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Leaders With Vision

The Quest for School Renewal
This book provides a new vision and theory of educational leadership. Robert J Starratt explores the `vision' element of leadership, and examines the policies, programmes and organizational arrangements which often impede this vision. Leaders with Vision provides a unique focus for principals and teachers who wish to exercise leadership in the ongoing work of school renewal.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9780803962606
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 1995
  • Page Count: 144
  • Publication date: September 27, 1995
Price: $28.95
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Schools can be exciting, fun, challenging, fulfilling places - if educators, administrators, and students believe in themselves enough to make them that way. The role of a leader is to build that confidence in the people around them. This thought-provoking book is for principals and teachers who are striving to exercise leadership in the ongoing work of school renewal. Starratt presents a new vision and theory of educational leadership and examines the essential elements of leadership. With a distinct and unique focus, he takes an in-depth look at what "vision" means for educational leaders. Starratt discusses the many factors that can impede a school's vision--policies, programs, and organizational arrangements, not to mention the daily "messes" that are forever demanding the attention of school leaders. He shows how leaders can rise above these distractions, carry the vision into the daily routines of school life, invite others to compose a communal vision that energizes the entire community, and help others to continually refresh the vision by reflective practice. The author also focuses on students and the leadership possibilities for them within the school community; how schools are affected by the larger political, economic, social, and cultural forces in society; the challenges of educating for a mature citizenship; and how these challenges speak to the moral leadership of the principal.

Table of Contents

The Principal as Leader of School Reform

A New Vision and Theory of Leadership

Leadership and the Sense of Drama

The Empowering Covenant

Leadership and Institutional Transformation

Leadership and Reflective Practice

Education as Personal Formation

Plots, Players, and Possibilities

The Politics of Reform and the Life World

The Moral Leadership of School Reform

Price: $28.95
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