Picture This

Photography Activities for Early Childhood Learning
Second Edition
By: Susan Entz

Help young children celebrate themselves while learning through photography!

This second edition explores the expanded options in photography that are now available for enriching early childhood instruction. Written in a user-friendly format and filled with illustrations, this practical resource offers developmentally appropriate and field-tested photography activities with related objectives and descriptions in 10 subject areas, including emerging literacy, physical development, sensory exploration, social studies, math/science, and drama. Three new chapters discuss:

  • Ongoing student assessment, the use of standards, and systematic documentation
  • Activities for children with special needs
  • The use of photography with toddlers

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-K
  • ISBN: 9781412971294
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2009
  • Page Count: 248
  • Publication date: May 21, 2009
Price: $39.95
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"A direct, dynamic approach to learning for early childhood."
—Karla Bronzynski, First-Grade Teacher
Eldora-New Providence School District, IA

"A wonderful resource for using photography across all the developmental domains. This very practical and useful book supports all of its activities with sound developmental practices."
—Michelle Barnea, Early Childhood Consultant

Help young children celebrate themselves while learning through photography!

In the second edition of Picture This, the author explores the expanded photography options that are now available for enriching early childhood instruction. Children are thrilled when they see themselves in pictures, and this book shows teachers how to place them at the center of an exciting visual learning process.

Written in a user-friendly format and filled with illustrations, the book provides field-tested and developmentally appropriate photography activities across 10 subject areas, including emerging literacy, physical development, sensory exploration, social studies, math/science, and drama. Each activity offers an objective and description and can be adapted for independent exploration, one-on-one instruction, small groups, and family involvement. Three new chapters discuss:

  • Ongoing student assessment, the use of standards, and systematic documentation
  • Activities for children with special needs
  • The use of photography with toddlers

Enrich your early childhood curriculum and fully engage young children through the fascinating world of digital photography!


Susan Entz photo

Susan Entz

Susan Entz is an instructor of early childhood education with Hawaii Community College; the early childhood specialist for the Center For Research on Education, Diversity, and Excellence (CREDE); a developmental specialist/special educator for an early intervention program; and a consultant to various programs, including the State of Hawaii Department of Education and Head Start. She is the author of more than 50 articles on classroom curriculum and effectiveness in teaching. She authored an integrated science-based curriculum for young children and coauthored a series of six children's books and a curriculum based on Hawaiian legends that stressed character development.Entz is also the recipient of the Hawaii State Teachers Association Friend of Youth Award, The Hawaii Association for the Education of Young Children Award for Professional Leadership, and was recognized by the Hawaii State Senate for her distinguished work on behalf of children. Her current professional interests focus on teaching strategies that provide successful educational experiences for all children. A graduate of the University of Michigan, she also hold a master's degree from Teachers College, Columbia University, and has completed advanced training at Harvard University.

Table of Contents



About the Author


1. Technology

Technology Introduction

2. Standards, Assessment, and Documentation Introduction

Professional Portfolio

Student Portfolios


Site-Visit Report

Stages of Social Play

Stages of Cognitive Play


Behavioral Snapshots

Kindergarten Readiness

PowerPoint Slide Show


Accreditation Portfolio

3. Language

Language Introduction

Lights, Camera, Action

Where's the Bear?

Photo Shoot

Picture This

Learning Lotto

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Color a Rainbow

Whose Shoes?

I'm Thinking of...

On your Mark, Get Set, Name It

4. Storytelling/Drama

Storytelling/Drama Introduction

I Am the Story

Storytime Puzzle

The Great Magnetic Me

Create a Tale

Tell Me a Tale

Block Heads

My Own Slide Show

When I Grow Up

Puppet Fun

Watch Me

5. Emerging Literacy

Emerging Literacy Introduction

Picture a Word

My Favorite Character

"Label It" Book

Picture a Project

Look at What We Did

Look at Me

Greeting Cards

Catch Me If You Can

Sample Word Cards

Personalized Shape Books

6. Social Studies

Social Studies Introduction

"Shining Stars" Book

Watch Me Grow!

Where in the World Are We?

Chef du Jour

Face the Feeling


What's in Here?

Occupation Visitation

Who's Playing?

You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby

7. Physical Development

Physical Development Introduction

Architects Under Construction

Look at What I Can Do

How Does It Move?

Follow the Flag

Do the Locomotion

Tactile Mats

Sorting Out the Themes

Lace a Favorite

Photo Place Mats


8. Mathematics

Mathematics Introduction

A Place for Everything

Look at My Day

The Shape of Things

Eating by Numbers

Call Me

Counting on You

Treasure Hunt

Exercise by the Day

Part of the Whole

Big, Bigger, Biggest

9. Sensory Exploration

Sensory Exploration Introduction

What's Missing?

Funny Friends

Sound Lotto

Going on a Trip

Texture Walk

Touch a Poster

Sniff a Recipe

By Nose Alone


Sweet and Sour

10. Science

Science Introduction

Weight for Me

Animal Tails

Magnetic Challenge

Healthful Snack Partners

What Grows?

How's the Weather?

The Steps of Planting

Rising to the Occasion

Magic Crystals

Science Talk

11. Toddlers and Technology

Toddlers and Technology Introduction

Picture-Object Match

Photo Lotto

Color Matching Game

Happy, Sad, Mad Posters

My First Numbers

Look What I Can Do!

Photo Name Cards

What Do You See?

My Family Poster

Room Sort

12. Children With Special Needs

Children With Special Needs Introduction

Two-Part Reading Cards

What's Next?

Picture Exchange

Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence (ABC)

What's Happening?

Individual Itineraries

Number Hunt

Self-Help Graph

Who Is Not Here Today?

Communications Book




Price: $39.95
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