How to Use This Book
A Note on Terminology
Part A: A Liberatory Approach to Language and Literacy in the Classroom
Chapter 1: It’s Time to Do Better - Moving beyond binary thinking about language in the classroom
Embracing Our Polarized Commitments: Finding Middle Ground
Positioning LILA: Challenging a Few of the “Fundamentals”
Language Teaching and Learning
“Additive” Approaches to Language Instruction
Use of the Term “Academic Language”
The “Haley’s Comet Effect” in Education
Part B: Language of Identity: Practical Applications of Theory
Chapter 2: Foundations in the Language of Identity and Criticality
Language of Identity and Criticality
Using Foundational Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks
Culturally Responsive Pedagogies: Identity and Criticality
Historically Responsive Literacy
Raciolinguistic Ideologies
Community Cultural Wealth
Windows, Mirrors, and Sliding Glass Doors
Background on Language Domains
Chapter 3: Building the Language of Identity: Practical Applications of the Theory of Translanguaging
What is Translanguaging?
Using Mentor Texts
Chapter 4: Building the Language of Identity and Criticality: Practical Applications of Community Cultural Wealth
What is Communtity Cultural Wealth?
Chapter 5: Building the Language of Identity and Criticality: Practical Applications of Language Orientations
What are Language Orientations?
Orientations as a Text Analysis Tool
Part C: Language of Access: Practical Applications of Theory
Chapter 6: Foundations in the Language of Access
Functionalism and the Levels of Language
Planning for Functional Language Instruction through Noticing
Noticing at the Word Level: Phonology
Forecasting Text
Word-Level Text Scanning
Sentence-Level Text Scanning.
Discourse-Level Text Scanning.
Avoiding Unintentional Language Assessment
Designing Targeted Language Assessments
Chapter 7: Building the Language of Access: Practical Applications for Teaching Word-Level Language
Word-Level Access Language Objective (ALO) Guide
Chapter 8: Building the Language of Access: Practical Applications for Teaching Sentence-Level Language
Sentence-Level Access Language Objectives
Chapter 9: Building the Language of Access: Practical Applications for Teaching Discourse-Level Language
Discourse-Level Access Language Objectives
Part D: LILA: Putting it all Together
Chapter 10: Planning for LILA in the classroom
Classroom Inventory: Language of Identity and Criticality
Classroom Inventory: Language of Access
LILA School-Wide Inventory