Updated Edition of Bestseller

Science Curriculum Topic Study

Bridging the Gap Between Three-Dimensional Standards, Research, and Practice
Second Edition
By: Page D. Keeley, Joyce Tugel

A Joint Publication with the National Science Teachers Association

Make the shifts needed to reflect current curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices with the latest edition of this best-seller to engage and shape students’ view of the natural and designed world.

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781452244648
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2019
  • Page Count: 352
  • Publication date: October 07, 2019
Price: $50.95
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Today’s science standards reflect a new vision of teaching and learning. | How to make this vision happen
Scientific literacy for all students requires a deep understanding of the three dimensions of science education: disciplinary content, scientific and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts. If you actively engage students in using and applying these three dimensions within curricular topics, they will develop a scientifically-based and coherent view of the natural and designed world.

The latest edition of this best-seller, newly mapped to the Framework for K-12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and updated with new standards and research-based resources, will help science educators make the shifts needed to reflect current practices in curriculum, instruction, and assessment. The methodical study process described in this book will help readers intertwine content, practices, and crosscutting concepts. The book includes:
• An increased emphasis on STEM, including topics in science, technology, and engineering
• 103 separate curriculum topic study guides, arranged in six categories
• Connections to content knowledge, curricular and instructional implications, concepts and specific ideas, research on student learning, K-12 articulation, and assessment
Teachers and those who support teachers will appreciate how Curriculum Topic Study helps them reliably analyze and interpret their standards and translate them into classroom practice, thus ensuring that students achieve a deeper understanding of the natural and designed world.

Key features

The book contains 147 separate curriculum topic study guides in arranged in eleven categories that represent the major domains of science. Each curriculum topic study guide identifies and examines:

  • Adult content knowledge
  • Instructional implications
  • Concepts and specific ideas
  • Research on student learning
  • Coherency and articulation
  • Standards and curriculum

New to This Edition: The new book will map to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) (http://www.nextgenscience.org/). The NGSS will be similar to the CCSS in math and language arts and are based on the Framework for K-12 Science Education. They will be rich in content and practice and arranged in a coherent manner across disciplines and grades to provide all students an internationally benchmarked science education. In addition, there will be an increased emphasis on STEM, particularly engineering.


Page D. Keeley photo

Page D. Keeley

Page is a prolific author of over twenty national best-selling and award-winning books, including twelve books in the Uncovering Student Ideas in Science series, four books in the first edition Curriculum Topic Study series, and four books in the Science and Mathematics Formative Assessment- Practical Strategies for Linking Assessment, Instruction, and Learning series. Several of her books have received prestigious awards in educational publishing. She has authored numerous journal articles and contributed to several book chapters. She is a frequent invited speaker at regional, national, and international conferences on the topic of formative assessment in science, understanding students’ (and teachers’) thinking, and teaching for conceptual understanding.

Prior to leaving the classroom to work at the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance in 1996, Page taught middle and high school science for 15 years. At that time she was an active teacher leader at the state and national level, serving two terms as President of the Maine Science Teachers Association and NSTA District II Director 1995-1998 and NSTA Executive Board member (prior to the Board and Council restructuring in 1997). She received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Secondary Science Teaching in 1992 and the Milken National Distinguished Educator Award in 1993.

Since leaving the classroom in 1996, her work in leadership and professional development has been nationally recognized. In 2008 she was elected the 63rd President of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), the world's largest organization of K-12, university, and informal science educators. In 2009 she received the National Staff Development Council’s (now Learning Forward) . In 2013 she received the Outstanding Leadership in Science Education award from the National Science Education Leadership Association (NSELA) and in 2018, The Distinguished Service to Science Education Award from NSTA. She has served as an adjunct instructor at the University of Maine, was a Cohort 1 Fellow in the National Academy for Science and Mathematics Education Leadership, was a science literacy leader for the AAAS/Project 2061 Professional Development Program, and served on several national advisory boards. She has a strong interest in global science education and has led science/STEM education delegations to South Africa (2009), China (2010), India (2012), Cuba (2014), Iceland (2017), Panama (2018), and Costa Rica (2019).

Prior to entering the teaching profession, Page was a research assistant for immunogeneticist, Dr. Leonard Shultz, at the Jackson Laboratory of Mammalian Genetics in Bar Harbor, Maine. She received her B.S. in Life Sciences/pre-veterinary studies from the University of New Hampshire and her Masters degree in Science Education from the University of Maine. In her spare time she enjoys travel, reading, photography, fiber art, and dabbles in modernist cooking and culinary art. A Maine resident for almost 40 years, Page and her husband currently reside in Fort Myers, FL and Wickford, RI. Page can be contacted at pagekeeley@gmail.com or through her web site at www.uncoveringstudentideas.org

Joyce Tugel photo

Joyce Tugel

JOYCE TUGEL has been a leader in science education since she left the classroom in 2001 to become the science professional development specialist at the TERC Eisenhower Regional Alliance. In 2005 she came to work with Page Keeley at the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance, as a K-12 science specialist, where she managed and directed several projects and provided professional development support to schools and districts throughout New England and nationally. Recently “retired” from the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance, today she works as an independent K-12 STEM/Science Education Consultant. Her work primarily focuses on professional development in the areas of science curriculum, instruction and formative assessment, teacher leadership, service and place-based learning, and implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards. She is the lead professional development consultant for Curriculum Topic Study.

Joyce is a contributing author of two books in the Uncovering Student Ideas in Science series (NSTA Press) and is a co-author of Science Curriculum Topic Study: Bridging the Gap Between Three-Dimensional Standards, Research, and Practice (2nd edition, Corwin/NSTA Press). Joyce has also authored articles for the NSTA journals, Science and Children and The Science Teacher.

Prior to leaving the classroom, Joyce taught high school chemistry & physical science for 10 years. As an active teacher leader, she collaborated with the Maine Department of Education and the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance. During her teaching career, Joyce received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Secondary Science Teaching in 1998, the Milken Foundation National Distinguished Educator Award in 1999, and the New England Institute of Chemists Secondary Teaching Award in 1999. As a dedicated NSTA member, she was the NSTA District II Director from 2000-2003 and the Professional Development Division Director from 2003-2006. She has served on the board of directors of both the National Science Education Leadership Association and the National Science Teachers Association. She is also a Cohort 3 Fellow of the National Academy for Science and Mathematics Education Leadership. Joyce also has a strong interest in global science education and has co-led science/STEM education delegations to Iceland (2017), Panama (2018), and Costa Rica (2019) with Page.

Prior to entering the teaching profession, Joyce was a researcher in environmental biogeochemistry at the University of New Hampshire and liked to “dabble in mud”! She received her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Microbiology from the University of New Hampshire. In her “spare time” she enjoys photography, breadmaking, knitting, and exploring the world with her grandchildren. A New Hampshire resident for 40 years, Joyce and her husband reside in Barrington, NH. Joyce can be contacted at jtugel@gmail.com.

Table of Contents






What Is Curriculum Topic Study (CTS)?

Why Study a Curriculum Topic?

Why Focus on Topics?

CTS Impacts Beliefs About Teaching and Learning


The CTS Study Guide

Collective Resources Used in the CTS Guides




Category A: Life Science Guides

Category B: Physical Science Guides

Category C: Earth and Space Science Guides

Category D: Scientific and Engineering Practices Guides

Category E: Crosscutting Concepts Guides

Category F: STEM Connections Guides



Price: $50.95
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