Structured English Immersion

A Step-by-Step Guide for K-6 Teachers and Administrators

Experienced teacher and researcher Johanna Haver shows how easy it is to ensure that English Language Learners gain mastery of English and also learn the essentials of the mainstream curriculum in this easy-to-follow manual.

The many benefits teachers and administrators will find in this book include:

  • Comprehensive definitions of SEI and the research that supports it
  • Explanation of evaluation and assessment procedures
  • Realistic timelines, goals, and strategies for mainstreaming students
  • Real-life examples from exemplary SEI programs
  • Step-by-step guidance on implementing SEI techniques in SEI and mainstream classes
  • Suggestions for maintaining native languages
  • Tips on including parents

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-6
  • ISBN: 9780761945680
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2002
  • Page Count: 160
  • Publication date: December 10, 2002
Price: $30.95
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"Haver's Structured English Immersion excels in its directives to implement an effective SEI program from start to finish. While citing research and giving the pedagogical basis for SEI, Haver does not get mired in the theory—instead, heading directly towards the practice. This book is an excellent resource for those schools and districts struggling to implement the best SEI program for their LEP students."

Education Leaders Council Weekly Policy Update, May 2003

"This book is very helpful not only to LEP teachers, but also to administrators who are responsible for setting up a program."

Arlene Myslinski, High School ESL Teacher

Buffalo Grove High School, Illinois

"The strength of this book lies in its many strategies for English Immersion programs as well as help for the regular teacher as the English learner is mainstreamed. These strategies cover all grades, both elementary and secondary."

Nancy Law, Educational Consultant

Sacramento City Schools, California

Unlock the mystery—and potential—of Structured English Immersion!

Several states have mandated Structured English Immersion (SEI) for their English Language Learners (ELL), but there are few resources to help teachers and administrators implement this highly effective program. At last, a guide has emerged that explains what SEI is and how it works in the classroom. Educators are taken through a process that guarantees success for ELLs at any skill-level.

Experienced teacher and researcher Johanna Haver shows how easy it is to ensure that ELLs gain mastery of English and also learn the essentials of the mainstream curriculum in this easy-to-follow manual.

The many benefits teachers and administrators will find in this book include:

  • Comprehensive definitions of SEI and the research that supports it
  • Explanation of evaluation and assessment procedures
  • Realistic timelines, goals, and strategies for mainstreaming students
  • Real-life examples from exemplary SEI programs
  • Step-by-step guidance on implementing SEI techniques in SEI and mainstream classes
  • Suggestions for maintaining native languages
  • Tips on including parents

Teachers with a background in bilingual education as well as those teachers who are dealing with ELLs for the first time will find this book an invaluable resource. In addition, administrators will find helpful information about starting an SEI program at their school.

Key features

This book offers the following:

  • The rationale for every suggested approach
  • Examples of how each approach can be applied in the classroom
  • Summaries of information at the end of various chapters
  • Names and addresses of publishers that can provide suitable materials
  • A glossary for quick reference
  • A bibliography of works mentioned

Table of Contents



About the Author

1. Identification, Assessment, and Placement

2. Listening Skills

3. Incorporating Content Area Curriculum Into Instruction

4. Organizing Structured English Immersion with the Focus on Basic Vocabulary and Grammar

5. Successful Transitions: Preparing Mainstream Classes for Structured English Immersion Students

6. Fostering Student Achievement Through Whole School Programs

7. Structured English Immersion Essentials: A Brief Review

Resource A: Recommended Reading For Practitioners

Resource B: Exemplary Structured English Immersion Programs




Other Titles in: Bilingual/ELL Learners

Price: $30.95
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This book is not available as a review copy.