School Budgeting for Hard Times

Confronting Cutbacks and Critics
By: William K. Poston, Jr.

Foreword by Fenwick W. English

Improve your school’s productivity with existing resources by implementing performance-based budgeting. Included are step-by-step instructions for how to do more with less.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-6
  • ISBN: 9781412990905
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2010
  • Page Count: 200
  • Publication date: June 12, 2012
Price: $41.95
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"The current fiscal crisis is clearly having a negative impact on our schools. This book offers practical strategies to overcome obstacles and constraints, and is essential for all school leaders."
—David Freitas, Professor
Indiana University South Bend

"This reader-friendly and relatable book speaks directly to the practitioner, offering down-to-earth advice and realistic examples."
—David L. Flynn, Director, Commission on Public Elementary and Middle Schools, Adjunct Professor of Educational Administration
New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Bedford, MA, and Cambridge College, MA

A win-win solution to the battle of the budget

Are you challenged to improve your school's productivity with existing or even diminishing resources? It can be done, and School Budgeting for Hard Times will show you how. Author William K. Poston, Jr. has fought and won many budget battles. He and renowned educator Fenwick W. English, who provides the book's foreword, contend that the needs of curriculum and learning should drive the budgeting process—not the other way around. The solution is implementing performance-based budgeting. This text gives step-by-step instructions for:

  • Using assessment data to determine budget priorities
  • Applying quality enhancement principles to the process
  • Incorporating measurable performance to attain funding

Discover how to do more with less. These proven strategies will help you attain the truly important goals while avoiding the dire cutbacks that threaten local educational systems' effectiveness.

Key features

This book provides:

• A clear definition of performance-based budgeting, comparing it with other schoolbudget models and explaining its superiority in efficiency and efficacy in improving student achievement.

• Guidance for governing boards and school administrators in setting appropriate organizational goals for budgeting with data-driven financial leadership.

• Explainsthe expected results of performance-based budgeting in school systems and how to ensure continuous improvement.

• Step-by-step directions for building and implementing performance-based budgeting within school system settings.

• A means to improve educational organizational functioning and effectiveness through budget planning.


William K. Poston, Jr. photo

William K. Poston, Jr.

Learn more about William Poston's PD offerings

William K. Poston Jr. is an Emeritus Professor of educational leadership and policy studies at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, where he served for 17 years. A former math and physics teacher, he accumulated 25 years of experience in educational administration including 15 years as a superintendent in Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona, and in Billings, Montana. His experience includes serving as executive director of the Iowa School Business Management Academy—the licensure program for school business managers in Iowa—for 15 years. He is the originator of curriculum-driven budgeting, and he has led over 75 curriculum audits. Poston has written 13 books and over 40 journal articles and continues to provide extensive service to schools in the areas of evaluation, curriculum management auditing, performance-based budgeting, and organizational quality improvement.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Fenwick W. English



About the Author

1. Performance-Based Budgeting: Beginning the Journey: An Overview

2. Why Change: The Rationale for Performance-Based Budgeting

3. Budget Planning for Financial Effectiveness and Efficiency

4. Budgeting for Financial Prudence and Productivity

5. Organizing and Goal Setting for Performance-Based Budgeting

6. Constructing the Process for Performance-Based Budgeting

7. Developing Performance-Based Budget Increment Packages

8. Determining Budget Priorities and Component Funding Levels

9. Building the Budget Recommendation

10. Budget Issues and Evaluation

11. Ideas to Action: Commencing the Journey





Price: $41.95
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