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More Courageous Conversations About Race

By: Glenn E. Singleton

Foreword by James Comer

In this companion to his best-selling book, Singleton presents first-person vignettes and a detailed case study showing educators how to usher in courageous conversations to ignite systemic transformation.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412992664
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2012
  • Page Count: 360
  • Publication date: October 03, 2012
Price: $41.95
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Use courageous conversations to build racial equity in your schools and districts!

Since the highly acclaimed Courageous Conversations About Race offered educators a framework and tools for promoting racial equity, many schools have implemented the Courageous Conversations Protocol. Now, author Glenn Singleton shares the challenges that have often led to random acts of equity and pockets of excellence rather than systemic transformation.

In a book that's rich with anecdote, Singleton celebrates the successes, outlines the difficulties, and provides specific strategies for moving Courageous Conversations from racial equity theory to practice at every level, from classroom to the school superintendent's office. Voices From the Inside narratives, written by champions of racial equity, offer moving illustrations of personal, professional, and organizational transformations.

Here's the MORE in More Courageous Conversations About Race:

  • Examines the knowing-doing gap and suggests ways to transform your passion for racial equity into a powerful purpose that can transform our nation's schools and classrooms.
  • Demonstrates the positive outcomes for students and their schools when educators have the will, the skill, and the knowledge to sustain courageous conversations about race.
  • Shows how the social and political climate provides increasing challenges to ensuring that underserved students get the educational opportunities they need to succeed.
  • Explicitly embraces other people of color in the drive for racial equity and illustrates how the Courageous Conversations Protocol can be applied to their circumstances.
  • Offers specific advice for engaging leaders beyond the school house door—district staff, superintendents, school boards, and local community leaders—and underscores the importance of their contributions.

If you are committed to exercising leadership on behalf of all students, and especially underserved students of color, More Courageous Conversations About Race provides insight and inspiration for achieving your racial equity purpose.


Glenn E. Singleton photo

Glenn E. Singleton

Glenn Singleton has devoted over thirty years to constructing racial equity worldwide and developing leaders to do the same. Author, thought leader, and strategist, he is the creator of Courageous Conversation a protocol and framework for sustained, deepened dialogue, and Beyond Diversity, the curriculum that has taught hundreds of thousands of people how to use it. Glenn is the Founder and President of Courageous Conversation TM, an agency that guides leadership development in education, government, corporation, law enforcement, and community organizing. He is the award-winning author of Courageous Conversations About Race; A Field Guide for Achieving Equity in Schools, Second Edition; and of MORE Courageous Conversations About Race.

Glenn has consulted executives at Wieden + Kennedy (W+K) Advertising, Google, Amazon, Procter & Gamble, the New York Department of Education, the New Zealand Ministry of Education, the Stavros Niarchos, Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library and the Bill & Melinda Gates foundations. Along with W+K, he received the 2017 Most Valuable Partnership (MVP) Award by AdColor. He is the recipient of the George A. Coleman Excellence in Equity Award by the Connecticut State Education Resource Center. Cited in the June 2018 edition of the Hollywood Reporter for his work with 21st Century Fox Animation, most recently, Glenn was awarded the AdWeek/AdColor 2020 Champion Award, and the 2020 National Speech and Debate Association Communicator of the Year Award. In 1995, Glenn founded the Foundation for A College Education and continues to serve on its Board of Advisors. He is also the founder and Board Chair of the Courageous Conversation Global Foundation, which develops partnerships to promote racial justice, interracial understanding and human healing worldwide.

Glenn has trained law enforcement leaders with the U.S. Embassy in Western Australia, and established the Courageous Conversation South Pacific Institute in Auckland, New Zealand. For eight years, he served as an adjunct professor of educational leadership at San Jose State University. Glenn has been a guest lecturer at Harvard University and has instructed faculty, students and administrators at the University of Minnesota, New York University School of Medicine, and the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and Stanford University, Glenn Singleton is a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. and 100 Black Men. He currently resides in Washington, D.C.

Table of Contents

Foreword by James P. Comer



About the Author

1. Why Do We Need Another Book on Courageous Conversations About Race?

It's (Still) A Question of Will!

Writing in Difficult Times

Building on the Field Guide

The "More" in More Courageous Conversations

2. From Will and Passion to Purpose

Courage Requires Personal Purpose

Differing Approaches to Diversity

Purpose at Every Level

Voices From the Inside: Macarre Traynham

3. Revisiting the Courageous Conversations About Race Protocol

Getting Behind the Protocol's Agreements, Conditions, and Compass

Isolating Race: Intersectionality and Cultural Layering

Getting Centered in a Mindful Way

Examining the Presence and Role of Whiteness

Closing the "Knowing-Doing" Gap

Voices From the Inside: Devon Alexander

4. Seven Years Later: What's Different and What's the Same?

Embracing Equity and Naming the "It": Systemic Racism

The Data

Minding the Gaps

Can We Really Afford Equity?

Applying New Technology to Racial Equity Work

Voices From the Inside: Donna Hart-Tervalon

5. Why Are We Still Talking About Race?

Beyond a Moral Imperative: Neuroscience and the Physiological Impact of Racism

A Critique of Liberalism

Are Black Males Beyond Love?

Defining Resistance and Transforming "Resisters"

What Should Be "Special" About Special Education?

Voices From the Inside: Charles L. Hopson

6. Moving Courageous Conversations Beyond Black and White

Empowering ALL People of Color

Making the Invisible Visible: A Courageous Conversation About American Indians and Schooling

Brown Space

The Politics of English-Language Acquisition: Skin Color, Immigration Status, and Other Barriers

Voices From the Inside: Luis Versalles, Elona Street-Stewart

7. A Vision and A Framework for Achieving Racial Equity in Education

"Just Say No!" ... to Random Acts of Equity

Unmasking Courageous Conversations About Racial Disparities in Independent Schools

Where Is Higher Education? A Call for Seamless Racial Equity in PreK-16 Education

Voices From the Inside: Bodie Brizendine, Akemi Matsumoto

8. Leadership for Racial Equity: From Theory to Practice

Equity Development for School Boards

District Equity Leadership Teams (DELT and DELTA)

Site and Central-Office Department Leaders Engaged in Equity/Antiracism Development (LEADs)

Equity Teams

The Beacon Project

Staff of Color Equity Development

Students Organized for Anti-Racism (SOAR)

Voices From the Inside: Carla Randall, Patrick Duffy, Anthony Galloway

9. Learning and Teaching for Racial Equity: From Theory to Practice

Culturally Relevant Pedagogy

Collaborative Action Research for Equity (CARE)

Voices From the Inside: Jackie Roehl

10. Empowering Parents and Communities of Color for Racial Equity: From Theory to Practice

Partnerships for Academically Successful Students

Engaging and Developing White Allies to Support Parents and Community Members of Color in Schools

Engaging White Allies in the Development and Recruitment of Other Whites to the Struggle for Racial Equity

Developing and Reinventing School Boards as Allies in the Struggle for Racial Equity

Voices From the Inside: Andrea Haynes Johnson

11. Eden Prairie Schools: A Case Study

Eden Prairie Then and Now

The District Develops a Clear Vision of Equity

A Changing Climate

The Results Are In: Progress Was Made

Voices From the Inside: Connie Hytjan

12. Beyond Passion, Practice, and Persistence ... A Purpose for Achieving Equity!


Recommended Reading



Price: $41.95
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