
Response to Intervention

A Practical Guide for Every Teacher

Helps educators understand the Response to Intervention (RTI) process and utilize results to plan specific follow-up interventions.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412953863
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2007
  • Page Count: 160
  • Publication date: December 05, 2012
Price: $39.95
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"Of the many RTI materials published today, this one is user-friendly and much broader in scope. Written in clear and understandable yet professional language, this excellent book is appropriate for all K–12 educators and administrators."
—Carla Osberg, Program Specialist, Special Populations
Nebraska Department of Education

"Offers a unique organization of key concepts, and addresses current implementation issues with integrity. The strategies, suggestions, and tips contribute to the overall reader-friendliness of the book. The comparison/contrast of the problem-solving and standard treatment protocol approaches is well written and provides the reader information to determine the best approach for the students, school, or district."
—Linda Palenchar, Coordinator, Office of Special Education
West Virginia Department of Education

Discover a resource that shows teachers how to implement RTI in the classroom!

As a result of NCLB legislation and the reauthorization of IDEA 2004, Response to Intervention (RTI) is now a mandated process for documenting the existence or nonexistence of a learning disability. For educators new to the RTI approach, Response to Intervention presents an overview of key concepts with guidelines for accountability practices that benefit students in inclusive classrooms.

Presenting the three tiers of RTI techniques, the authors demonstrate how general and special education teachers can use research-based interventions effectively to individualize instruction, monitor individual student progress, and implement strategies to meet the specific needs of all students.

Response to Intervention assists educators with the basic and necessary steps to provide students with a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), and includes:

  • Vignettes, examples, and forms based on the problem-solving and standards-based approaches to RTI
  • A chapter illustrating how RTI techniques benefit students who are economically underprivileged and/or culturally and linguistically diverse
  • A chapter devoted to Frequently Asked Questions

Featuring helpful charts and reproducibles, this timely resource is sure to become a valuable guide as educators implement programs to document how individual students respond to specific educational interventions.

See Response to Intervention (Multimedia Kit)

Key features

  • A chapter devoted to the Frequently Asked Questions about RTI (Chapter 5) as well as clear answers to best understand and implement this approach in determining eligibility for special education services.
  • A specific chapter (Chapter 4) discussing how RTI especiallymeets the needs of students that areeconomically underprivilegedas well as students that are culturally and linguistically diverse (CDLE)as research cites many of these students are over-represented inspecial education.
  • Vignettesfeaturingteachers and leadership teams usingthe three-tiers of the RTI process utilizing the problem-solving approach and the standards-based approach.
  • A Reflection feature interwoven throughout the guideenabling readers to critically think how educators can implement this new federally mandatedassessment and accountability instructional processin classrooms and schools.
  • Helpful reproducibles and charts to assist the educator inmonitoring student progress, implementing RTI, and evaluating the interventions.


William N. Bender photo

William N. Bender

William N. Bender, PhD, has had a long and distinguished career in education, teaching in public school for several years and in higher education for some 26 years at Blue?eld State College in West Virginia, Rutgers University in New Jersey, and the University of Georgia. He has written 36 books in special and general education. With his retirement, he has stepped back from his rigorous workshop schedule, which as recently as 2016 included some 40 workshop days per year. While the COVID-19 pandemic impacted his work, he has written four historical ?ction novels and several educational books in recent years. He has delivered several professional development projects, including most recently a keynote for a virtual conference on project-based learning in Brazil in conjunction with his Corwin book Project-Based Learning (2012).

Learn more about William Bender's PD offerings

Consulting Description: Differentiated Instruction
Consulting Description: Math
Consulting Description: Project-Based Learning
Consulting Description: RTI
Consulting Description: Technology

Cara F. Shores photo

Cara F. Shores

Cara Shores began her career as a special education teacher and taught children in both pullout and inclusive classrooms. Shores has trained thousands of teachers and administrators across the United States on practical strategies for inclusion, co-teaching, and increasing achievement for all students through differentiated instruction and RTI. She provides regional and national training for the Council for Exceptional Children. She is co-author of Response to Intervention: A Practical Guide for Every Teacher.Shores now serves as the president of Wesley Educational Services. She received her master’s degree and educational specialists’s degree from the University of West Georgia and has served as student support services coordinator and district director of special education.

Table of Contents

Preface: An Open Letter to Educators


About the Authors

About the Contributors

1. Response to Intervention

2. Implementation of a Standard Treatment Protocol RTI

3. Implementation of a Problem-Solving RTI

4. Implementing RTI to Meet the Needs of All Learners

5. Will RTI Work? Ongoing Questions

Appendix A. RTI Needs Assessment

Appendix B. The Georgia Pyramid of Intervention

Appendix C. RTI Summary Forms

Appendix D. Where Do General Educators Find the Time to Do RTI?

Appendix E. Resources for RTI Interventions

Appendix F. Using Response to Intervention for Inappropriate Behaviors



Price: $39.95
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