
Text Structures From Fairy Tales

Truisms That Help Students Write About Abstract Concepts . . . and Live Happily Ever After, Grades 4-12
Centered on classic fairy tales, 35 lessons include a writing prompt and a planning framework that leads students to organize writing through a text structure.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: 4-12
  • ISBN: 9781544361154
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Series: Corwin Literacy
  • Year: 2019
  • Page Count: 248
  • Publication date: January 16, 2019
Price: $40.95
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Standardized tests and college essay prompts demand that students produce quality analytical writing about abstract concepts. But how do you actually teach this kind of writing? Award-winning authors Gretchen Bernabei and Judi Reimer make it easy and fun. This book includes 35 engaging lessons that give students just the focused practice they need to craft effective, analytical writing for any situation.

Centered on classic fairy tales and designed for students of all ages, each lesson includes a writing prompt accompanied by a planning framework. Students write a truism, select or create a text structure, and write a kernel essay that serves as scaffolding for a detailed rhetorical piece. With practice, students move from depending on teacher guidance to becoming autonomous analytical writers. The teacher-friendly layout and built-in flexibility of the book empower you to

  • Use each fairy tale lesson for reading, for writing, or for both
  • Cluster lessons around a particular literacy concept or use each as a standalone lesson
  • Pair fairy tales thematically with other readings
  • Customize the text structure options to meet the needs of your individual students
  • Encourage students to create their own text structures
  • Teach students simple ways to expand their ideas into detailed, rich essays
  • Additional ideas for how to use the lessons, a complete collection of text structures, craft lessons on revision, and a list of conversation strategies are also included.

Put Text Structures From Fairy Tales to work in your classroom and soon your students will be writing happily ever after.


Gretchen S. Bernabei photo

Gretchen S. Bernabei

A popular workshop presenter and winner of NCTE’s James Moffett Award in 2010, Gretchen Bernabei has been teaching kids to write in middle school and high school classrooms for more than thirty years. In addition to four other professional books and numerous articles for NCTE journals, she is the author of National Geographic School Publications’ The Good Writer’s Kit, as well as Lightning in a Bottle, a CD of visual writing prompts.
Judith A. Reimer photo

Judith A. Reimer

Judi Reimer taught fourth grade in San Antonio, Texas, for seventeen years and continues to advise students and school districts. She has worked as a freelance writer, contributing columns and features for Parents, Ladies’ Home Journal, and other national magazines. Judi has also written articles for Studies Weekly classroom publications and has been a freelance writer for American Legacy Publishing.

Table of Contents



Lessons: Student Planning Pages with Fairy Tale Texts

Structure for Writing About Life Themes

1. Beauty and the Beast

2. The Bremen Town Musicians

3. Cinderella

4. Diamonds and Toads

5. The Elves and the Shoemaker

Structures for Explaining a Concept

6. The Emperor's New Clothes

7. The Fisherman and His Wife

8. The Frog Prince

9. The Gingerbread Boy

10. The Golden Goose

Structures for Character Analysis

11. Hansel and Gretel

12. Henny Penny

13. Jack and the Beanstalk

14. The Little Red Hen

15. Little Red Riding Hood

Structures for Analyzing a Theme in Literature

16. The Nightingale

17. One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes

18. The Princess and the pea

19. Puss in Boots

20. Rapunzel

Structures for Commentary About Plot

21. Rumpelstiltskin

22. The Sleeping Beauty

23. Snow White

24. Snow White and Rose Red

25. The Three Bears

Structures for Making an Argument

26. The Three Billy Goats Gruff

27. The Three Little Pigs

28. The Three Sillies

29. Thumbelina

30. The Tinderbox

Structures for Content-Area Writing

31. Tom Thumb

32. The Twelve Dancing Princesses

33. The Ugly Duckling

34. The Wild Swans

35. The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids


i. Complete Text Structures Collections

ii. 25 More Things to do With These Lessons

iii. Blank Student Planning Page for Black Line Master

iv. Text Chunkyard

v. Get Student Writers Talking: Conversation Strategies

vi. Steps for the Truism Braid Essay

vii. Reader Rubric with Words and Faces

viii. Intensity Scale

ix. What's Better... This? Or That?

x. Ms. Kern's Final Exam Project and Timetable

xi. Craft Lessons for Revision

a. Truisms

b. Adding Details

c. Sparkling Sentences

d. 11-Minute Essays

e. Ba-da-bing!

f. Writer's Toolbox with Dead Giveaways

g. Writing Book Reports

Other Titles in: Literacy | Literacy, K-12

Price: $40.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.

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