About the Author
The Value of Effective Grantwriting
Organization of This Book
1. A Simplified Process for Grant Development and Implementation
Strategic Planning for Program Development
How to Find Funders
Attending Funder Informational Meetings
Designing Responsive Grant Templates
Creating Diversified Grant Development Teams
Modifying Grant Proposals to Meet Diverse Funders' Needs
2. Marketing Strategies for Educational Program Funding
Customizing the Marketing of a Program
3. Integrated Program Collaborations
Identifying Collaborative Community Partners for Critical Services
Building Collaborative Partnerships for Leveraging Program Resources
Brainstorming With Key Stakeholders for Creating Supplemental Program Services
4. Effective Organizational Strategies and Time Management
Reviewing and Creating a Summary of All Grant Requirements
Scheduling Funder Informational Meetings
Convening a Grant Needs Assessment Meeting
Facilitating a Stakeholder Meeting for Completing a Worksheet Grant Template
Convening Follow-Up Meetings for Grant Development and Implementation
5. Integral Grant Proposal Components
The Grant's Introduction
The Problem and Needs Statement
The Program Design With Goals, Objectives, Activities, and a Timeline
The Organizational Capacity and Experience of Staff
The Evaluation Plan
The Program's Budget and Budget Narrative
The Program's Plan for Sustainability
6. Designing a Responsive Grant Template
Step 1: Reviewing Critical Information for a Grant's Development
Step 2. Reviewing the Grant's Scoring Forms
Step 3: Reviewing the Factors to be Considered for Each Criteria
Step 4: Using Selection Criteria Scoring Weights to Plan the Grant Template
Step 5: Constructing the Grant Template to Respond to Selection Criteria
Step 6: Assisting Stakeholders in Formulating Grant Responses
Step 7: Editing Diverse Stakeholders' Grant Template Responses
Step 8: Identifying and Creating Grant Template Evaluation Tools and Plan
Step 9: Securing Feedback From Stakeholders for Completing the Grant
Step 10: Designing a Template Budget, Budget Narrative, and Sustainability Plan
Step 11: Creating a Follow-Up Template Plan
7. Modifying Program Proposals to Meet Diverse Funders' Needs
8. Establishing a Program Sustainability Plan for Continuous Support
Suggested Readings