Leadership on Purpose
Promising Practices for African American and Hispanic Students
Learn proven techniques to increase achievement in ethnically diverse classrooms!
Drawing upon the best practices of 13 exemplary schools, this book highlights the specific means by which ethnically diverse—namely African American and Latino—students can attain educational success. These "Promising Practices" are presented in a user-friendly, well-organized format, with real examples.
An invaluable resource, it shares school-tested methods that can be replicated readily, including:
- 7 strategies for principals to be effective leaders, creating a culture of equal learning opportunities for all students
- 8 tactics for successful curriculum and classroom instruction, from assessment to staff development
- 9 proven ways to make meaningful connections with parents
Product Details
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9780761945482
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2002
- Page Count: 112
- Publication date: July 10, 2002
Review Copies
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