Leading the Technology-Powered School

This book offers a cut-to-the-chase approach for busy principals who want to successfully lead with technology for enhanced student learning. Includes strategies for building capacity.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412949484
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2011
  • Page Count: 120
  • Publication date: May 08, 2012
Price: $32.95
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"A straightforward and easy read about what it takes to become a tech savvy leader in today's educational setting."
—Nathan Flansburg, Principal
Valentine Hills Elementary School, Arden Hills, MN

"The topic is timely and this book is practical and relevant to K–12 schools across the country. The tables, checklists, rubrics, research-based models, and website recommendationsare terrific."
—Minjuan Wang, Associate Professor of Educational Technology
San Diego State University

Don't just ride the technology train – drive it

Today's children would rather text than talk, use apps instead of maps, and carry their phones, computers, cameras, and stereos in their palms. They need an active classroom, interdisciplinary curriculum, and project-based instruction that mirrors their lives outside the classroom. Author Marilyn L. Grady offers a cut-to-the-chase approach for busy principals who want to successfully lead with technology for enhanced student learning. This helpful resource shows school leaders how to

  • Develop a technology leadership team
  • Implement professional development
  • Assess technical needs, student learning, and teacher performance
  • Address cyber safety effectively

Included are field-tested tools in digestible "bytes" that bridge theory and practice, including a Principal's Exploration Agenda that outlines how to build capacity by taking just 15 minutes a day to explore recommended websites and blogs. Staying ahead of the technology curve is essential, and this book is written with an understanding that changes in technology are constant. The variety of principal experiences and vignettes will show you how to guide the way as your school's chief instructional leader.

Key features


Marilyn L. Grady photo

Marilyn L. Grady

Marilyn L. Grady, is professor of educational administration at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). She is the author or coauthor of 23 books, including From Difficult Teachers to Dynamic Teamwork (2009) with Brock, Getting it Right from the Start (2009) with Kostelnik From First Year to First Rate (2007) with Brock, 194 High-Impact Letters for Busy Principals (2006), 20 Biggest Mistakes Principals Make and How to Avoid Them (2004) and Launching Your First Principalship (2004) with Brock. Her research areas include leadership, the principalship, and superintendent-board relations. She has more than 175 publications to her credit. She is the editor of the Journal of Women in Educational Leadership. Her editorial board service has included Educational Administration Quarterly, International Studies in Educational Administration, International Journal of Learning, Rural Educator, Journal of At-Risk Issues, Journal of School Leadership, Advancing Women in Leadership On-Line Journal, Journal for Rural School and Community Renewal, International Journal of Learning, and Journal for a Just and Caring Education. She is the recipient of the Stanley Brzezinski Research Award, NCPEA’s Living Legend Award, the Donald R. and Mary Lee Swanson Award for Teaching Excellence, UNL’s Distinguished Teaching Award, and UNL’s Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Status of Women.

Grady coordinates an annual conference on women in educational leadership that attracts national attendance and is in its 24th year. She has been an administrator in K-12 schools as well as at the college and university levels. She received her bachelor’s degree in history from Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, Indiana, and her doctorate in educational administration with a specialty in leadership from The Ohio State University.

Table of Contents


About the Author



Special Features

21st Century

I. Human Capital

1. The Principal as Technology Leader

Support Technology Use

Action Agenda


2. Teachers: The Magic Link Between Technology and Students

Technology Use

Generational Shift

Action Agenda


3. The Technology Leadership Team

The Technology Specialist

The Technology Leadership Team

Action Agenda


II. Core Issues

4. Professional Development

Action Agenda

5. Cyberspace Leadership

Cybersafety Leadership

Action Agenda

6. Assessment: Technology Skills and Knowledge

Action Agenda

III. Questions and Reflections

7. Questions and Reflections

Technology Trends




Other Titles in: Principalship | Leadership | Technology

Price: $32.95
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