Updated Edition of Bestseller

Leading Every Day

Actions for Effective Leadership

This shortcut to effective leadership has over 150 daily contemplations, inspiring quotes, references, and a new section on using best leadership practices to achieve results.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781452260938
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2013
  • Page Count: 288
  • Publication date: September 11, 2013
Price: $49.95
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Your shortcut to success for inspired school leadership!

Tap your greatest leadership potential and quickly get on track to meeting today’s complicated challenges with this follow up to the best-selling Learning Forward Book of the Year. Revised and updated stories, references, and quotes complement a completely new section focused on achieving results.

Effective leadership exists in us all. These short, inspiration-infused nuggets of actionable advice provide a path to get you there. New features include:

  • A newly added Book 5 for help creating solid data systems and achievable results
  • Over 150 convenient, closely integrated daily contemplations to carry anywhere
  • Succinct, first-hand insights to proven leadership best practices that inspire, challenge, and instruct
  • Up-to-date research on creative solutions to leadership challenges, change, and professional development

Build trust, spark innovation, and learn what it really takes to support a community of learners and leaders with this classic leadership resource!

“This book continues to resonate, encourage, and motivate action. It's a powerful combination of inspirational, critical, and practical guidance delivered in daily doses.”
—Stephanie Hirsh, Executive Director
Learning Forward

“Every leader needs inspiration and sage advice. Leading Every Day is an almanac of practical information for leaders committed to raising the bar for themselves, their colleagues, and their shared success.”
—Karen Kearney, Leadership Initiatives

Key features

Over 150 contemplations divided into the 5 key leadership areas offer readers succinct looks at proven leadership practices.

Inspiring quotes, reflections and scenarios are used to illustrate the contemplations.

There is more discussion in this edition about instructional leadership, collaborative leadership, and what it takes to support a community of learners and leaders. There’s greater emphasis on building trusting climates, innovative thinking, and new forms of networking, as well as the use of data for decision making, leading change, and designing adult learning experiences based on student needs. The importance of reflecting on and monitoring progress toward achievement of goals is a theme included throughout each of the five books. In response to readers’ requests, we have included more scenarios to guide the readers’ engagement with topics. The five books are more closely integrated, with several themes interwoven throughout the entire volume. The references and examples have been updated in each book.


Joyce Kaser photo

Joyce Kaser

Joyce Kaser is a Senior Program Associate in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Program at WestEd. She has extensive experience in program evaluation, primarily the evaluation of STEM programs. She has served as a team member for the development of two frameworks for the National Assessment of Educational Progress: Science, 2009 and Technology and Engineering Literacy, 2014. Joyce also led the development of the background variables for students, teachers, and administrators participating in NAEP and was co-lead of the standard setting for the NAEP 2009 science project. Joyce has had numerous experiences in evaluating STEM professional development, including co-developing an external validation system for professional development and student enrichment programs. She is first author of , also published by Corwin. Joyce has been the facilitator for the New Mexico Secretary of Education’s Math and Science Advisory Council and has evaluated National Science Foundation educational outreach projects. Prior to joining WestEd, Joyce directed the Washington, D.C. office of The NETWORK, a research and development organization, headed up an equity assistance center, and served as a district administrator and high school teacher. Currently she is involved in research of mathematics and science programs, looking specifically at learning progressions in science, computer-based tutoring systems, and program implementation. She holds an EdD from The American University.
Susan Mundry photo

Susan Mundry

Susan Mundry is currently deputy director of Learning Innovations at WestEd and the associate director of WestEd’s Mathematics, Science, and Technology Program. She directs several national or regional projects focused on improving educational practice and oversees the research and evaluation projects of Learning Innovations. She is codirector of a research study examining the distribution of highly qualified teachers in New York and Maine for the Northeast & Islands Regional Education Laboratory and is the project codirector for the evaluation of the Intel Mathematics Initiative, a professional development program for elementary and middle grades teachers aimed at increasing student outcomes in mathematics. She is also a Principal Investigator for two National Science Foundation projects that are developing products to promote the use of research-based practice in science and mathematics. Since 2000, Mundry has codirected the National Academy for Science and Mathematics Education Leadership, which provides educational leaders with training and technical assistance on professional development design, leading educational change, group facilitation, data analysis and use, and general educational leadership, as well as access to research-based information to improve teaching and learning. Building on this work, she provides technical assistance to several large urban schools districts engaged in enhancing leadership and improving math and science programs.

As a senior research associate for the National Institute for Science Education (1997-2000), Mundry conducted research on attributes of effective professional development. She served on the national evaluation team for the study of the Eisenhower Professional Development program led by the American Institutes for Research, where she worked on the development of national survey instruments and the protocols for case studies. From 1982 to 1997, Mundry served in many roles from staff developer to associate director at The NETWORK, Inc., a research and development organization focused on organizational change and dissemination of promising education practice. There, she managed the work of the National Center for Improving Science Education and the Center for Effective Communication, provided technical assistance to schools on issues of equity and desegregation, oversaw national dissemination programs, and co-developed the “Change Game,” (Making Change for School Improvement) a simulation game that enhances leaders’ ability to lead change efforts in schools and districts.

Mundry has written several books, chapters, and articles based on her work. She is coauthor of the best selling book, Designing Effective Professional Development for Teachers of Science and Mathematics (2nd edition), as well as Leading Every Day: 125 Actions for Effective Leadership, which was named a National Staff Development Council Book of the Year in 2003. Her latest book is The Data Coach’s Guide to Improving Learning for All Students (2008).

Katherine E. Stiles photo

Katherine E. Stiles

Katherine E. Stiles is a Senior Program Associate in the STEM Program at WestEd. Katherine is Co-Director of WestEd’s National Academy for Science and Mathematics Education Leadership, providing professional development and support for education leaders nationwide. The foci of the Leadership Academy–effective leadership, educational change, professional development and communities of learners, facilitation, and using data and evidence to achieve results–are reflected in the book, (2013). She designs and leads science and mathematics education program evaluation projects at the school, district, state, and national level, focusing on assessing the quality of professional development, and the relationship between teachers’ conceptual learning, changes in practice, and student learning. Katherine works with schools and districts to enhance student learning through the development of collaborative inquiry into data among staff as part of her work on the Using Data Project and as co-author of (2008). She was co-director of an NSF-funded project, Building Systems for Quality Teaching and Learning in Science, that resulted in the publication of professional development materials and a simulation board game on science education. The project extended the work of the seminal book on professional development that she co-authored, (2010). Prior to joining WestEd in 1995, Katherine worked at the National Science Resources Center in Washington, D.C., as a science curriculum developer and authored four curriculum units for the program.
Susan Loucks-Horsley photo

Susan Loucks-Horsley

Susan Loucks-Horsley was the lead author of the first edition of Designing Professional Development for Teachers of Science and Mathematics and directed the professional development research for the National Institute for Science Education on which the book is based. At the time of her passing in 2000, Susan was the associate executive director of Biological Sciences and Curriculum Study (BSCS) and senior research associate for science and mathematics at WestEd. She had previously served as director of pro­fessional development and outreach at the National Research Council’s Center for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Education, where she promoted and monitored standards-based education, especially the National Science Education Standards. Susan was a leading researcher, writer, and professional developer who enjoyed collaborating with others to address education’s toughest problems. She was the lead author of sev­eral books, including Continuing to Learn: A Guidebook for Teacher Develop­ment, An Action Guide for School Improvement, and Elementary School Science for the 90s. In addition, she wrote numerous reports on teacher development for the National Center for Improving Science Education, as well as chap­ters and articles on related topics. While at the University of Texas/Austin Research and Development Center for Teacher Education, she worked on the development team of the Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM), a classic framework for understanding and leading change efforts.

Table of Contents


Book One: Leadership Every Day

Day 1: We Are All Leaders

Day 2: Effective Leadership Practices

Day 3: Making Conscious Choices

Day 4: Committing to a Moral Imperative

Day 5: Using Power Appropriately

Day 6: Building Shared Vision

Day 7: Promoting Diversity

Day 8: Leading For Results

Day 9: Using Habits to Our Advantage

Day 10: Generating and Sharing Knowledge

Day 11: Keeping a Client-Centered Focus

Day 12: Recognizing and Celebrating Success

Day 13: Networking

Day 14: Embracing Innovative Thinking

Day 15: Aligning Actions and Beliefs

Day 16: Examining Your Culture

Day 17: Building a Trusting Climate

Day 18: Collaborative Leadership

Day 19: Building Relationships

Day 20: Trying Something New

Day 21: Coping with Ambiguity, Change, and Confusion

Day 22: Leading Through Crisis

Day 23: Balancing Leadership and Management

Day 24: Living with Paradox

Day 25: Paying Attention to Leadership Actions and Traits

Day 26: Getting Support

Day 27: Asking Good Questions

Day 28: Finding Win/Win Solutions

Day 29: Modeling Leadership

Day 30: Ethical Leadership

Day 31: Doing the Right Thing


Book Two: Leading Change

Day 1: Change as a Process

Day 2: Change Happens in People First

Day 3: The Impact of Change

Day 4: Moving through the Stages of Change-Concerns

Day 5: Moving through the Stages of Change-Behavior

Day 6: Change as Continuous Improvement

Day 7: Speed of Change

Day 8: The Missing Piece in Change

Day 9: Balancing Constants and Change

Day 10: Recognizing Assumptions

Day 11: Crafting a Shared Vision

Day 12: Mission and Goals

Day 13: Motivating Others

Day 14: Planning for Change

Day 15: Origins of Change

Day 16: Accepting Loss

Day 17: Dealing with Disappointment

Day 18: Change and Resilience

Day 19: Facing Problems

Day 20: Neutralizing Resistance

Day 21: Capitalizing on Resistance

Day 22: Knowing Your Constituents

Day 23: Managing Multiple Change Efforts

Day 24: Systems Thinking

Day 25: Examining Change History

Day 26: The Downside of Change

Day 27: Building Ownership for Change

Day 28: Individuals as Agents of Change

Day 29: Self-Assessment as a Change Leader

Day 30: Sustaining Individual Leadership

Day 31: Initiating, Implementing, and Institutionalizing Change


Book Three: Leading Learning Communities

Day 1: Leading Communities of Learning

Day 2: Leading Learning in Organizations

Day 3: Building Cultural Proficiency

Day 4: Powerful Learning Experiences

Day 5: How People Learn

Day 6: Transformative Learning

Day 7: Transforming Situational Learning

Day 8: Defining Expertise

Day 9: Characteristics of Effective Professional Learning

Day 10: Aligning Beliefs and Behaviors

Day 11: Designing Professional Development

Day 12: Committing to Vision and Standards

Day 13: Using Data to Guide Professional Development Designs

Day 14: Inputs into Professional Development Design

Day 15: Knowledge and Beliefs in Science and Mathematics

Day 16: Professional Development in Context

Day 17: Critical Issues to Consider

Day 18: Ensuring Equity

Day 19: Strategies for Professional Learning

Day 20: Selecting and Combining Strategies

Day 21: Professional Development for Student Impact

Day 22: Balancing Philosophy and Pragmatism

Day 23: Incorporating Reflexive Practice

Day 24: Reaching Everyone or Scaling Up

Day 25: Team Learning

Day 26: Sharing Knowledge and Capturing Lessons Learned

Day 27: Using Program Logic Models

Day 28: Achieving Realistic Outcomes

Day 29: Gathering Evaluation Data

Day 30: Leading Learning by Example

Day 31: Taking Responsibility for Learning


Book Four: Leading Effective Groups

Day 1: Leading Groups

Day 2: Four Roles of Group Leaders

Day 3: Group Norms of Collaboration

Day 4: Group Norm #1—Pausing

Day 5: Group Norm #2—Paraphrasing

Day 6: Group Norm #3—Posing Questions

Day 7: Group Norm #4—Putting Ideas on the Table

Day 8: Group Norm #5—Providing Data

Day 9: Group Norm #6—Paying Attention to Self and Others, Verbal Communication

Day 10: Group Norm #6—Paying Attention to Self and Others, Nonverbal Communication

Day 11: Group Norm #7—Presuming Positive Intentions

Day 12: Dialogue Versus Discussion

Day 13: Dialogue as Reflective Learning Process

Day 14: Eliciting Participation From Everyone

Day 15: Cultural Proficiency

Day 16: Establishing Clear Roles and Functions

Day 17: Structuring an Effective Meeting

Day 18: Providing Logistical Supports

Day 19: Setting Up the Meeting Room

Day 20: Group Decision Making

Day 21: Reaching Consensus

Day 22: Giving Feedback

Day 23: Receiving Feedback

Day 24: Handling Problems

Day 25: Options for Resolving Conflict

Day 26: Conflict as Opportunity

Day 27: Facilitating Conflict

Day 28: Resolving Value Conflicts

Day 29: Dealing with Disruptive People

Day 30: Beginnings and Endings

Day 31: Six Domains of Group Development


Book Five: Leadership for Results

Day 1: Results-Based Leadership

Day 2: Role of Leader to Achieve Results

Day 3: Using Rigorous Evidence

Day 4: Being an Accountable Leader

Day 5: Role of Policy in Achieving Results

Day 6: Building a Culture of Continuous Improvement

Day 7: Equitable Access to Data

Day 8: Purposeful Use of Data

Day 9: The Power of Data

Day 10: Collaborative Inquiry

Day 11: Engaging Everyone with Data

Day 12: Data-Driven Dialogue

Day 13: Root Cause Analysis

Day 14: Cause and Effect

Day 15: Cause and Effect Analysis: The Fishbone

Day 16: Identifying Problems

Day 17: Communicating about Problems

Day 18: Criteria for Selecting Outcomes

Day 19: Selecting the Right Intervention

Day 20: Rapid Prototyping

Day 21: Assessing Evaluation

Day 22: Reflecting on Results

Day 23: Planning for Success

Day 24: Components of Trust

Day 25: Keeping the Trust

Day 26: Time Required for Results

Day 27: Getting Better Results

Day 28: Seeking Collective Impact

Day 29: Sustaining a Focus on Continuous Improvement

Day 30: Results Over Time

Day 31: Continuing to Learn




Price: $49.95
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