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Multiple Intelligences and Positive Life Habits

174 Activities for Applying Them in Your Classroom

Help each student learn positive Life Habits and build community in your classroom!

Lynne Beachner and Anola Pickett offer teachers this easy-to-use toolbox for discovering the innate strengths and talents and the unique learning styles of each student. Drawing from Howard Gardner's landmark work, the authors offer more than a dozen activities specifically tailored to each of the eight multiple intelligences, for a total of 174 classroom activities. Each activity serves as a guide to developing learning strategies in the classroom and fostering relationships with students based on their individual strengths. Life Habits cover key social areas:

    • Relationships
    • Teamwork
    • Common sense
    • Productivity
    • Problem Solving

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9780761977285
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2001
  • Page Count: 176
  • Publication date: April 04, 2001
Price: $39.95
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"This book guides teachers in implementing a breadth of activities and the unique Life Habit format, including materials, time, multiple intelligences, directions, discussion points, and journaling."
Dennis Wiseman, Dean
School of Education and Graduate Studies
Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC

Help each student learn positive Life Habits and build community in your classroom!

Lynne Beachner and Anola Pickett offer teachers this easy-to-use toolbox for discovering the innate strengths and talents and the unique learning styles of each student. With this knowledge, classrooms can celebrate the gifts of every student and teachers can facilitate a sense of connectedness with the group.

Drawing from Howard Gardner's landmark work, the authors offer more than a dozen activities specifically tailored to each of the eight multiple intelligences, for a total of 174 classroom activities. Each activity serves as a guide to developing learning strategies in the classroom and fostering relationships with students based on their individual strengths.

Easy-to-understand directions as well as suggestions for journal entries and discussion starters make this a powerful tool for the teacher who wants to bring out the best in every student. All activities are classroom tested and geared to a range of age groups. Common household and classroom supplies are used whenever materials are needed.

This time-saving book is organized into eight chapters, each focusing on one of the Multiple Intelligences. In addition, Life Habit activities are presented for specific grade levels.

Multiple Intelligences:

  • Verbal/linguistic
  • Mathematical/logical
  • Visual/spatial
  • Musical/rhythmical
  • Bodily/kinesthetic
  • Intrapersonal
  • Interpersonal
  • Naturalist

This is an essential resource for busy teachers who want to bring out the best in every student by putting Gardner's Multiple Intelligences into practice.


Lynne Beachner photo

Lynne Beachner

LYNNE BEACHNER, PhD, is principal of St. Francis Xavier School (SFX), in Kansas City, MO, and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Educa­tion, Rockhurst University (RU). In 1998, St. Francis Xavier School and Rockhurst University entered into a formal partnership to strengthen the curricular offerings at SFX and enhance the training of preservice teachers at Rockhurst. SFX is located across the street from RU so the sharing of resources and staff has been an exciting venture. Prior to coming to St. Francis Xavier, Dr. Beachner was director and coauthor of a 3-year Federal Innovations in Education Grant implemented at Kansas Middle School of the Arts and Paseo Academy in the Kansas City, MO, School District. She also worked for the Kansas City School District as Coordinator of Instruction, was principal of Our Lady of the Presentation School, and taught students at the middle school level. She lives with her husband, Gary Neal Johnson, a professional actor, and her two sons—Drew (10) and Ben (6)—who are a continued source of joy. The family enjoys reading, playing cards, attempting brain teasers, going to the theater, and camping.
Anola Pickett photo

Anola Pickett

ANOLA PICKETT is an educator and author. She holds a BA in English from Webster University and an MEd in Inner City Studies from Northeast­ern Illinois University. After teaching for more than 20 years in the pre­school through college levels, she is currently the librarian at St. Francis Xavier School in Kansas City, MO. Her publication credits include Old Enough for Magic, a HarperCollins “I Can Read” book, and more than 50 stories, articles, and poems in magazines and newspapers. She lives with her husband, Peter Doyle, in Kansas City. Their son, Gerry Doyle, is a journalist.

Table of Contents


About the Authors


1. Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence

2. Mathematical/Logical Intelligence

3. Visual/Spacial Intelligence

4. Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence

5. Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence

6. Intrapersonal Intelligence

7. Interpersonal Intelligence

8. Naturalist Intelligence



Price: $39.95
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