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Start With Radical Love

Antiracist Pedagogy for Social Justice Educators

Combining research with personal experiences and interviews, this book supports educators to teach with care, understanding, and intentional support for the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and identities of minoritized students.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781071827710
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2024
  • Page Count: 184
  • Publication date: January 08, 2024
Price: $34.95
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Foster an environment of love and healing within schools

In this groundbreaking book, educator, poet, and activist Dr. Crystal Belle challenges traditional educational practices and offers a new approach to teaching rooted in radical love and social justice. Combining research with personal experiences and interviews, Dr. Belle explores the roots and practical application of a social justice education framework grounded in Critical Race Theory (CRT), heart healing, educator beliefs, and a deep understanding of the structural inequities in education. Features of the book include:

  • Personal narratives and portraiture that highlight the complex human aspects of education
  • Sample social justice lesson planning templates and a social justice oriented curricular map
  • Pedagogical activities that encourage critical thinking and more inclusive classrooms
  • Radical love notes, objectives, reflection prompts, and discussion questions
  • Critical discussion of special education, the school-to-prison pipeline, and the impact educators can have on their students through self-examination

Teaching with radical love means looking beyond traditional metrics of a student's success and utilizing their brilliance, cultural wealth, and intellectual potential to create transformative learning experiences, especially for minoritized children. This innovative approach to social justice education supports educators to teach with care, understanding, and intentional support for the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and identities of students.


Crystal Belle photo

Crystal Belle

Dr. Crystal Belle has been an educator for over 16 years and has worked in k-12 schools in Brooklyn, NY as an English Teacher, in higher education at the University of Houston-Downtown and Rutgers University-Newark as a Professor and Director of Education, and in the non-profit sector as a Director of curriculum partnerships at EL Education. Her work is grounded in Critical Race Theory, Social Justice Education, radical love and self-care. Also an entrepreneur, Dr. Belle is the founder and Principal consultant of Self Love Life 101, an online coaching business that supports individuals and organizations to implement radical self-care through Diversity, Equity and Inclusion frameworks in order to achieve their goals. Currently, Dr. Belle is the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Manager (North America) at Ralph Lauren. Also a poet, Belle is the author of Woman on Fire, a poetry collection that explores Black womanhood through race, class and education. Her writing has been featured in Journal of Black Studies, Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, Education Week, Education Review, The London School of Economics Blog for United States Politics and Policy, Includr, and Medium.

Originally from Brooklyn, NY, Dr. Belle is a proud student of NYC public schools from k-12. After earning a Posse scholarship and graduating at the top of her high school class, Dr. Belle went on to complete her undergraduate studies at Middlebury College with a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature (cum laude). She eventually continued her education and earned Master’s Degrees in Education from Pace University and Teachers College of Columbia University. Dr. Belle received her doctorate in English Education from Teachers College of Columbia University and received the Teachers College dissertation fellowship to complete her study that focused on Black masculinities in NYC public schools and used portraiture, poetry and Critical Race Theory as a research method.

Last but certainly not least, Dr. Belle is a loving mother of 2 children (and one on the way) and loves spending time with her family. She also loves knitting, crocheting, sewing and resting on the couch with her cat. When she is not mothering, loving, writing or working, you can find her on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter: @selflovelife101.

Table of Contents



About the Author


Chapter 1: What’s Love Got to Do with It?

Chapter 2: What Exactly is Social Justice Education?

Chapter 3: Heart Healing Through Teaching, Leading, and Unlearning

Chapter 4: Special Education and Social Justice

Chapter 5: From the Mouths of Social Justice Educators

Chapter 6: Where Do We Go From Here?



Price: $34.95
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.