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Online Professional Development

Design, Deliver, Succeed!

Based on proven principles of professional learning and instructional design, John D. Ross’s book provides a path to assessing your needs, the cost, design, and results.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412987127
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2011
  • Page Count: 208
  • Publication date: June 13, 2011
Price: $44.95
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Much-needed direction for navigating online professional development

Although many educators are on the fast track to embracing online professional development (OPD), choosing the best solution is not as simple as pushing a button. OPD expert John D. Ross's practical framework will guide you through asking the right questions and making sound development and purchasing decisions. The book's process is founded on proven principles of professional learning and instructional design. You will benefit from others' experience and expertise while efficiently charting a cost-effective course to success. This reader-friendly guide provides a path to answering these fundamental questions:

  • Why online professional development?
  • How much does it cost?
  • How do I get started?
  • What does high-quality online learning look like?
  • What technologies are right for me?
  • How do I put it all together?
  • Did it work?

Included are an OPD decision matrix, a step-by-step planning and implementation framework, "buyer beware" guidelines, and real-life case studies from successful OPD providers. Whether you want to purchase or create OPD, this time-saving resource will help you understand your financial options and confidently chart your course to success.

Key features

(1) Features a step-by-step planning and implementation framework to guide readers in developing or purchasing online professional development to meet their specific professional learning needs.

(2) OPD Decision Matrix guides readers in evaluating costs versus benefits in developing online learning communities.

(3) Includes original case studies based on experiences of exemplary providers ofOPD.

(4) "Caveat Emptor" boxes provide checklists and interview questions for potential purchasers of OPD.

(4) Appropriate for both consumers and producers of Online PD


John D. Ross photo

John D. Ross

John Ross has been helping educators from the classroom to the state board room better understand how technology integration enhances school improvement efforts for more than a decade. Spearheading the 2004 launch of an online professional development environment for an educational non-profit, Dr. Ross has since designed and delivered online professional development that has gone to many thousands of educators in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. He has connected with educators across the nation through podcasts, webcasts, webconferences, social networks, dabbling in Second Life, and his blog.

Dr. Ross is the subject-matter expert for Principal Connections Online, an expanded, Web-based version of the popular training on technology integration for K-12 leaders. He worked with the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) to design and develop the free, Web-based Data-Based Decision Making Tool: A Resource for Teachers (www.edvantia.org/dbdm), a comprehensive guide for developing and implementing school improvement efforts; and also developed the Web-based version of the K-12 Total Cost of Ownership, or TCO, Calculator (www.edvantia.org/tco), which is based on the work of the Integrated Technology in Education Group. He served as the director of the Institute for the Advancement of Emerging Technologies in Education and as the director of technology for the Appalachia Regional Comprehensive Center (ARCC), both funded by the U.S. Department of Education, where he has educators at all levels investigate and incorporate new and emerging technologies in support of their work.

Dr. Ross is a frequent presenter in the field of educational technology at state and national conferences and has served as a consultant and trainer for teachers, administrators, and policymakers. He teaches an online graduate class he created about technology integration for Bethel University based on the textbook he co-authored with Dr. Katherine Cennamo from Virginia Tech and Dr. Peg Ertmer from Purdue. The textbook, Technology Integration for Meaningful Classroom Use: A Standards-Based Approach, is the first to address the revised National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) developed by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Dr. Ross was a classroom teacher for 10 years and holds a Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction and instructional technology from Virginia Tech.

Table of Contents



About the Author

1. Why Online Professional Development?

The OPD Framework

Asking the Right Questions

Why Online Professional Development

Caveat Emptor: Talking to Vendors

Determining Your Need for Online Professional Development

Take Action: Conduct a Needs Assessment and Create Your Vision


2. How Much Does It Cost?


Take Action: Determine Your Desired Outcomes

Measuring Your Outcomes



Required Technology

Ease of Use


Caveat Emptor: Supporting Your Outcomes

Economies of Scale


Take Action: Set Your Mission

3. How Do I Get Started?

Take Inventory

Caveat Emptor: Facilitation Models

Caveat Emptor: Partnering for Success


Take Action: Gap Analysis to Describe Your Needs

4. What Does Good Online Learning Look Like?

Why Instructional Design?

Take Action: Instructional Design Considerations

Getting Your Hands Dirty

Take Action: Content Development Timeline

Using Media to Help (Or Hinder) Learning


Caveat Emptor: Evaluating Media in Online Content

5. What Technologies Are Right for Me?

A Word About Learning Objects

Presenting basic information via text and images

Demonstrating a process, sequence, or procedure

Hosting asynchronous interactions

Hosting synchronous interactions

Growing a learning community

Monitor learning

Take Action: Exploring Technology Specifications

Infrastructure for online professional development

Caveat Emptor: Is Free Right for Me?


Caveat Emptor: Evaluating a Management System

6. Putting it All Together

Gathering all the pieces

Taking Care of Business

Take Action: What Online Facilitators Should Know and Be Able to Do

Putting the Pieces Together

Take Action: Putting all the Pieces Together


7: Did it work?

Formative evaluation

Is it better than face-to-face?

Measuring your outcomes

Take Action: Measuring Your Desired Outcomes

Was it worth it?

One story: The framework in action

Design, Deliver, Succeed!

References and Resources




Price: $44.95
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