi-weekly Twitter chat for pre-service teachers.

Table of Contents




Possible Uses


Publisher’s Acknowledgments

About the Author

INTRODUCTION Defining Blended Learning

Why Blended Learning?

Definition and Models of Blended Learning

Internet Safety in the Elementary Classroom

CHAPTER 1 Blended Learning Teacher Competencies



Adaptive Skills

Technical Skills

CHAPTER 2 Crafting Your Vision

Adapting Blended Models

Rethinking the Role of Teachers and Learners

Letting Go of Control

Redesigning the Learning Space

Designing the Blueprint

CHAPTER 3 Maximizing Instructional Time

Answering the Essential Question About Time

Rethinking the School Day

Cloning the Teacher

Designing the Blueprint

CHAPTER 4 Making It Personal

Moving From Differentiation to Personalized Learning

Designing Personalized Pathways

Making Pathways Work

Designing the Blueprint

CHAPTER 5 Empowering Students

Leveraging Formative Assessments

Managing Data and Goal-Setting

Tapping Into Student Passions

Designing the Blueprint

CHAPTER 6 Expanding Your Toolbox

Designing Collaborative Learning Experiences

Leveraging Adaptive Tools for Self-Paced Learning

Amplifying Student Voice

Designing the Blueprint

CHAPTER 7 Professional Learning

Collaborating With Colleagues

Connecting With Stakeholders

Owning Your Professional Learning

Designing the Blueprint

CHAPTER 8 Getting Started

Starting Small

Planning for Sustainability

Designing the Blueprint


Appendix A: Blueprint for Blended Learning

Appendix B: iNACOL Blended Learning Teacher Competency Framework

Appendix C: Reflecting on the iNACOL Blended Learning Teacher Competencies

Appendix D: Recommended Reading

Appendix E: Guide for Coaching and Supporting Blended Teachers



Price: $39.95
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.

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